This has been as big a move for her as it has us. When we first brought her into our new house, she walked around and checked it all out. She then sat down and looked up at us as if to say, "whats this"? Like me, I believe she thought it was neat, but wanted to go "home" to all our familiarity. So the first night we moved the Teton here, we stayed in it. She and I just needed a little time.
Well, she quickly got used to the house and it soon seemed more like home. Ms Megabyte2 has found several spots she can watch out the window and she "races" around from room to room, sliding and slipping around the corners on the tile. She is still as curious as ever and looking for her own private places to just sit and watch.
We were sitting in our recliners watching TV one evening when Ms Pat glanced up and said “Look where Mega is”!! She was way up on the top of the kitchen cabinet’s enjoying the site’s from her new found “perch” and purring away. She was a “happy Cat”. It took some coaxing with her favorite toy to get her down. I’d say she is quite happy in our New Home. I wonder how she will feel when we move back to the Teton?
The Gal’s went shopping in Prescott again Monday. Ms Pat, Gina and Dale spent the entire day “shopping”. Rollie, Mark and I were only too glad to just stay home and do OUR thing. Here they are when they FINALLY got home. (way after Happy Hour).
Here Gina was so happy as she says “Pop’s you won’t believe what all we got in this little car”!! Gina is “famous” for what she can pack in a small space. She is “loaded” with enthusiasm and is a bundle of energy and JOY! What a sweetheart she is.
As you can see, they were all still full of giggles and laughter. Gina says they spent the entire day having a BALL!!
Rollie and I unload this LARGE rug……How they got it loaded is “another story”!
Gina and Ms Pat unload this large Bench. I still can’t believe they had all that in the little Honda CRV….. But when Gina says “we’ll get it in”, it WILL happen!!
We finally got it all unloaded and are now in the process of putting it in its place… Yes, this place is Shaping Up!!
We have been waiting for our good friends Gregg and Bonnie to arrive and they are finally here !!! They are our neighbors in Retama Village in Mission TX, fellow HDT’ers (heavy duty truck) and our favorite Biking Buddies. So we decided to take a little trip up through the Mountains. WOW, let me tell you it was SOME trip!! 175 miles and Boy O boy did we all enjoy it. The sights were awesome, to say the least. Needless to say we were WORN OUT…. just havin too much fun!
Welcome to our latest followers,,Weldon and Sandy. Glad to have you with us!!
God Bless you all!
(Sorry about the fuzzy pictures, google Blog is playing tricks and giving me a "FIT" today. If you click on the pictures and enlarge them, they are not fuzzy. Don't ask me why...I have no idea!!)
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..