This is Scott and Ann's place, taken last Sept when we visited. It was just a few days later when the Leukemia was discovered. Its been a LONG HARD 8 months for them.......
As you know we are in Lincoln, Nebraska visiting Son Scott and Ann. Shortly after we got here, it was discovered that the DREADED Cancer was back!!!! We were all devastated, what a shock! Scott has been extremely sick, terrible stomach cramps, diarrhea, and can not keep anything down. Not even his meds. He certainly did not want to have to take any more Chemo. However, that was his only option at this point. Thursday afternoon they began giving him the heavy doses of the drug, plus running several other tests. He will get 4 sessions of treatments that each take 2-4 hours. He was so dehydrated that they had to give him double doses of saline. This chemo, of course, made him even sicker.
Here is Scott's latest post from his Caringbridge web site, posted yesterday:
The results came back positive that the cancer has returned. They started me on more chemo almost immediately. The last several days I have been extremely ill with vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea. In fact I was so dehydrated they had to give me fluids before they could start my chemo. They tested me for the return of c-def but it came back negative and they are still looking for the cause. I am going through my fifth round of chemo everyday through the weekend at the hospital. I have to be there tonight (Saturday) and then again first thing in the morning (Sunday). I am allowed home at night, thank goodness.The next steps will entail having my brother return from Arizona to donate more cells. Not stem cells this time but more adult cells to assist in eliminating my original immune system and have his take over. We have to wait on the insurance to approve the procedure and once again they have denied it as of late Friday afternoon. The appeal process has been started but obviously it will be at least next week after the long weekend before anything happens. The logistics of getting my brother here on short notice will be difficult and we can’t set anything up until we get the insurance company’s approval. So we wait and have faith.
Scott and Ann
************************************************************************************ I am so glad we are here during this most difficult time and can offer in some way our support and assistance, although I feel TOTALLY helpless in the situation. It's sure hard to watch someone you love so much go through this. With Scott and Ann's strong faith, they will come through it. It's quite a shock since he seemed to be doing so well.
We contacted his older brother in Tucson, AZ yesterday to begin making arrangements for him to return to Omaha for another type of stem cell donation as soon as the doctors are ready.
Please keep them in your prayers!!!
NEXT SATURDAY is the big pancake feed !!! We are expecting hundreds of people and some of these people I have not seen for years and years. Tuesday I went with Larry Johnson, Scott's Uncle, to the University of Nebraska campus and the BIG RED coliseum. Gee, this place has grown since I lived here!!! Man, what money will buy!! We obtained several footballs, volleyballs, basketballs and baseballs from the respective athletic departments that have all been personally signed by the coaches and some star players. These treasures will be auctioned off at the Pancake feed. Larry's daughter, Christy was one of the Volleyball stars here just a few years ago and is now the HEAD Volleyball coach at the University of Iowa. We are all very proud of her. Scott was one of Christy's BIGGEST fans and watched many of the games she played in.
This has also been a terrible week for storms. Tornado's and flooding all around us!! The winds and thunderstorms kept us up 2 nights in a row. The wind blew so hard, it shook this big TETON and blew over our satellite dish. Luckily, it didn't break the dish....just a small crack...so we managed to get it back up and running. Last night, things remained pretty calm but they say we may be in for another round of storms tonight.
Visit Scott's CaringBridge web site and say hi to him at:
Keep him and Ann in your prayers. We are so thankful for all our friends support and prayers, that words cannot describe it. THANK YOU !!
Next week is going to be a GREAT WEEK !!!!!!!!