Last Sunday morning I told you we were going to head West on the Harley Softail this week and see what we could find. We were all "Leathered-up" and headed out about 8am. It was truly a beautiful day.
We went 65 miles West on Hwy 83 and came to Falcon State Park, situated right on Falcon Dam and Reservoir. It's a big lake and dam of the Rio Grande river. We even found a small "Hill" or two along the way. They weren't big hills, but they were quite noticeable after all this "Flat" country around us here in Mission.
Falcon State Park was the poorest example of a State Park that I have ever been in. We paid the $1 per person fee at the gate and rode on into the park. We stopped at a picnic table down by the beach area for our usual 10 am fruit snack. We sure weren't impressed cause the place was not much. We continued on around the circular road, through the Boat Ramp area and into the RV Campground. There were a lot of weekend campers there, but there were also quite a few that looked as if they were long-termers. Some of the spots had electricity, but not a place we would be interested in staying even for just a night.
I planned on taking a few pictures of the area, but my good Camera, the new Nikon D5000, had a recall. Some minor programing thing that Nikon wanted to fix in order to avoid a problem later. It worked fine and I hated to give it up but I bit the bullet and sent it in last Friday. Nikon sent a 2-day Air shipping label and promised to have it back ASAP.
Meanwhile I still have the old digital point and shoot we have had for years. It's a 5 mp Gateway made back when Gateway Computers were making cameras. It was one of their last. It really does work great and produces some excellent pictures,,,,,amazes me! But when I took it out of the saddlebag to take a picture, the battery was I was dead in the water. Oh well, not a big deal since this is one place I won't regret not having a pictures of...even though the lake was beautiful.
On the way home both the wind and the traffic picked up immensely. These Mexican people are quite ambitious in this area. You see dozens and dozens of roadside stands everywhere you go. Everything from fruit, corn, watermelon, and every household appliance you can think of. We saw several folks selling enormous anounts of artificial flowers,,,tons of them. I also notice several cemeteries and the graves were all heavily decorated with beautiful flowers. Maybe this is some kind of a Mexican Holiday or Memorial Day.
We pulled into our place shortly after lunch time. I think both of us were glad to get home, as we had in "Tired Bottoms"!! But it was a fun ride and our longest ride yet. We traveled a total of 130 miles...not far for many of our riding friends, but for us, far enough!
In closing for this week I'll throw in a Picture of the streets of Rapid City shortly after we departed the area in Sept. WOW!! I remember the days I used to fight that SNOW and ICE and COLD!
Time to again stop and be ever so thankful for what we have and the wonderful life we live.....Thank You Lord..
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by...
This Blog is Published every Wedensday and Sunday..
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
What in the world is a PowerTank?
You have heard me refer to a PowerTank before I'm sure. If you're like a lot of us RV'ers, you like neat gadgets! Especially those that make life SO MUCH EASIER......
This is a picture of Ms Pat topping off one of our front tires on the Truck with our PowerTank..

Some of these tires require as much as 130 PSI. Compressed air to fill these tires can be difficult to find. If you have an air compressor or your Diesel engine, its pressure would have to be at least 30 PSI above your max tire pressures in order to fill your tires effectively. Your best option would be to have a "PowerTank".
The RV PowerTank is a unique new Air System designed specifically to tackle this problem and does it in a compact, lightweight and easily portable design.
Go to our website, PowerTank, or the Company website, Advanced Air Systems, Inc., and study this system. Check out the FAQ section on our website and/or the Company website. If our websites do not answer your questions, please call or email us and we will be happy to answer them for you.
Briefly, I will tell you that it is a specially designed "High Pressure Valve" on a special Tank filled with CO2. It will raise one of these big tires from 90PSI to 120PSI in just over a minute and it is totally silent. You can fill your tires in the early morning in a campground and not wake everyone up.
Take a owe it to yourself!! Here is what one of our customers has to say about the PowerTank System: Mark Bruss.
This is our Harley Heritage Softail sitting in front of the Coach House right after I unloaded it, wiped it down and re-dressed the leather Saddlebags and Seat.
Isn't it Beautiful? I love this Bike, the way it looks, the way it rides and handles. As you know it is a Peace Officers Special Edition? Not many people notice this. Below is a picture of the Badge it has on the front fender.
In the picture below I'm holding my old badge in my hand next to it.
Here is another thing that a lot of folks don't notice.
It's not hard to see who I have dedicated this bike to. If you read the side bar on my Blog, you know who Scooter is. I think of him often when I'm riding.....wishing I could talk to him again. But, I know he rides along with us and I can see him smiling and saying "Att'a boy Dad".
