The first of March always calls for the big celebration here at North Ranch. Yesterday was La Fiesta Days and the celebration started off with the annual PARADE.

Leading off the parade was none other than the famous "North Ranch Desert Line Dancers"! Providing the music, from her beautiful Mustang Convertible, was Jacqui, one of our shooting buddies.

They had about a half mile of dancing to go. The other lady in the front row with the red shirt is Peggy, another one of our shooting buddies.

And here they are and there is MY favorite line dancer waving at me, my lovely wife Ms. Pat. Isn’t she beautiful, with her little top hat and all. They are having fun and almost all are in step..

Soon they reversed directions, danced and reversed again, then with a tip of the hat….

They were gone on their way!

Next was my buddy Jim, carrying the beautiful American Flag. God Bless America!!

And what's a parade without a beautiful Fire Truck, or two.

And always enjoyable are the many beautiful old cars. This superb 1949 Chevy Convertible carries our Grand Marshals.

Aw yes, one of my favorite things here in the park are the great “Jam Sessions”. We have some wonderful talented musicians here in the Park and every Thursday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm they display that talent. You will find me at the Club House on many of those Thursday afternoons just sitting and listening and enjoying their talent.
I have always wished I could play a guitar. It was one of my dreams and when I was in High School, I took lessons and tried hard to learn. It just wasn’t in the books. I could not master it to save my life. Finally, after about 6 months of lessons, my teacher had a heart-to-heart talk with me and she ended up telling me that I better stick to FOOTBALL.

We have just about every type of transportation device you can think of here at North Ranch and several were in the parade.

Here are the “beaders” and one of the many golf carts…

This represents our Sheriff's departments Search and Rescue team. They are the ones that come and rescue us when we get out in the desert and have trouble or get lost.

The parade ended at the Activity Center that was all decorated up and set up for the days games, crafts, pet show. plus others. Ms. Pat had us signed up for a Bean Bag baseball game. Above was our playing field. There were several teams set up to play in a process of elimination. Darned if we didn’t get eliminated in the first game! I did manage to get a Home Run at one of my up to bats. Larry and Geri were on our team and we all contributed in our attempt to win. Geri hit a home run and brought Ms Pat in for a score but hard as we tried, we LOST! We ended up going to lunch, which like Larry said might have been a "blessing in disguise"!

Let me tell you it was a beautiful day and about the warmest we have had so far this spring. It got clear up to 78* and it sure felt good. We had a superb lunch of pulled pork and a brownie. But since I’m not allowed to have dessert, I brought it home and I’ll eat it when Ms. Pat isn’t looking!
It was a grand day, but shortly after lunch, I could hear my dear little Ms. Megabyte2 calling me to come home.

When I got home, sure enough there she was just so anxious to see me…..
So I retired to my gun shop and loaded a few bullets and just sat back and admired a new rifle that I just seemed to acquire…..
Topped off the gorgeous day with a Happy Hour on our beautiful screened-in front porch, including our good friends Larry and Geri. After an adult beverage, Ms. Pat announced that she had whipped up some good ole' southern Beans and Ham, Collard Greens and a little Jalapeno Corn Bread. Man-O-Man, you talk about GOOD! What more could a guy ask for? Praise the Lord!
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by. I hope Spring is starting to Spring in your area wherever you are and you are able to get out and enjoy it.
Hurry on back now...................
This Blog is published every Sunday and Wednesday..