This was the scene all over the Black Hills of South Dakota Monday and yesterday. This picture was taken in Sturgis. The Rapid City Journal Headlines were:
"Hurricane-force' wind gusts mark spring blizzard"
I-90 all across Western South Dakota and Eastern Wyoming was CLOSED.
90 MPH wind gusts and up to 40 inches of snow blanketed the area.
WOW!!, now I was born and raised in that country and I have seen my share of snow storms and I want to tell you, I'm very happy I was right here in Western Arizona. It was 43* yesterday when we got up at 4, and the high in the shade for the day was 70*. Now that's MY IDEA of SPRING!! It was a beautiful day, not too cool and not too hot and the humidity was non-existent.
I must say, however, that lots of folks here at North Ranch are preparing to head back home soon. A few have already gone. We received notice yesterday that it was time for the "Year End" shindig annual Block Party. So that will be today at our neighbors right across the street.
We aren't going to be leaving until the first part of May. So we will be here for over a month yet. Although we have been here for about 6 weeks, we don't want to get up to the Black Hills until these BIG storms get over. After being anywhere for 2 months, both Pat and I get "yancy" to move. So after April 15th, it is "touch and go" and we may head out any time after that. With all the Lakes and Rivers filled to the brim after a severe 6-7 year drought, we are anxious to get to our favorite fishing lake, Angostura. We can hear the WALLEYE calling!! They bite best when it's COOL, early in the spring..... I keep thinking about our first trip out last spring when I made my first cast and soon pulled in a NICE 24" Walleye. Can't wait!!!!
Meanwhile, it's still mighty active around here. Beading week, Woodcarvers week, etc. and we have some good friends that are driving over from near Los Angeles to spend the weekend. Looking forward to seeing Nick and Joanne Alexakis.
Thanks for stopping by.
It's a GREAT WEEK!!!
This Blog Published every Wednesday and Sunday.
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. "They" are saying we are to get a snowstorm today but so far, nothing. In fact as I write this Bruce is outside stoking up the old woodstove to cook his "cowboy breakfast". YUM! You could always head this way on your way back to SD!!! :)+
Arizona is darn nice this time of year! Suzy and I are doing a few things medically right now, and we aren't sure about any summer travels. We may stay in Benson, we may take a few short trips, we may take our jello-planned longer adventures. Whatever, we'll keep reading you twice a week!
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