When the very caring and concerned Vet examined her, she said "she definitely has a serious problem". Our only solution was to do a "C" section and determine what was going on. So at 9:00am poor little frightened Mega2 was prepped and taken to the operating room. We weren't allowed to watch and were told to go on home and call back about 11am and check. Pat and I were convinced that she was in very good hands, as all the folks at the Clinic, from the front desk gals to the surgery assistant, to the kennel help and the lady Veterinarian were all extremely kind and concerned. We had to sign a surgery consent form, just like when I or the kids had surgery.
Then, we came on back home. Gosh, we were both nervous wrecks and poor Ms Pat hadn't had much sleep all night long and I didn't get a lot myself. I wondered if 11am would ever get here, but it finally did and Pat called the Vet. Then the BAD NEWS. The baby kittens didn't make it. They were not alive and had to be removed. However, the GOOD NEWS was that Mega2 was OK. She was still under heavy sedation and had been through a quite serious operation, but she would be fine and we could pick her up about 3pm. Of course, we were there promptly at 3, anxious to see little Ms Mega2. She was still very, groggy and woozy, but she was glad to see us.
The Vet told us that Mega2 was very lucky that we picked her up and had her with us and could get her this medical attention, as she would have almost certainly died without it. She said that Mega2 was way to young to have babies. I ask her if our bringing her along with us could have contributed to this problem and she said definitely not, that it probably saved her life. She further stated that Mega2 was not fully developed herself, was probably less than a year old and just not ready to be having kittens...
(click on all pictures to enlarge)
Here she is on the second day after her surgery. She is doing fine and enjoying being out sitting in the sunshine and the great weather we are having. She is still on antibiotics, which she hates to take, plus ear drops for an infection she was developing in her ears. She doesn't like you messing with her!!!! All this along with a special diet of vitamin enhanced food and she will be all well in no time, I'm sure. Needless to say she is the "center" of attraction around here. The Vet even calls at night to see how she is doing and one of the gals from their office stopped by on her way home from work. A GREAT bunch of folks at the Bar S Animal Clinic here in Wickenburg, AZ. You couldn't ask for better.
The weather has really turned nice here in Arizona the last few days. It got up to 70* yesterday and was 55* when we got up this morning. We were able to get in a neat 4-wheeling ride yesterday for a few hours way out in the desert with our friends Larry and Geri Gustafson, owners and operators of Broken Arrow Campground, which is located just 3 miles south of our place in the Black Hills near Custer, SD. I'll tell you more about that in my Wed post. I've got some neat pictures of the trip. Larry and Geri are leaving tomorrow and heading back up towards their place. I noticed that it was only 10* in Custer the last few mornings and although they aren't looking forward to that weather, they have a LOT to do to get the Campground open for Spring... Sorry to see them go as they are a fun couple to have around. But we understand and we'll see them in a couple months......
This is Larry and Geri and Pat last night at as we were grilling a couple steaks after our 40 mile ride in the desert. Now you can see why I LOVE it here.
Travel SAFE you two!!!
I'm also sorry I've been so lax in getting back to a lot of emails, questions, etc. But Boy, have we been BUSY!!! I guess the old saying "no rest for the wicked" is true. But time sure flies by and we don't have time to worry about the terrible situation the world seems to be in or anything else. So I guess I'd rather be BUSY!!
That's it for today, thanks for stopping by and we'd love to hear from you.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday.
Mike, what's the news Good ir Bad? Didn't see anything about the news about Megabyte2!
Sorry to hear about Megabyte2's complications. Hope all is well with her now. Did you have her spade while she was in surgery?
Bet she doesn't know how well she has it with you two. Keep spoiling her with your love.
Mike and Pat, I'm so sorry about Mega2's kitties.....I'm glad she's a safe and happy girl. Thanks for sharing the story with us!
Big hugs to both of you and enjoy your time in AZ!
Molly & Bob
Yes Pam, Mega2 is now spayed. Easily done at the same time as this surgery.
Thanks for yours and everyone elses comments...
Mike (& Pat)
Mike, glad Megabyte2 is doing well. She's been through a rough time and deserves the love she's getting from you and Pat.
Oh man, bet you are glad that you brought her with you. You would NOT have been happy to find that she was gone when you go back to TX. I am sorry for the little girl but she is in good hands. Bless you both for the love you have shown this little kitty. :)+
Mike and Pat: So sorry to hear about Megabyte 2. With the loving care you have she will be back to normal in no time. She sure looks like she is loving that sun and it is so good that you two took her under your loving care. She owes her life to you guys, but regretfully it is the nature of cats not to ever reveal that aspect of her life. You will just continue to be her subjects. Bruce & Carol
Sorry to hear about the kittens. I was wondering if she comes when you call her. Some cats are just plain independent
Hey, Mom and Mike! I enjoy your blog so much because it feels just like you are talking to me. It's almost like I'm there, well, not really, but at least I can dream! We love you and miss you! Mom, thanks for calling it was great to hear your voice!
All's well that ends well!
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