Here it is the middle of September already!!!! Whats the ole' saying,,,,,"Spring has SPRUNG, Fall has FELL and it's cold as HECK",,,,,,,,,,,Well, it doesn't go quite like that, but you get the picture. We only have
ONE WEEK until we depart the Hills. We are rounding things up and preparing to depart. Next Sunday at this time we will be hooking up and heading out. We've been here right at 3 months already!!! It was a joyous summer,,,,fast, but fun. Now it's time to do what we do and HIT the ROAD!!!!
First call of business last week, after returning from my Class Reunion, was an email that was waiting for me when I got home Sunday evening. It was from Dave and Darlene Sommer asking if we would drop over to a local campground and help them install a new
PressurePro System for their Country Coach Motorhome....
(click on picture to enlarge)
This is Dave and Darlene Sommer and their beautiful Country Coach motorhome. Dave is originally from South Dakota and was here attending his 50TH high School Reunion. The installation went smoothly as expected and these fine folks are now happy PressurePro owners and can see the pressure in any one of their tires any time they want, even while driving down the road. They also know that in the event they should get a leak in one of those tires while driving (or stationary) they will get an ALARM from the Monitor on the dash. Soon they will discover what a comforting feeling that is, especially when you tow a car and can't see the tires on it or feel it if you should have a tire go low. It's always enjoyable for Pat and I to meet these fellow RV'ers and help them get this superb safety Device........Happy travels Dave & Darlene and we'll see you again down the road!
Well, we FINALLY did it!!!! All summer I've been contemplating switching from our HughesNet Satellite Internet hook up to one of the Verizion Air Cards and Router. Friday it arrived and we made the switch!!! We had a little trouble getting all 3 of our Computers to accept this new mode of Internet connection, but with help from the 3G store techs, Ms Pat got them up and running!!! I was worried and nervous during the entire process. We MUST have an Internet connection and for a while I'll admit I wanted to scrub the entire idea and go back to the ole' familiar Dish!!! We've had the HughesNet tripod setup for a LONG time (years) and I was very comfortable with it,,,,,and this system was GREEK to both of us. I'm happy to say it's been up and working fine day and night since. We are only a mile from the cell tower and can see it from our place. I expected to get a better signal, but for some reason this new tower is 1x and not EVDO. We barely get 2 bars so I have an antenna cord ordered,,,hopefully that will help. It's running about the same speed as the Satellite system did, which isn't great, but OK. I just expected a little better, maybe that will happen later. (I hope) It sure is a lot less equipment to drag around. However, I believe I'll hang on to the dish system for a while :-)!! (just in case)
Next Sunday, when we leave here, we are headed to Hart Ranch RV Resort near Rapid City for a few days to present a PressurePro seminar to the Teton group and meet a lot of old friends. This will be an interesting rally. I'm sure most of you have heard the news that Teton is among the ranks of the RV Companies that have met hard times. Unofficial word has it that they are CLOSED......Maybe we will get some official word at the Rally.
Then we proceed on to Lincoln, Nebraska to see Ann. We're anxious to spend some time with her. This will be the first time we have been to Lincoln when Scott hasn't been there to greet us. It's going to be tough,,,,,,we all miss him so much and we especially know how hard it is for Ann. I hope you don't mind but I would like to share a picture with you that Ann sent us recently:
(click on picture to enlarge)

This is Scott's Headstone that Ann designed. They just got it set. This is the largest stone that the Cemetery would allow, but we think it is Beautiful. Good job Ann!! I can't wait to see it in person. Scott would be so PROUD!!!! He had this same image on the back window of his truck.
It was 32
deg at sunrise here this morning and the OLD truck has FROST all over it. That's telling us and giving us the encouragement to "hang it up" for this year and leave these Beautiful Hills that both Pat and I love and enjoy so much......
Thanks for stopping by. Please leave me a note in the shoutbox above or send me an email to let me know you're reading this. Sometimes you feel like you're talking to yourself on these Blogs. Those of you that do write and ask me how to do a blog like this,,,,,,,,,,,,rest assured it's EASY! Look on upper right corner of this blog somewhere and it will say "Create Blog". Just click on that and follow the simple directions. That's the way I did, and believe me, if I can do it, you can!!!!!!
Later, I found Chris Guld's web site
"TWO GEEKS ON TOUR" and she has several nice videos on how to do this very Blog.
See ya all next week!!!
It's been a GREAT WEEK!!!!!
This Blog Published every Sunday Morning............