We have decided to head out a few days early. The weather has been so beautiful the last week and we’re afraid it might turn bad real quick. So we have decided to wrap things up and get on the road.

We go on our walk out in the Park every morning for about an hour and Ms. Pat took this picture on her phone of the colors. Although it's beautiful, it's telling us it's time to pack up and get on our way. We have played this game before. It's easy to stay a little too long, as it can turn nasty in a heartbeat. Of course, I admit we both love to travel so much, we always get a bit anxious to continue the life we have enjoyed so much for the last 16 years.
We plan on leaving Saturday morning. That is, of course, unless we just happen to be ready to go Friday. :-) If we do, maybe we'll leave Friday afternoon and get a few miles under our belt before we stop for the evening. We are loading up the Motorhome and trying to decide what to take and what to leave and today we will blow out the cabin water lines. We put “quick connectors” on the water lines, so it’s a simple job to hook an air compressor up and blow them out. Right Rollie?? :-) Rollie and Gina were here last year when we blew everything out and he showed us how to do it. But, that was a year ago and since our memory is not so good, he took time out of his busy schedule to write us "step by step" instructions on how to do it this year. Thanks, Son! That makes it a lot easier for us.
Sunday morning we should be on the road somewhere headed first to Lincoln, Nebraska to spend a few days with Ann, Scott's wife, and help her get a few things ready for Winter. So I may not get a Blog out and if I do it will be short. Thanks for stopping by and come on back. I'll keep you posted on where we are.
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
God Bless you all.
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
We go on our walk out in the Park every morning for about an hour and Ms. Pat took this picture on her phone of the colors. Although it's beautiful, it's telling us it's time to pack up and get on our way. We have played this game before. It's easy to stay a little too long, as it can turn nasty in a heartbeat. Of course, I admit we both love to travel so much, we always get a bit anxious to continue the life we have enjoyed so much for the last 16 years.
We plan on leaving Saturday morning. That is, of course, unless we just happen to be ready to go Friday. :-) If we do, maybe we'll leave Friday afternoon and get a few miles under our belt before we stop for the evening. We are loading up the Motorhome and trying to decide what to take and what to leave and today we will blow out the cabin water lines. We put “quick connectors” on the water lines, so it’s a simple job to hook an air compressor up and blow them out. Right Rollie?? :-) Rollie and Gina were here last year when we blew everything out and he showed us how to do it. But, that was a year ago and since our memory is not so good, he took time out of his busy schedule to write us "step by step" instructions on how to do it this year. Thanks, Son! That makes it a lot easier for us.
Sunday morning we should be on the road somewhere headed first to Lincoln, Nebraska to spend a few days with Ann, Scott's wife, and help her get a few things ready for Winter. So I may not get a Blog out and if I do it will be short. Thanks for stopping by and come on back. I'll keep you posted on where we are.
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
God Bless you all.
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
You guys have a real safe trip.
You guys have a wonderful time and travel safely!
Hope you get it all blown out and out the door Saturday, Be safe out there, and take some pictures on your trip. Sam & Donna...
have as safe trip and happy packing!!!
You all travel safely and enjoy the journey!!
Have fun and my plumber hubby says to be careful blowing those pipes,...he has had a few break while blowing them out.
Be safe as you travel.
Earlier is always better if it means getting out on the road. We're in Butte and tonight it's supposed to get below freezing. Definitely time to head south. Travel safe and have a great trip.
We had a change of plans, too, Mike. We had planned to run down to your place in Congress for a couple of nights, but instead went over to Buckskin Mountain State Park on the Colorado River. Lovely place, but a bunch hotter than we wanted to be. Now we are in Buckeye, AZ, great big park, flat, all fine sand and a couple of thin trees, and hotter than we would like. Tonight to RoVers Roost in Casa Grande, then home on Friday. Safe travels to you and to us!
Be careful and enjoy your trip south!! We will be heading back to SC on Monday morning.
Yes, we have over stayed our welcome a time or two in Indiana and had to break the ice off the slide topers in order to bring in the slides! Not a "Goode" thing! LOL! Travel safe!
You two have a very safe trip to Nebraska! Enjoy your visit!
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