We didn't do much last week, not much we can tell you about, or show you pictures of anyhow. It was a week set aside for the DREADED Colonoscopy. Ugh, not fun!!! Those that have been the route know what I'm talking about, I'm sure!!!! It's got to be done, but I dread it!!!! It sure shoots a week, for both of us to go through it. They won't let you both go through it on the same day, because one is the designated driver. You can't drive after the procedure, or at least they won't let you!!
I went on a liquid diet last Monday morning and had nothing but a little jello and some broth. I didn't want much of anything, because what goes in MUST come out!! :-) At 4pm, I began drinking the WITCHES BREW,,,,,,,,,,,,MAN,,,,,,that stuff is BAD!!!!! Why can't they make it taste like ice cream, or a smoothie? Noooo, they make it taste like some sweet crap with salt mixed it. I spent an hour drinking that first QUART,,,,,,,,,,,,,,then I got a WHOLE hour to relax before I had to start on the second QUART.....That took another hour!!! This special brew was called "MoviPrep"! Last time I went through this I had to drink a whole GALLON of "Go-Lightly" (I wonder who comes up with these names). I thought this 1/2 gal would be a piece of cake. Hum,,well not quite!!! Then, ya set around and WAIT, and WAIT,,,,,,,,,,,,Well,,,,,,you know where I spent most of the night!!!,,,,,,,,,right, in that little room!! Sure didn't get much sleep.
Up VERY early the next morning, because we have 50 miles to drive to the Clinic in Sun City West, near the Del Web Hospital and had to be there by 8:00 AM. WE were there at 7: 40!! This time they were doing BOTH an upper and a lower. So we got it from BOTH ends..... !!!
I'm happy to report that we both came out in FINE shape! Actually, the procedure is not bad at all and the anesthesia makes it go without any pain at all. Neither one of us had any "polyps" at all this time. Pat did have a stomach irritation that needs some attention. That explains why she has been having stomach pains!!!!! Dr. wants to see her in 2 weeks.
With Monday and Tuesday spent on my procedure and Wednesday and Thursday with Pats, needless to say the week was about shot!! But so were we !! But GLAD it was all over!!!!
Now wasn't that exciting??????????? NOT!!!!
This is MY FRIEND Del Holowel

Del was a SPECIAL friend and I miss him very much!!!!!
Del was my next door neighbor here at North Ranch. Del passed away in 2005. He had Prostrate Cancer. He was such a delightful guy and I always looked forward to getting back here and spending some time with him. He really enjoyed life and knew EVERYONE. This place hasn't been the same since!!! We were about the same age and had a lot in common. We spent a LOT of time talking. His dear wife Pat still lives next to us and continues to "live on" trying to fill the void left by this GREAT man. She told me that Del always looked forward to Pat and I returning; in fact, she said he missed us terribly when we were gone. Well I want you to know Del, that I know your having a good time up in that GREAT CAMPGROUND in the sky, but my friend, I miss you and think of you a lot!!!! You were one of the special guys in my life and I can see your smiling face and feel your spirit around here a lot, so I know your still here. But I sure miss our talks! LIVE ON MY MAN!!!!!!!! How's your horse doing,,,,,and are there any campsites near you. or is the place full?
We thought we would downsize a little and get a rig like this......Neat Huh????
Maybe next week will be more interesting,,,,but then again maybe not, who knows?
Anyhow, if the Lords willin', we will be here, hope you stop back.
We are STILL ALIVE and WELL,,,so it was a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Son Scott is keeping up his good battle and had a Bone Marrow biopsy done Thursday. We are anxiously awaiting the results. Should hear Monday!!! We are getting extremely anxious to head up there and see them. Hopefully we can dodge the storms and floods.
Again, you can check his site at:
http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/smcfallHave a good week,,,and STAY HEALTHY!!!!! Maybe it's time for you to schedule your Colonoscopy!!! (-: