A 23-year-old South Dakota rancher whose family has bought and sold scrap metal to make it through tough times claimed a $232.1 million Powerball prize Friday, the ninth largest jackpot ever won in the multistate lottery game. Neal Wanless works with his parents on the 320-acre family ranch about 11 miles east of Mission in Todd County, an area of rolling green pastures, grazing cattle, fields of crops -- and some of the deepest poverty in the nation. For more of this story, click on the link below:
Roger and Susan Haddix from Tallahasse, Florida got here Tuesday about noon and spent until Saturday morning with us. We had one pretty decent day out of the 3. So we took a hike out in Custer State Park.
(click on all pictures to enlarge)That's the Cathedral Spires on the Needles Highway right behind them. I like to hike up, under and around the base of them but unfortunately we didn't have time.....maybe next time.

Roger wanted to see an old Gold Mine Site and we remembered where one was...... just up this road...

Ah, Ha, we found it.....right over here.

Roger wanted to see an old Gold Mine Site and we remembered where one was...... just up this road...

Ah, Ha, we found it.....right over here.
This is the base of it. We didn't want to get to close as those old wood pilings and beams aren't very safe.
The shaft went way up......a long way....
...... all the way up to this old building.....

Next was the Needles Eye tunnel... (hard to believe Tour Buses make it through this isn't it?)

Then of course the Needles eye!
Off they went yesterday into the fog and mist........Goodbye Roger and Susan. We sure enjoyed your visit, sorry the weather wasn't better and wish you could have stayed a few more days or weeks.....
Hurry back.......
We're sure hoping this weather clears up. Hopefully it will in the near future and I'm ready.
Many thanks to all of our friends that made comments on my last Blog,,,,,,and contacted us direct. It was very helpful for us at a troubling time.....
We have so much to be thankful for........
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
God Bless you all.
This Blog Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
Thanks for the tour, Mike. I remember going through that "tunnel"---YIKES!!! :)+
Yes I remember that tunnel too. Mike your memorial of Scott is excellent. I know there must have been many tears shed in the posting of that.
I'm posting separately as my much better half is in Fla. and here I am in Colorado. Glad that this visit is on the down hill side.
I really enjoyed your pics - brought back a lot of memories about "the tunnel" and the Needles Highway. Hope the weather improves back there!
"WOW, WOW and WOW!!!" just about says it all...Thanks, Pat and Mike, for the "it doesn't get any better than this" time we spent with you. Yes, it was TOO SHORT; we WILL rectify that on the next visit. What more can one say about a 5-star location with 10-star friends?
See ya soon! Love ya!!
Roger & Susan
Mike, we're late with this response, as our daughter was here to help us move into the new trailer, and she kept us so busy, and got us so tired out that we were to pooped to post, or even read blogs. She went home yesterday, and now we're getting ready to show everybody the first stages of our trailer transfer.
Family and friends - two jewels in our lives!
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