The day has finally came and we will depart North Ranch and head North to our place in the Black Hills early tomorrow morning. It has been getting so HOT, that loading the Motorhome and preparing this place for us to leave has been more of a job than I ever remembered it being before. What heat!!Wow...95 to 100 degrees every day! Extra dry, with humidity being 2-3-4%. Air quality has been bad from all the wind and smoke.
It looks like we will be fighting the wind, so we will get on the road early and if the wind becomes a factor we will shut it down. We are just so anxious to get out of this heat, I will travel at night if I have to. Last year, we only made it 166 miles the first day. The winds were so bad that we shut down at Flagstaff. This really seems to be the windy time of the year around here but I have had the wind be to our advantage. One year we had a super tailwind all the way to Custer. I couldn’t believe it and it doesn’t happen often but it does happen. So I believe we can get this place wrapped up today and we’ll be out of here tomorrow as planned.
We are thinking of trying a new and different route this year. I don’t know how it will work out but I’ll let you know. We normally go from here up to Moab, UT, over to Rifle, CO, up Hwy 13 to Craig, CO, then on up to Rawlins WY, over to Casper, WY and on home to Custer.
This year I believe we will go from Moab up to Vernal, UT via hwy 139 which is just over the colorado border and on up to Rock Springs, WY on 191. Then north to Riverton, WY using hwy 28 and 789, over to Casper, WY and on home to Custer. I don’t know a lot about any of these roads until I get to Casper and I hope I don’t run into problems. I’m sure I will have more mountain roads this way than I did the usual way but it should be some new scenery and hopefully an enjoyable trip. It's been a long time since we've done any traveling and we are ready! This 450 hp Cummins needs a little exercise. Wish me luck and if anyone has any advice I should know about these roads, let me know.

I want to show everyone the new PressurePro tire monitor mount I had made for our monitor. I first saw one when my good friends Mel and Nina showed me the one they had built while they were having some cabinet work done in Indiana. I really liked it and I finally have one. This cabinet maker makes them and matches the wood work in your motorhome and it really looks neat.

This is the back and side view…..extremely well made. You can double tape it down, use Velcro, or it is heavy and stable enough that it will just set by itself. We can tell you where to get one made if anyone is interested. Let me tell you up front that they are not cheap but top quality! It cost me in excess of $50.00, but sure solved my mounting problems and I’m happy with it.
We should be very close to home in Custer by Blog time next Sunday....maybe even already home. At any rate stop on back and we’ll tell you all about our trip. Wish us luck!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
This Blog is published every Wednesday and Sunday..
It looks like we will be fighting the wind, so we will get on the road early and if the wind becomes a factor we will shut it down. We are just so anxious to get out of this heat, I will travel at night if I have to. Last year, we only made it 166 miles the first day. The winds were so bad that we shut down at Flagstaff. This really seems to be the windy time of the year around here but I have had the wind be to our advantage. One year we had a super tailwind all the way to Custer. I couldn’t believe it and it doesn’t happen often but it does happen. So I believe we can get this place wrapped up today and we’ll be out of here tomorrow as planned.
We are thinking of trying a new and different route this year. I don’t know how it will work out but I’ll let you know. We normally go from here up to Moab, UT, over to Rifle, CO, up Hwy 13 to Craig, CO, then on up to Rawlins WY, over to Casper, WY and on home to Custer.
This year I believe we will go from Moab up to Vernal, UT via hwy 139 which is just over the colorado border and on up to Rock Springs, WY on 191. Then north to Riverton, WY using hwy 28 and 789, over to Casper, WY and on home to Custer. I don’t know a lot about any of these roads until I get to Casper and I hope I don’t run into problems. I’m sure I will have more mountain roads this way than I did the usual way but it should be some new scenery and hopefully an enjoyable trip. It's been a long time since we've done any traveling and we are ready! This 450 hp Cummins needs a little exercise. Wish me luck and if anyone has any advice I should know about these roads, let me know.
I want to show everyone the new PressurePro tire monitor mount I had made for our monitor. I first saw one when my good friends Mel and Nina showed me the one they had built while they were having some cabinet work done in Indiana. I really liked it and I finally have one. This cabinet maker makes them and matches the wood work in your motorhome and it really looks neat.
This is the back and side view…..extremely well made. You can double tape it down, use Velcro, or it is heavy and stable enough that it will just set by itself. We can tell you where to get one made if anyone is interested. Let me tell you up front that they are not cheap but top quality! It cost me in excess of $50.00, but sure solved my mounting problems and I’m happy with it.
We should be very close to home in Custer by Blog time next Sunday....maybe even already home. At any rate stop on back and we’ll tell you all about our trip. Wish us luck!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
This Blog is published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Have a safe trip home. We got the okay to get out of Apache Junction next week and I can hardly wait. We are going to head out about 5:00 in the morning so we can avoid some of the traffic and some of the heat. We travel slowly but as long as it's north that's okay. That really is a beautiful monitor holder.
You two have a wonder trip home and BE SAFE!
We'll be up your way later this summer to visit Mount Rushmore, till then.....
Safe travels to you both.
safe travels to you both..hope you get a tail wind and blow right into Custer!!!
Wishing you safe and fun travels.
Safe journey, guys! Any route up through that country should be a pretty one. We are hoping to visit Colorado and Wyoming next summer (Escapade, y'know). No chance of getting up to Custer, though, darn it.
Can feel your excitement way up here in Canada Mike. Always need a few scoops of apprehenshion to mix in with that excitement to give a feller a real good adrenalin rush too. Kinda like riding the bike. That Arizona weather sounds totally dreadful with all that heat. Another few days & you will be slipping on your jacket. Moab & Rifle rang a couple bells for me. Safe travels for you guys & make sure ya got yer gunpowder packed good & tight & not too close to the stove:))
Safe Journeys for you two. We loved Custer when we visited there a fw years ago.
Safe travels dear friends. We are anxious to hear how your new route works out.
God Bless.
Safe travels guys and watch out for wind in Wyoming especially around Casper--the wind blows hard enough there to take the paint off vehicles!
Hope that route works out for you! We envy you getting out of the heat. We are having to stay in Texas for five weeks but for a good reason--a new grandbaby. Custer is one of our favorite all time places to be. Safe travels.
Mike, I have been lurking and enjoying your BLOG for a couple of years. My wife Pat and I (Mike) have been full timing but still working for 8 years and will be retiring and traveling more in a couple of years. I really enjoy your attitude and your writing. I am interested in the Pressure Pro item. If You would not mind providing me with the info.
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