Friday, we left Colorado Springs, CO at our normal time of around 8AM on our journey to Hutchinson, KS. As we stepped out the door, this is what we saw:
SNOW in the Rockies! That’s Pikes Peak in the background. The sun was shining and it was cool, but a very pleasant morning and Ms Pat and I were definitely “itching” to get on the road.
Soon we were a couple hours down the road in Lamar, CO and it was time for a short break. We pulled into this Safeway parking lot. The country had changed from mountians and foothills to flat lands and the elevation had went from 6000 to 3600. It was a beautiful morning and we had a superb “tailwind” that was scooting us down the road with ease. The 450 HP Cummins Diesel was just idoling along at my favorite speed of 62-63 mph. The computer was showing 12-14 miles per gallon. It is truly a comfort to drive this rig. I LIKE this "motorhomin'"!!! I enjoyed our HDT and I wouldn’t trade that experience with it and the 45’ Teton for anything in the world. But for us right now, this is the way to go! We are just as happy as a couple kids with an ice cream cone!!:-)
I received an email from a customer that I just have to share with you…..
“Hi Mike and Pat:
Several years ago at Casa Grande Gypsy rally you sold me a repeater for my pressure pro system (the old original style presurepro). It's paid off yesterday as I was heading toward Rapid City. See my post:
I wish I had found you in Custer today while I was roaming the area since I'm in need of a PPro sensor replacement (I suspect you don't have sensors that would work with the old style PPro) In any case I want to thank you for saving me from a real disaster. I never would have stopped if the PPro hadn't picked up the transmission from my Jeep.
Again thank you.”
We get quite a few of these kind of testimonials. We have hundreds of customers, but it's amazing to me the folks that the PressurePro system saves from a disaster. This gentleman actually sent of picture of his blown tire on his jeep. Be sure to take a look at it on the link in his email.
If you don’t have some type of a Tire Pressure Monitoring System, by all means GET ONE!!! In this day of modern electronics, just think of all the other “stuff” most of us have. Will it do for you what a Tire Pressure Monitoring System will do for you? If you tow something (anything), just get one! I could give you several reason why PressurePro is the BEST, but just GET ONE…PLEASE. Sorry about the “commercial”. I don’t do it often, but I feel awful strong about tire pressure management. People just don’t give it enough attention until it's too late.
I guess I’m thinking SAFETY because I’m here with these guys in the HDT group and they are about the most safety minded group of folks I have ever known. That's why they are driving the size trucks they are, because they are SAFE!! And you can believe they almost ALL have Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems. If you're reading this and don’t have a big enough truck and don’t have a TPMS (tire pressure monitoring system), give it some serious thought.
Looks like there is going to be nearly 40 HDT’s at this Rally....that makes about 80 people. Nice turn out. We are looking forward to seeing all our old friends and making new ones. This is the 6TH year in a row that we have attended this great Rally. You can learn how to "be safe" here. Please stop over to our new “BIG RIG” and say hello. We are still HDT’ers at heart and always will be.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!
Thanks for stopping by and please contact us if we can help you or answer any questions… Check our website for PressurePro and PowerTank, or give us a call. We usually have an unpublished “special” of some kind going on.
Rollie and Gina.....we miss you. Hurry up and get on over here but BE SAFE!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
I think we'd have stayed in Colorado a couple of days longer, on our own agenda -- but you have your agenda, and you're having a great time, so -- go for it, Mike and Pat!lnonse
We miss y'all too. You would have been proud of your daughter yesterday as she was such a great cowgirl. She had a new appreciation for cowboying after you gave her such an awesome tour of the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame.
I cannot say anymore than what you said about having some type of tire pressure monitoring system. It's one of the most important items you will buy if you tow something. Well said.
We'll see y'all soon & we love y'all,
Your kids
Sounds like you're getting pretty good mileage in the big rig of yours! That's great.
As you suggest, I'll be giving tire pressure management serious consideration before we head south in late December.
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