It was a long weekend waiting for the test results to come back and determine if Ms. Megabyte2 had the life threatening disease of Feline Infectious Peritonitis ( FIP). Monday we called the Vet at 10:00AM and they weren’t in yet, then when we hadn’t heard by 3:00PM Ms. Pat called again. They still weren’t in but the Vet said she would call the Lab and see if she could find out something. Wow! Wait, wait, wait!! I hate waiting. We were beside ourselves with all this suspense. Ms. Megabyte2 had a bad day Friday, then Saturday she perked up a little as the Antibiotics started kicking in and her temperature was staying down.
FINALLY, Monday evening about 6:00PM the phone rang and it was the Vet. I was so anxious to hear the results, yet I was scared to death. Scared it was going to be something we did not want to hear. I listened closely as Ms. Pat heard the Vet talk. I heard her say “Yes. Oh OK”, then I saw her face turn to a “happy face” and she said “Oh, that’s WONDERFUL” ! I knew then that it was GOOD news and I was already saying my Thank You to God.
Her tests were negative for the Coronavirus which causes the fatal FIP. She was also tested for FIV (Feline AIDS), Feline Leukemia and Toxoplasmosis….most of the dreaded deadly diseases that cats can get. They were all NEGATIVE!!! Praise the Lord!!! She does have a serious urinary tract infection and possibly a kidney infection. We are to continue with the antibiotics, monitor her temp and stay in contact with the Vet. She is not out of the woods yet and does not act like her usual playful self but each day she seems to get better and the outlook is promising. We continue our prayers…..
We thank you all so much for your care, concern and prayers. It was quite an ordeal but we are so thankful that we got a second opinion. I have been spending a lot of time with Ms. Megabyte2 the last several days. I hope she will be with us for many years to come. She has become so much a part of this family that I can’t imagine living without her.
Monday Ron and Barb headed on down the road on their summer vacation. They had been with us for a month. They enjoyed the Black Hills and said they hated to leave but the kids were calling!

In between times when Barb was not enjoying the beautiful Black Hills, she was making these beautiful pillows to go with the Quilt she presented us at North Ranch last winter. The colors accent each other beautifully and they all will look so great on our bed in the new cabin… Thank You so much Barb….

Meanwhile, Ron was hard at it too! He Dri-washed my entire Rig!! Wow, what a job!! It took him two days of hard work to get all the way around it but he did a wonderful job and we appreciate it so much! Ron is a dealer for Dri-wash Products which we have been using for years and years. In my book, it is the best polish you can put on your RV, Car, Motorcycle or anything else. So many of our friends already use it but if you haven't tried it, get in touch with Ron and tell him I sent you. He will ship you some of this superb product and you won’t be sorry. Thank You again Ron for your hard work. That was so good of you and I am so proud to go to the Escapade in two weeks with our rig all detailed……

