Presently at 5:30 am, it is 55 deg. and the forecast is for partly cloudy and getting up to 81. Then a low tonight of 64, and warm up to 82 tomorrow. Friday it will be 84, Saturday 80 and Sunday 70. Not BAD!!!!! We'll take it.
Meanwhile, today we have all sorts of activities planned, starting off with our usual early morning walk, next a noon Christmas Eve brunch at the Clubhouse. Then, tonight an "Hors D'oeurves" get together.
During these days, we can't help but think of the past. Remember those days when the kids were young and how excited they were at Christmas? I never realized at the time how much I enjoyed seeing the sparkle in their eyes and listen to their laughter. Ah, what neat memories! Wish I had some of those pictures on here.....
(click on pictures to enlarge)

This is a picture of our group last year at our First Christmas Eve Brunch. Some of the group aren't with us this year and are in different parts of the country. But most are here and some new ones have joined us.
WE WISH YOU WERE "ALL" HERE WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From our HOUSE to your HOUSE, Pat and I want to wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember tell your Kids and Family that you love them. They may not be around forever!!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless you all....
This Blog is published every Sunday and Wednesday.
As Tiny Tim says, "God bless us, every one!"
Yes, friends, you can speak from experience about your family not being around forever, and we know it must be especially painful at Christmas. Scott is with you, however, hovering just over your shoulder, telling you how much he loves you and appreciates everything you did for him as a child and as an adult. Give him a big hug for us, and save one for yourselves as well.
Merry Christmas, Mike and Pat!
It is surely important to remember what is REALLY dear to us---not just at this time of the year but all year! We hope that you had a blessed celebration yesterday---and we know that you celebrate LIFE each and every day. We love you and sure do hope that we can get together soon. Carol and Bruce
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