Like I said, Wednesday comes around awful soon after Sunday. I get my Sunday Blog put out and just sit back and, now I can relax. Then Wham, it's Wednesday!! I guess they say “No rest for the wicked”, right? So, on with it. Sure glad I don't publish every day. :-)
Last summer my attraction to the 1911 model pistols came about with the new sr1911 that Ruger manufactured. It was in high demand and hard to find one. All dealers were “sold out” and if they did get one it was gone in a heartbeat; however, I set out to find one. It was said that it was so popular that the Ruger factory had received over a million orders and they were running way behind in getting it out. Most gun shops that I went into and asked for one, would laugh and say “Are you kidding, you can’t beg borrow or steal one of those”!
I studied the internet reviews on the gun from the few people that had been lucky enough to find one. The reviews were fantastic…..everyone loved the gun and since it was Ruger's very first venture into the 1911 market, I got my mind set on having one. I looked and I looked. No luck. I had about given up when I finally found a dealer that had one in stock. Great! I said,"Can I put my hands on it?" ”Sure” the dealer told me as he got the brand new Ruger sr1911 out and handed it to me. Oh My! Wow… I loved it.
I had never even shot a 1911 before. It was one awesome feeling that just feels like it “should” be in your hand. I just felt like I could hit a fly on a telephone pole with that baby!! OK, I was sold. "How much?", I asked the dealer. Instantly he told me “Well, that one is SOLD and I probably won’t be getting anymore for months as Ruger is way backordered on them". I was disappointed but more determined to have one than before. I went home and continued looking and checking dealers across the US. They were scarce, to say the least, and of course the price was rising daily.

Finally after a lot of looking, I found one at a dealership in TN. I bought itand had it shipped to a local gun dealer in South Dakota where I picked it up. Above is a picture of the gun after I had put a different set of grips on it. I loved it and it was everything I expected it to be. What a dream to shoot....perfect trigger release right out of the box. Ruger really out done themselves this time. I was proud to own this pistol. Ms. Pat by this time and with her keen interest in pistols and pistol shooting had taken notice of what I was experiencing, She checked my new Ruger out and, of course, she loved it. It just has the feel of a real gun, a gun you just feel like shooting! I was definitely in the 1911 corner now,,, I see why people love these pistols.
While I was in Florida, my good Buddy JRoger and I were discussing guns and I was looking at the 5 different 1911’s that he has, when he showed me his “Compact” 1911. A Colt Defender 1911. He let me shoot it. Wow, another nice gun. Smaller, but feels just like the full size 1911. Neat!! I liked it. I started looking for one. Wow, talk about hard to find…they are scarce, and those that have them want to KEEP them!
On the local internet web site of Backpage AZ, I found a guy that had a Kimber Stainless Steel 1911 “Ultra Carry”. This is a compact and about the same as a Colt defender. I contacted the guy and he seemed to be a responsible adult that I could maybe deal with. I asked if he would be interested in a Taurus I had in trade for his Kimber. He said he might, so, like I told you before, I headed over towards North Phoenix where we set up a meeting at the Arizona Fish and Game office..

This is a Taurus 40 Cal 24/7 OSS Tactical pistol, with a match grade barrel that I have had for about a year. I bought it new from a dealer in Tennessee. Nice gun, it shoots well, extremely accurate, and I have enjoyed owning it. But it was in my trading stock and I would give it up happily for a 1911 Compact… Lets see if this fellow is interested and if we can get together on a deal…

This is the Kimber Ultra Carry that this gentleman had for sale. Hmmm, nice gun. Wow, wonder if I can talk him into a trade?? We will see.

YEP !! He wanted my Taurus and I wanted his Kimber. We struck up a deal, a little cash changed hands, we exchanged ID’s and I headed home happy as kid with a new bicycle. Hot Dog!!……two happy guys and I now have a 1911 .45 ACP Compact Kimber!! Kimber is a well known top of the line 1911. Made right here in USA! Above is a picture of it after I got it home and changed grips on it. I have yet another set of grips ordered that will make it look even better.

Here is a picture of both 1911’s together. You can see it is built on the same frame design, only smaller… Thus, it's called a “Ultra Carry”.

More pictures of the two 1911’s. I just took the Kimber out and shot it. I am pleasantly pleased. It shoots wonderful, trigger release is superb, and it is extremely accurate. Shoots every bit as good as the bigger one!!

Ms. Pat was out yesterday for her weekly ladies gun training class. Here Jerry and Caryl the instructors and great friends of ours are giving some shooting tips and instructions to them.

Here is Ms. Pat shooting one of her scenarios with Caryl acting as RSO (Range Safety Officer) and instructor. That is a timing buzzer she is holding above Ms. Pats head……..