As hard as we tried to get them to stay, we knew they had to get to Missouri to see their kids. Here they go, out the driveway. So long guys and hurry back!! Travel safe. Gosh we miss them already. It seems so quiet up here on our little hill with just us!!
Tomorrow we are going in to Rapid City and spend a long day shopping for a box springs and mattress and some furniture. By this weekend we hope to be moved stop by Sunday and maybe I’ll be coming to you from our new home!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by as we continue to praise Our Father in Heaven for all he provides us and for watching over our "little girl".
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
FINALLY, Monday evening about 6:00PM the phone rang and it was the Vet. I was so anxious to hear the results, yet I was scared to death. Scared it was going to be something we did not want to hear. I listened closely as Ms. Pat heard the Vet talk. I heard her say “Yes. Oh OK”, then I saw her face turn to a “happy face” and she said “Oh, that’s WONDERFUL” ! I knew then that it was GOOD news and I was already saying my Thank You to God.
Her tests were negative for the Coronavirus which causes the fatal FIP. She was also tested for FIV (Feline AIDS), Feline Leukemia and Toxoplasmosis….most of the dreaded deadly diseases that cats can get. They were all NEGATIVE!!! Praise the Lord!!! She does have a serious urinary tract infection and possibly a kidney infection. We are to continue with the antibiotics, monitor her temp and stay in contact with the Vet. She is not out of the woods yet and does not act like her usual playful self but each day she seems to get better and the outlook is promising. We continue our prayers…..
We thank you all so much for your care, concern and prayers. It was quite an ordeal but we are so thankful that we got a second opinion. I have been spending a lot of time with Ms. Megabyte2 the last several days. I hope she will be with us for many years to come. She has become so much a part of this family that I can’t imagine living without her.
Monday Ron and Barb headed on down the road on their summer vacation. They had been with us for a month. They enjoyed the Black Hills and said they hated to leave but the kids were calling!
In between times when Barb was not enjoying the beautiful Black Hills, she was making these beautiful pillows to go with the Quilt she presented us at North Ranch last winter. The colors accent each other beautifully and they all will look so great on our bed in the new cabin… Thank You so much Barb….
Meanwhile, Ron was hard at it too! He Dri-washed my entire Rig!! Wow, what a job!! It took him two days of hard work to get all the way around it but he did a wonderful job and we appreciate it so much! Ron is a dealer for Dri-wash Products which we have been using for years and years. In my book, it is the best polish you can put on your RV, Car, Motorcycle or anything else. So many of our friends already use it but if you haven't tried it, get in touch with Ron and tell him I sent you. He will ship you some of this superb product and you won’t be sorry. Thank You again Ron for your hard work. That was so good of you and I am so proud to go to the Escapade in two weeks with our rig all detailed……
As hard as we tried to get them to stay, we knew they had to get to Missouri to see their kids. Here they go, out the driveway. So long guys and hurry back!! Travel safe. Gosh we miss them already. It seems so quiet up here on our little hill with just us!!
Tomorrow we are going in to Rapid City and spend a long day shopping for a box springs and mattress and some furniture. By this weekend we hope to be moved stop by Sunday and maybe I’ll be coming to you from our new home!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by as we continue to praise Our Father in Heaven for all he provides us and for watching over our "little girl".
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Hello Mike and Pat. I lost my only cat (ever) to feline aids. I had not heard of it until he got sick. Glad to hear the good news.
Your rig looks really sharp, What part of MO. does Ron live in, Maybe he's not to far from Dardenne Prairie,Boy were we glad to hear Megabyte 2 is doing better and passed all her tests everyone needs a 4 legged pal.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...
So, so glad to hear that kitty is going to be fine! What wonderful news!
The heck with asking Ron to send me his Dri-wash product....just send me Ron! How nice that he cleans motorhomes for free...lucky you!
glad that the kitty prayers were answered!!..
Sad to see good friends leave but you know you will see them again!!..have a great week..and we hope Ms. Megabyte continues to improve!!
Glad Mega II is okay. What is it with you guys and emergency rooms anyway? You need to get out of this cycle and into something better. Are you trying single handed to keep ER's in business?
Such good news this morning. But our kitty prayers will continue while she improves. And I agree with Margie - send me Ron. We're also going to Escapade. Maybe we could meet up sometime.
Wish I knew someone like Ron that would detail my rig. :(
Good for Ms Megabyte2. She was just teasing you guys, I bet!
We need a new set of friends, I guess -- I've never had anyone clean up my motorhome and make it look shiny like that. Heck, I hardly ever clean it myself. Maybe that's why it looks the way it does.
Happy to hear kitty's test came back good.
Thank goodness, that first Vet had all of us sick to death that Mbyte was not curable. Take good care of her, she was sent to you special! Rod
That was wonderful news you two got about Ms. Megabyte!! So glad her results came back negative. I hope she continues to feel better each day. It is amazing how much a part of our family and lives our furry friends become.
It is always hard to see great friends leave but remember it is only a "see ya down the road."
So very glad that Ms Megabyte is feeling better and that all her tests came back negative. What a blessing!
Missing you guys, but we'll be back someday! Keep loving on Ms. Megabyte and she'll be good as new in no time.
Glad to hear the little Megabyte II is on the mend. It is always sooooooo hard on we human folks when our most best furry Pals are not feeling well. I'm just not into all that washing, waxing & cleaning stuff anymore but sure wish I had someone to do it for me.
So glad to hear Ms. Megabyte2 is out of the woods! We'll pray for a full recovery. Looking forward to seeing you two in Gillette.
Glad your little friend is getting better. We have a stray that I found almost two years ago. Hubby named him Lucky. Lucky I found him and not him!
Love the quilts.
So glad that you got good news from the vet. I can't imagine what might have happened if you had not gotten a second opinion!! Hope you are having fun shopping for your new furniture!!
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