Here is a picture Roger sent to me so I can drool over it while I wait....Yes, its gonna be a Long wait!!! Hurry up August!!
(click on all pictures to enlarge)
Here is our friend's NEW TETON,,,,,,Actually, this is Tom and Sally's 2001 Teton with a NEW FULL BODY PAINT JOB......... Isn't it BEAUTIFUL??
As I told you Sunday, we were looking forward to Tom and Sally Gierisch stopping by for a few days. They came from Phoenix, AZ. where they had their Teton painted...
Sunday afternoon they pulled in just in time for Happy Hour....... Their Teton was painted by Variety Paint and Body, 5134 N. 51ST Ave, Glendale, AZ. They did a spectacular job!!!! You have to see it!! I was impressed.
While they were here, their new awning fabric arrived and we decided to change out the fabric on all 7 of their window awnings. So we all joined in. Here are a few pictures of the progress..
First we took the awnings off and replaced the fabric on the ground.
Then we put them back on.
Now that looks mighty sharp. Much better than the old turquoise ones!!
We wish they could stay longer, but unfortunately they have to move on and will be leaving this morning. They are headed to North Dakota for one of their many Arts and Crafts festivals. They sell Potpourri. Take a look at their website: S&T Potpourri, Etc. Hurry back you guys,,,,its always great to see you....
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by. We hope everyone has a SPECIAL happy July 4TH Holiday!
Travel safe and remember, tell your kids you love them, they may not be around forever...
PressurePro Tip of The Week.
NOTE: When installing Sensors on Aluminum valve stems:
PressurePro uses a Brass thread and Brass and Aluminum can chemically bond. The Sensors can "Weld" to the Stem locking them on. When installing the Sensors on Aluminum valve stems put Teflon tape on the valve stem before installation. PressurePro is not responsible for damage to Aluminum valve stems..
After installation of the Sensors on the valve stems, they should all be tested for leaks with a soapy water solution.
This Blog Published every Wednesday and Sunday...
That paint job on the 5'er does look pretty good. So does your Harley! Nice job on the awnings too. Have a great 4th of July weekend!
Yay! July 4! Let's all be sure to remember the risks those signers of the Declaration of Independence took when they initiated the separation from England.
The new paint job is beautiful. Thanks for the tip on where they got it done. Our Rosie needs new paint also, and Glendale isn't that far from Benson.
Thanks, Miss Pat, for the good words you put on our recent blog! Always appreciated.
everything looks great---have a happy 4th! :)+
Mike & Ms. Pat, Congratulations on the purchase of your new Harley !! You're gonna love the Heritage....I know I love mine. Talk about waiting !!! I live in NORTHERN CANADA and bought my Heritage in December and had it shipped from Florida also !! The first time I actually got to see it was around March or April !!
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