We are going to take another ride this morning. Although it isn't daylight out yet, it's 68 deg, the stars are out, a few light clouds, but no wind. It looks like a beautiful day. Shortly after daylight, we will head West this time to see what we can find in that direction.. There is not a lot of traffic on Sunday morning early, so that makes for a good time to ride. I hate traffic and boy there is a ton of it here most of the time...way to much for my comfort.
Thanks for stopping by......
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday Morning...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Megabyte2 is HOME,,,,,,,,
Megabyte2 is back home in Mission, TX. right here in Retama Village where we met 10 months ago. The BIG question is,,,,,,does she remember? Please all you Pet people and especially you Cat lovers, tell me.... does she know this is where she came from? She doesn't go outside, but looks out all the windows all the time. Of course, she does that wherever we are.
The BIGGER question is,,,,,,does she remember her old friend "TOM", the Tom Cat she was living with here and the guy that got her in a family way? We didn't know for sure if he would still be around when we got back this Fall, but we had only been here a couple days and sure enough, there he was!! Early one morning before daylight I walked outside and he suddenly appeared out of the darkness. He was meowing like crazy, but still wouldn't let me touch him. Remember last year I fed him along with Megabyte2 for a couple months. Then I looked up in the window and there was Mega2 looking out at him.....she started meowing too!
Now did they recognize each other after being apart for 10 months? They didn't get close, but they DID see each other. I didn't feed Ole' Tom this time, but he acted awful hungry and I sure wanted to feed him. I sorta ignored him for 2 or 3 mornings in a row and he stopped showing up. He did come through our yard during the daylight time one day and sure enough Mega2 saw him that time too, but he was here and gone and didn't linger. Now Ms Mega2 does get excited anywhere we are if she sees another Cat or even a Dog or really almost any animal.
So you tell me,,,,my friends, do they recognize each other or not? They didn't get to talk or get close to each other so there was no smelling invoved. Please don't even suggest it!!!!! We can NOT have another Cat!!! Ms Megabyte2 gets ALL of our attention and NO she doesn't need a Playmate!...... He IS a neat Cat tho...:-)
Old Tom last winter
Well, thankfully it cooled off a little down here in the Rio Grande Valley. It has been about 61 each morning when we go on our walk and that is nice. It gets up to 80-85-90 in the afternoon and it hasn't been quite so humid.
Sunday morning it was comfortably cooler and we decided it would be a nice time for our first longer Bike ride in the Valley on the Harley. So we got all our leathers on and decided to see what we could find. We took off toward the East and finally got out in the country.
We went about 40 miles and stopped at a Picnic area to stretch and Ms Pat was checking the map.
We looked back to the West where we had come from and saw this:
We then looked to the East the way we were headed and saw this:
Back to the Map!!!
Well, it was a nice morning for a ride and since it was Sunday morning there wasn't a lot of traffic yet, but there sure wasn't anything to see!!!! 40 miles of this was about enough, so we turned around and went back to the local Harley Dealership in McAllen.
There were a few other riders around there and we enjoyed spending some time looking at all the Bikes and the fancy Harley Garb. Then we headed on the last 10 miles home. 80 miles round trip and it was enjoyable. We are extending our rides a little more each time and this is our longest so far, but I doubt either of us has the desire to go on great, long trips. This Harley is real comfortable to ride and cruises right along but "I ain't as good once as I once was". I admit it!!
The parking lot at the RGV Harley Dealership, McAllen, TX.
That's about it so far this week from down here on the Border....
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Remember now, all my Cat friends,,,,,,I'm waiting for your expert opinions..
God Bless you all!!
This Blog is Published every Wedensday and Sunday..
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Getting settled on our lot in Mission, TX.
We are now on our lot at Retama Village in Mission, Tx. and will be here until the first week in Feb 2010. Since we have a lot of new readers (194 last Wed), I thought I would show a few pictures of our place in Texas.
This was back in May of 2007 when they began work on the lot we purchased. We headed on North to the Black Hills of South Dakota shortly after these 2 pictures were taken.

This was back in May of 2007 when they began work on the lot we purchased. We headed on North to the Black Hills of South Dakota shortly after these 2 pictures were taken.

The Clubhouse was just barely started then. We were anxious to see what it would look like when we returned in October.
(click on all pictures to enlarge)
This is the front of the Clubhouse when it was all completed... WOW, it's even nicer than we imagined.
