This is our last week in Retama Village. A week from tomorrow (Monday) we will be headed WEST!!! All week will be spent closing down our place here and preparing for the road. We have been here just a few days over 2 months. Sure seems longer than that to me,,,but calendars don't lie and it says we arrived here on Nov.21st.
You all know that we will be at the
Gypsy Journal Rally in Casa Grande, AZ from Feb.9th - Feb.13th. We plan on getting there a couple days early, like around the 6th or 7th. That gives us plenty of time and we shouldn't have to drive or push too hard. However, it's always a good idea to plan in a couple of "extra" days just in case something out of the ordinary comes up. Most of you know what I mean I'm sure.
We will be giving a
PressurePro Seminar at the Rally again this year. It is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 10 at 11:00 am. If you're at the Rally, please stop in. Even if you already have a PressurePro system, we will be explaining how the PressurePro works, giving a few operating tips and answering questions so hopefully everyone can learn something.
Along with PressurePro, we will be handling another product at the Rally this year.
We have been using these fabulous products for over 10 years and love them. I tried using other products several times, but always came back to Dri-Wash. It is absolutely the best and easiest to use that we have found.
About 3 years ago, we decided to become Dealers. Everyone always asked us "what is that you use on your Truck and 5th wheel"? After we told them it was DRI-WASH and showed them that you didn't have to wash your vehicle before applying., the next question was usually "where can I get some?" So we decided to stock some so we could help them, plus we could get OURS at a discount!
Our good friends Phil and Connie Hargin, long time and VERY, large dealers of DRI-WASH products, signed us up. So NOW, we always have some for anyone that sees us using it and asks those questions. This Product sells itself,,,,,,,,,,,just show them how easy and simple it is to use and they're hooked. Plus they keep coming back for more.....Pat has signed up over 20 people to become they can get it wholesale and also get it for their friends.....
We don't normally show this product at the Gypsy Journal Rally, because as many of you know, our good friends Smokey and Pam Ridgley are the "official" Dri-Wash dealers for this Rally. We don't infringe on their territory. However, this year Smokey and Pam can't be at the Rally. They are spending time with their son back East this winter. So with their's and Nick's approval, we will be the DRI-WASH representatives this time!!!

POWERTANK is our only other product. We started handling PowerTank a Little over 2 years ago. It has turned out to be a GREAT product and just keeps getting more popular. We sold 20 of them last year.
I heard about it from an RV friend that told me he had found the "ultimate" solution for topping off his large RV tires to the 110-120 lbs required.
A question a lot of our PressurePro customers ask is "how do we get our tires up to the high pressures required today?". It's hard to find an air compressor that will easily get a tire to that pressure and even if you do find one, or have an onboard compressor on your diesel engine, it can be difficult and time consuming. Getting from 95 to 110+ takes some recycling of the compressor. This tank of CO2 can do that difficult task in about 30-60 seconds. Everyone that has purchased one from us has been very happy with it. They tell us how much easier it is to carry around and quickly "top off" the tires early in the morning while it's cool. Plus, it's so QUIET it doesn't wake up all the neighbors.
It has worked out great for us and if you're interested you can check it out at the Rally, on our
Website or read what one of our customers says about it.
MARK BRUSS.. Give us a call if you have more questions.
OK....the commercial is over.....we hope you didn't get too bored but we wanted you to know what we do with all of our spare time. :-) We really enjoy selling and servicing these products because we believe they are the best on the market. We won't sell products we don't use ourselves.
Now....last but NOT LEAST, we want to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY and MANY, MANY MORE" to our dear friend and Retama neighbor, Dale Bruss. Maybe we can have a toast at Happy Hour.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!!
This Blog published every Sunday and Wednesday morning.