Yes, we are still here at the MCD Innovations in McKinney, TX getting our Shades installed. It has been a week since we arrived, but we are "outta" here today. Here are all the people listed that are here for work. Some of MCD’s products are shown in the background. Their shades are definitely NEAT!
Here is a new product that MCD has just recently come out with. They are superb wheel covers for your RV and they are going over like gang busters. Everybody loves them!!
As you can see, the parking lot was FULL to the brim Monday morning. A couple more came in that had to be placed in the dry camp holding area. I would definitely suggest an appointment if you want to stop and have them work on your RV. After you get here, they will measure the windows you want covered and then your shades will hand made just for you. That can take a day or two depending on how many you want done.
JB, I want you to know that even though MOST of the RV’s are Beige/Brown, they WILL work on other colors. So if you're gonna be close, give Peggy a call. Tell her Mike and Pat sent you. That way she will make special exception for your beautiful Motorhome, even if it’s not beige and brown……:-)
They had two installers working on our Motorhome all day yesterday and have just a few little things to finish up this morning. I hope we will be on the road South about mid-morning. However, I will make sure everything is functioning properly before we leave.
Here is Andrew installing our “cockpit” shades. They have to be wired into the ignition switch so they won’t accidently close while you're driving down the road....“Company Policy”!! Great idea, as that might be disastrous!!
Along about 4pm last night “Happy Hour” originated around our place, as we have become acquainted with some mighty nice folks from all over the good ole US. One of the blessings of this wonderful life we live…
On last Sunday’s Blog, Dave and Susie left a comment in the “Comment Section” that some friends of theirs, Joan and Alan, would also be visiting MCD this week. Monday morning I checked and sure enough, there, parked right next to us was Alan and Joan. What a small world and Dave and Susie are correct. Alan and Joan are great folks. We had a ball getting to know them. Come to find out, they had met us through “RV Dreams” and had even corresponded with us about PressurePro. Alan had a special cleaning cloth (called Kleen Bee Cloth) that he loves so much, he sells them. So, I swapped him out a PressurePro Repeater for some cleaning cloths. Hot deal!! I just love swapping and dealing with other RV’ers….. I was in “Hog Heaven”!
So today we will get on down the road South towards our place in Retama in Mission, TX. How far we will get or where we'll be Sunday is anybody’s guess, especially ours!! So come on back Sunday and find out and I’ll show you what our SHADES look like!!
Rollie and Gina haven't published a Blog in the last few days because they are busy visiting with family at a family reunion in Paducah, KY. I'm sure they'll get one published in a day or two so keep checking back. Have fun Kids!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday.
Welcome to TEXAS. Hope you have a nice stay.
Thanks for the tip Mike. We will be in the area and we will give Peggy a call to see if we can't set up something for our Motorhome.
RVers can find friendly people anywhere, 'cause we are all so friendly ourselves.l All you need is a firm "Howdy" in your repertoire, and you'll get back a nice "How-de-do" in return!
good thing those“cockpit” shades. are wired into the ignition switch. I would never have thought of that!
Looking forward to seeing your new 'shades' Mike, I'll bet they look and work just great.
By the way, in your top picture, in the background, I think I see pictures of a 'mocha coffee' and a "Dunkin' Donuts" cup. That's very close to 'food pictures' you know!!
Ah shucks Rick,,,Ya caught me..see what I do to get you to read my blog? Thats not FOOD,,,that's a SHADE!! I don't know about you canadians!!! Sorry JB! LOL,, I love you guys!!!
Looking real good Mike!!! Since we have 14 pleated shades in our 5er that would be quite the change indeed. We can't wait to see the photos of your new MCD's!
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