This is the front gate and that is the clubhouse in the background...

(click on all pictures to enlarge)
Here we are on the lot when we came back in October of '07 and it was all completed. As you can see we fill it up!!! That's OK, there are 14 other BIG Trucks owned by friends of ours located in the Park and we won't always be this big. One of these days we have to start downsizing!!
This is the front of the Clubhouse when it was all completed... WOW, it's even nicer than we imagined.
This is the front gate and that is the clubhouse in the background...
In the back of the clubhouse is this Outdoor Kitchen and Dining area, fully equipped!!!
Looking at the Pool and Hot Tub area from the Outdoor Kitchen.
This is the entrance to the Pool and Outdoor Kitchen and Patio area.
The Pool and the Hot Tub...
We have an excellent exercise room right off the pool....with nice equipment.. Inside the Clubhouse there is a Pool Room with 2 Pool Tables. Pat and I try to shoot a couple games of Rotation Pool every afternoon. Once in a while I even beat her, but not very often, she is an excellent Pool player.
Almost every night after dark, Pat and I go over and enjoy the Hot Tub.... it feels so GOOD!!! This picture was taken in Jan of last winter. We almost always have the place all to ourselves.. Interestingly the water in both the Pool and the Hot Tub is all Salt Water......
This is the inside of our 12X20 Coach House. We hurried up and got ours finished off inside... it has a full bath, wet bar and hide-a-way bed. So we can have overnight guests, come on down! It's a little warm right now, but in Nov, Dec and Jan, it will be superb!!!
So we're roughin' it down here in South Texas and have been here a week today. The last few days we have begun our usual routine,,,,,,up at 4 am. Pat goes over to the exercise room for about an hour while I'm finishing up on my computer and publishing this Blog. About 7am (before daylight) we begin our 4 mile walk in the Bentsen State Park Bird Sanctuary that is adjacent to the Resort. It usually takes a few minutes over an hour. That's about the same routine we have everywhere we live....trying our best to stay Healthy, Fit and Happy. So far so good!!
If you get down our way, be sure to give us a call........
Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see you all again Wednesday...
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!
This Blog is Published each Sunday and Wedensday Morning..
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What is it,,,,,,Can you guess?
It started drizzling lightly just as we were leaving the Buckhorn RV Resort at Kerrville, Tx. Sunday. We stopped and gave some thought to sitting it out, but rain was forecast for the next 3 days. The rig was already quite dirty from the rain we hit coming down from Kansas and we were both anxious to get on to our place at Retama Village in Mission, TX, so we decided to head out and at least get a few miles down the road. We only had 325 miles to go. We didn't get out until 10:30 am, which is quite late for us. We usually get out at 8 or 9am.
When we got to the outskirts of San Antonio, it began pouring down hard rain. We slowly trucked on South. Being Sunday morning, the traffic was light and we made it through town in good time. It misted off and on a little and we decided to go on in all the way and easily pulled into our spot about 5:30. There was Larry and Linda Moore and Doug and Jutta Franks and others waving at us as we turned down Lark Drive towards our corner lot. Soon we were all settled in with the A/C cranked up and relaxing. Finally!!! Thank God, we're HOME again!!!
Ok,,,Can you tell me what this is below?
A necklace you say?? No, sorry not a necklace, nor is it a belt. Pretty isn't it?
Click on it and enlarge the picture and zoom in on it...........See what it is? Ok, that's a Concho in the center,,,,,,,,,but can you tell the rest of it is made out of pop tops? Yep, a new use for pop tops!!!
It's a HAT BAND!!
When we got to the outskirts of San Antonio, it began pouring down hard rain. We slowly trucked on South. Being Sunday morning, the traffic was light and we made it through town in good time. It misted off and on a little and we decided to go on in all the way and easily pulled into our spot about 5:30. There was Larry and Linda Moore and Doug and Jutta Franks and others waving at us as we turned down Lark Drive towards our corner lot. Soon we were all settled in with the A/C cranked up and relaxing. Finally!!! Thank God, we're HOME again!!!
Ok,,,Can you tell me what this is below?
A necklace you say?? No, sorry not a necklace, nor is it a belt. Pretty isn't it?
Click on it and enlarge the picture and zoom in on it...........See what it is? Ok, that's a Concho in the center,,,,,,,,,but can you tell the rest of it is made out of pop tops? Yep, a new use for pop tops!!!
It's a HAT BAND!!
