Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Do You Remember these?

(click on "old gas pump" in lower left corner to go to my Web Album)

This Old Gas Pump and Tanker Wagon are on display in my neighbors yard. Both he and his Father were in the Gas and Fuel distribution business.

This type gas Pump really brings back old memories to me. When I was a young boy these were the common pumps in use at all service stations. As I recall, gasoline was about 0.19 per gal.

The pumps had a long handle on the side that would hand pump the gas up into the glass chamber at the top. The numbers you can see behind the glass are the gallons. That is how you could tell how much gas you used. Just fill the chamber to the top, then use it down and it shows how many gallon you used. You would use 10 gallons, then if you needed more, fill it up again and fill your car or truck on up. However, back in those days "self service" was not even heard of. The attendant filled your tank, washed your windshield and checked the air in your tires. Plus, they would check the oil, water, battery and anything else you needed done. All part of the service, no charge. Ah, those were the days. I don't suppose many of you were born at that time.....were you? Do you remember these? Let me know in comments below...

We have been having some kind of weather lately.... cold, rain and fog almost every day for a over a week. Again at 0330 this morning, I was awakened by the pitter patter of rain on the roof. Gee, I'm in need of some SUNSHINE!!! Every once in a while we get a couple hours of sun, but then the clouds start rolling in and first thing you know it's raining again.....but it sure is great for the grass, it's growing like mad!

The weather forecast shows a possible clearing Friday, so we are hoping to go fishing again. Other than that, we've sure been shipping out the PressurePro systems. Sent out 4 systems yesterday and 2 Monday. So not all is lost as folks continue to see the great safety advantage of having the No.1 Tire Pressure Monitoring system watching their tires as they drive down the road.

PressurePro Tip of the Week: You can unplug the Monitor and it will not lose it's memory even if it is unplugged for an extended time. However, when you plug it back in, it will take up to 5 minutes for it to display the pressure readings. During that time, it will display 3 dashes (---).

It is a GREAT WEEK!!!

Thanks for dropping by...


This Blog Published every Wednesday and Sunday..


Jerry and Suzy said...

Gosh, Mike, we aren't THAT old! But yes, we do remember using a pump with the gas in the glass chamber at the top. That was in Kings Canyon National Park four or five years ago! This gas station was at the bottom of a long twisty road going into a canyon. It was the only gas station in the park, and gas was well over $3 a gallon. Nobody checked our oil or windshield wipers that time.

Rick said...

Mike, I don't think I've ever seen a gas pump like this before - at least I don't remember. Thanks for the posting - very interesting. Nice job on the slideshow too!

Ron and Thelma said...

Yes I bearly remember them. I remember when they cleaned the windshield and checked the oil and water. Those were the good old days

Janis Thomas said...

Thank you so much for the history lesson. Being a "Jersey Girl" I've never pumped my own gas, but as long as I've been driving, no attendant has ever even offered to wash my windshield or check my oil or tires. Sad that I am too young to remember the "good ol' days". I enjoy your blog, keep on teaching me history.

Bob and Judy said...

Heh Mike, don't remember ever using a gas pump like that but do remember "Full Service" gas stations with $0.32/gal gas. Then they went to "Full Service" and "Self Service" islands, then it was "Self Service" only and we get to pay $3.00/gal. There's a lot to say for the "Good Old Days". You sure don't get much for your money these days (Unless you buy a Pressure Pro System).

Carol said...

nope, i don't remember those Mike but appreciate your showing it to us! hope your weather improves. i know that you are missing that sunshine. nice here in Florida but Bruce says he still has an occasional fire in the woodstove at home in CO. I head back on Tuesday. it will be good to get back where I belong! :)+