This is what I had planned. I was going to load the new Harley Softail into the Cargo Trailer we purchased and pull it with our big Volvo 770. We were going to head north up through North Dakota, leaving our Home(the 45' Teton) behind. The 1ST stop would be the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We would explore it on our Harley for a couple days, then move on to Glacier National Park. We would also explore Glacier on the Harley for as long as needed..... camping all this time in out Volvo Motorhome....then truck it on back home. We planned on spending 10 days to 2 weeks, or what ever it took....coming home through Yellowstone Park or the Jackson Hole area.
I had it all planned out. I was so excited about it. We have been to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole, but never to Glacier. Like I said, we've been trying to get there for about 10 years. Plans are made to change and it's waited this long, it will wait until next year. So that's the "special" trip I was going to spring on you. But it will wait.
Meanwhile, we have some special Dr. appointments set up for Ms Pats Thyroid problem and our eye check ups and one more trip to the Dentist, before we leave for the winter,,,,in only 4 short weeks!!!! Yes, Time Flies!!!! But we are so thankful that we are able to enjoy it as much as we do. Praise the Lord!!!!!
Ms Mega has given us both a new lease on life. For 13-14 years of fulltiming we did not have a pet traveling with us. Then one early morning about 4:30am, as I was outside drinking my cup of hot coffee and checking out the weather and just doing my "think" time as I do every morning early, I heard a cat "meow". Out of the darkness, I saw this little grey and white kitten sitting back in the bushes behind our RV. I couldn't get close to her, so I didn't think much about it. Then the same thing the next morning, and again the next. I started looking forward to our meeting every morning.
That went on for about a week when I decided I would get some warm milk. I knew she must be hungry. I met a little resistance as I ask Ms Pat for "warm milk"!! She reluctantly gave in and I approached this little kitty with a small bowl of warm milk. She still wouldn't come near me or let me get close, so I put the milk down and stood back out of site and watched. Sure enough, she cautiously and slowly came far enough out of the darkness to reach the milk. WOW, she Loved it. That was the morning that started the relationship that has now grown beyond belief. Pat also fell in love with her and I can't tell you how much we both enjoy Megabyte2.
So we still continue our meetings, Megabyte2 and I still get up at 4:00am each morning as she jumps up on our bed and looks at me as if to say "I'm hungry". I pet her and tell her to come on and I'll get her breakfast. As my friend Kathy Detweiler told me...she is an "Angel Kitty"!!
She loves to sleep,sleep and sleep some more!!! More times that not, as close to Ms Pat as she can on her lap, her chair, or
on her desk....helping her with bookwork! Ms Pat and Mega2 have a "special" relationship, second to none.
This little Angel Kitty is fulfilling the job she was sent to do. We sure love her!! Thank you Scooter!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!
Thanks for stopping by.
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Sorry you won't be making your trip but stuff happens doesn't it? We spent a month up at Glacier and a week at Theodore Roosevelt last year. It is a great place to ride... Your little kitten is just adorable and you know she was sent to you special!
Have Fun & Travel Safe
Too bad about the trip, Mike, but now at least you still having something to look forward too. Mega2 is indeed a special pet and it's great to see how much she means to you both - she is one lucky kitty!
Yes, we remember Miss Mega2 from the very beginning. Can't wait to meet up with her at the Yuma Gypsy Journal Gathering ... and to catch up with you guys too, of course!
Sorry you have to put your trip on hold for awhile. But, sometimes the planning is half the fun. So maybe someday soon you'll be in the planning stage again.
Happy Trails,
love the kitty and love you guys. hope to head your way sooner than later! :)+
Sorry about not getting the trip in. I have been through Glacier and it is beautiful. Mega 2 is one cute kitty, and makes me wish I wasn't allergic to cats.
We had one of those special trips planned like yours and never took it. You got me to thinking, now maybe sooner than later, the plan is still good it is the doing that is just a little sloppy. Bruce
You have no idea how much I love to hear your tales of Miss Mega2! I know that she is an angel kitty!
Hugs to both of you!
Molly & Bob
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