This is another scenario with Jerry acting as RSO and instructor. This scenario is set up to simulate your house and someone has broken in and you are to shoot them before they shoot you…. Interesting and fun stuff.. Superb training!!
OK enough about Guns and Shooting for this time. I’ll try to think up something else to talk about next time, but I can’t promise
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
God Bless you all and may the good Lord take a likin' to ya!
Thanks for stopping by……..
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Last summer my attraction to the 1911 model pistols came about with the new sr1911 that Ruger manufactured. It was in high demand and hard to find one. All dealers were “sold out” and if they did get one it was gone in a heartbeat; however, I set out to find one. It was said that it was so popular that the Ruger factory had received over a million orders and they were running way behind in getting it out. Most gun shops that I went into and asked for one, would laugh and say “Are you kidding, you can’t beg borrow or steal one of those”!
I studied the internet reviews on the gun from the few people that had been lucky enough to find one. The reviews were fantastic…..everyone loved the gun and since it was Ruger's very first venture into the 1911 market, I got my mind set on having one. I looked and I looked. No luck. I had about given up when I finally found a dealer that had one in stock. Great! I said,"Can I put my hands on it?" ”Sure” the dealer told me as he got the brand new Ruger sr1911 out and handed it to me. Oh My! Wow… I loved it.
I had never even shot a 1911 before. It was one awesome feeling that just feels like it “should” be in your hand. I just felt like I could hit a fly on a telephone pole with that baby!! OK, I was sold. "How much?", I asked the dealer. Instantly he told me “Well, that one is SOLD and I probably won’t be getting anymore for months as Ruger is way backordered on them". I was disappointed but more determined to have one than before. I went home and continued looking and checking dealers across the US. They were scarce, to say the least, and of course the price was rising daily.
Finally after a lot of looking, I found one at a dealership in TN. I bought itand had it shipped to a local gun dealer in South Dakota where I picked it up. Above is a picture of the gun after I had put a different set of grips on it. I loved it and it was everything I expected it to be. What a dream to shoot....perfect trigger release right out of the box. Ruger really out done themselves this time. I was proud to own this pistol. Ms. Pat by this time and with her keen interest in pistols and pistol shooting had taken notice of what I was experiencing, She checked my new Ruger out and, of course, she loved it. It just has the feel of a real gun, a gun you just feel like shooting! I was definitely in the 1911 corner now,,, I see why people love these pistols.
While I was in Florida, my good Buddy JRoger and I were discussing guns and I was looking at the 5 different 1911’s that he has, when he showed me his “Compact” 1911. A Colt Defender 1911. He let me shoot it. Wow, another nice gun. Smaller, but feels just like the full size 1911. Neat!! I liked it. I started looking for one. Wow, talk about hard to find…they are scarce, and those that have them want to KEEP them!
On the local internet web site of Backpage AZ, I found a guy that had a Kimber Stainless Steel 1911 “Ultra Carry”. This is a compact and about the same as a Colt defender. I contacted the guy and he seemed to be a responsible adult that I could maybe deal with. I asked if he would be interested in a Taurus I had in trade for his Kimber. He said he might, so, like I told you before, I headed over towards North Phoenix where we set up a meeting at the Arizona Fish and Game office..
This is a Taurus 40 Cal 24/7 OSS Tactical pistol, with a match grade barrel that I have had for about a year. I bought it new from a dealer in Tennessee. Nice gun, it shoots well, extremely accurate, and I have enjoyed owning it. But it was in my trading stock and I would give it up happily for a 1911 Compact… Lets see if this fellow is interested and if we can get together on a deal…
This is the Kimber Ultra Carry that this gentleman had for sale. Hmmm, nice gun. Wow, wonder if I can talk him into a trade?? We will see.
YEP !! He wanted my Taurus and I wanted his Kimber. We struck up a deal, a little cash changed hands, we exchanged ID’s and I headed home happy as kid with a new bicycle. Hot Dog!!……two happy guys and I now have a 1911 .45 ACP Compact Kimber!! Kimber is a well known top of the line 1911. Made right here in USA! Above is a picture of it after I got it home and changed grips on it. I have yet another set of grips ordered that will make it look even better.
Here is a picture of both 1911’s together. You can see it is built on the same frame design, only smaller… Thus, it's called a “Ultra Carry”.
More pictures of the two 1911’s. I just took the Kimber out and shot it. I am pleasantly pleased. It shoots wonderful, trigger release is superb, and it is extremely accurate. Shoots every bit as good as the bigger one!!
Ms. Pat was out yesterday for her weekly ladies gun training class. Here Jerry and Caryl the instructors and great friends of ours are giving some shooting tips and instructions to them.
Here is Ms. Pat shooting one of her scenarios with Caryl acting as RSO (Range Safety Officer) and instructor. That is a timing buzzer she is holding above Ms. Pats head……..
This is another scenario with Jerry acting as RSO and instructor. This scenario is set up to simulate your house and someone has broken in and you are to shoot them before they shoot you…. Interesting and fun stuff.. Superb training!!
OK enough about Guns and Shooting for this time. I’ll try to think up something else to talk about next time, but I can’t promise
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
God Bless you all and may the good Lord take a likin' to ya!
Thanks for stopping by……..
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..