This summer in the Black Hills has been SUPERB!!! Nice cool weather almost every day. Every day this week, except one, it was in the 40's when we got up......this morning it was 41*. I love that Heat Pump... just touch a button, it comes on and takes the chill off in short order. Great Heat Pump weather!!! We love it!
My friend, Chuck, asked me which Bike Rally was the biggest, the Sturgis Rally or Bike Week in Daytona. Well, it depends on WHO you ask. Ask Sturgis and they say they are. Ask Daytona and according to them they are biggest. So who knows. I've been to both. In fact, I went to Daytona Beach Bike week for about 8 years in a row. I think it's a toss up. It's all a "numbers game". Here is a "play" on the numbers that was in the local paper : Rapid City Journal
These are the visitors we had last week that I didn't get to mention. It sure was GREAT to see old friends and working partners out in Custer State Park, Jim and Janet McNabb. We hadn't seen them for a few years.....Jim had a tough bout with throat Cancer and was real sick for quite a spell...rough Chemo and the works. But he sure looks SUPER now and presently remains Cancer FREE!! Way to go Jim!! God Bless you. They are from St. Augustine, FL and really a FUN couple to know. Thanks for stopping by Jim and Janet!!!!
Staying so busy must make the time go by quickly because it is flying by and we have really been busy. Last week we went on a Hike in the Park every morning about 7:30 am. What a great way to get your exercise. Most of these hikes are about 3-4 mile and quite an uphill challenge. Gets the ole' heart pumping!!
Last Sunday after Church, Reed and Beth Haug stopped by for a visit. Reed was our old Boss in Law Enforcement out in Custer State Park. In fact, it was Reed that invented our law enforcement position in the first place. We were campground Hosts at Blue Bell Campground the first year we were there. I didn't care for that work. It was too confining. I don't like to be tied down to one spot. I convinced the seasonal ranger that they needed some help. I told him of my past Law Enforcement and Investigation background and ask him to talk to his boss about it. A few days later Reed came to our Campground and that was the beginning of our position of Seasonal Law Enforcement Rangers. Thanks so much Reed! We will be forever indebted to you. We enjoyed 9 years of the best job either of us ever had. We loved it!!!
After about 100 miles under my belt on the New Harley solo, I told Ms Pat that I thought I was confident and familiar enough to take on a passenger. I ask her if she would like a "short" ride. "Are you sure??" she asked, still being a little reluctant. "Yep, I'm ready!!!" So we got all our Leathers and Helmets on (what a job!) and looked at the sky. WOW, afternoon clouds had begun to build. It looked like rain, I sure didn't want to get caught in a downpour! After considerable study, it looked as if it was moving to the East. So we went North up to Sylvan Lake, then West back out to Hwy 385 and back into Custer. It was a nice "short" 25 mile ride. I didn't want to overdo Pat's first ride, plus those rain clouds looked as if they were heading back right for us. I rode right back into the TOY BARN,,,,,and by the time we had gotten all our gear off, it was raining. How lucky can you get!!!
I was particularly interested in trying out our NEW Intercom system we just installed on our helmets.... Boy, is it NEAT and it works! These new electronic gadgets simply amaze me!!! These 2 headsets are "Bluetooth" and totally wireless and are VOX (voice activated). Harley sells these and told us they were the BEST. I found a set for about HALF of what Harley sells them for and they are great! They are CARDO by Cardo Systems, Inc. We got the Scala Rider Teamset. It is a Cellphone and Intercom Wireless Headset for Riders. If we're riding and Pat gets a cell Phone call, she just answers it. If she wants to conference me in on the call, she presses a button and there I am....Unbelievable!!! Plus they are MP3 compatible if you want to listen to your favorite tunes as you ride!!! What a deal!
Today is going to be a GLORIOUS day. Most of the day will be spent with the Church. I'll tell you about it next time....but believe me its going to be a Memorial occasion! I'm truly excited!! I can tell you, we will no doubt get WET. Now lets see if you can guess what we are going to do this afternoon. Leave your guess in the comments section. You'll never guess!
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!!
Thanks for stopping by.....and remember what I always say... "Don't forget to tell you kids, wife, family and good friends that you love them". They may not be around forever!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
Haven't got a clue, Mike. But, I'll be watching to see what the answer is. Sounds maybe like you're going in the river!
Can't begin to guess, but if it's with your church, it's got to be good!
couldn't make a guess either. boy, are we all clueless or what??? will be looking for the next blog with the answer! :)+
Well I have not a clue what it is... but I do want to say one thing!!!
~~~ GO NOLES!!! ~~~
Have Fun & Travel Safe
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