I met a fellow while I was at the HDT Rally in Hutchinson, KS who was with the Holiday Rambler group and he was carrying a whole handfull of these. His name was Boyd Shields and he was an old Cowboy, just a little pint of a guy, only stood about 5'5", but a neat little guy. Reminded me of Little Jimmy Dickens, whom I met one time in the Airport at Nashville, TN. He wanted to show me the Hatbands he makes. As busy as I was installing PressurePro Systems, I took a few minutes and talked with him. He was from OKLAHOMA and "Cowboy" all the way from his boots to his cowboy hat. He had a big 45' Holiday Rambler Motorhome. It was a beauty and I was admiring it. He said to me "I don't drive it,my wife does",,,"But I do the backing"!!!
I mentioned to him that it was neat to run into someone closer to my age in a campground. I told him the joke that I was taught to respect my elders,,,,,but I couldn't find any!! He got quite a kick out of that and asked me, "Well, how OLD are you"? When I told him he said "Well heck, I've got you beat by 15 years"!! I about fell over! I said, "15 YEARS??? How old are you?" "I'm 90." he answered. I was in AWE. Finally I found an elder!!! He was as spry as a young chicken. I thought about challenging him to a foot race, but then I thought again. This little short legged cowboy from Oklahoma might outrun me. I told him I just had to have one of those Hatbands. "Well, come on in here and meet my wife", he told me. "She's 75." I went into his beautiful coach and the first thing I did was ask his wife, "Now how old is he really?" "OH he's 90" she replied. Praise the lord!! Man, this gives me hope,,,,,maybe I do have a few more years in me!!! (RV'n years I'm talking about) He is still a full timer!
I was so busy, I didn't even remember to get a picture of this little guy. I sure wish I had, cause he was such a neat guy and one of my ELDERS!!!!! I respect him and I have his card. I just may look him up again one day. But I sure did buy one of his HAT BANDS. It was worth the $10 bucks just to meet him.
Man-O-Man, it's hot and humid down here in the Rio Grande Valley,,,,,got over 90 yesterday, gonna be 97 today. We spent all day washing the Teton, Volvo and the Honda CRV. Must have sweated off 10 lbs. (Ha, I wish). But I did jump on the Harley and take a short 10 mile ride around the area,,,that cooled me off a little. Then, I took a shower in our Coach House shower. That shower is worth it's weight in GOLD. Gee, I forgot what water pressure sticks and bricks (that's what us RV'ers call houses) have.
I can't wait for CHRISTMAS and "All I want for Christmas" is some COOL weather!!! PLEASE????
That's about it from the edge of the Mexican border down here. Thank you all for stopping by..
Remember what I like to tell sure to tell your kids and family you love them. They may not be around forever
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
This Blog is puiblished every Wedensday and Sunday..
Sunday, October 11, 2009
RV-Dreams Rally 2009
Once again we got outta Dodge just in time. Well, it wasn't Dodge, it was Hutchinson, KS, but it turned real cold right after we departed. The folks that stayed about froze to death. Dale Bruss told us it was 32 there yesterday morning about noon. Although, we had quite strong head winds and some light misty drizzle we logged in 500 miles last Wednesday after leaving the HDT rally. We pulled into the Stephenville, TX. Walmart just about dark. That gave us an easy trip the next day of 225 miles on to our destination in Kerrville, TX just North of San Antonio.
We were on the road shortly after 7:00 am and things were going good and the wind hadn't even come up yet. Then about 100 miles into the trip I stopped for a usual "relief" break when I noticed 2 quite serious situations. First of all, there seemed to be some type of OIL splattered on the right front side of the Honda CRV. Further investigation disclosed pink OIL dripping out from under the 5TH wheel,,,,,Ugh, Not good!! I quickly put on my old coveralls and under the trailer I went and dropped a section of the underbelly cover for inspection. It was an oily dripping mess. I had oil dripping down my arm and in my face, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from.
From underneath the Rig in an oil puddle, I told Pat that we needed to find a repair shop as close as that could get us in and out ASAP. Pat put her ingenious mind to work. This gal never ceases to amaze me!! First place she looked was in the Trailer Life campground directory. Nothing there. So she immediately found a local campground not far from us and called them. "Do you know of a place we could get some RV work done?", she asked. The campground owner replied, "Well ,yes, there just happens to be a great place less than 20 miles down the road from you in Burnet,TX" He told her he knew them well and they go good work at a fair price......Wonderful!!! just what we need. Her next call was to the Lee Hoffpauir RV and Truck Repair. She explained our situation and was told "Sure, bring it on in"!
So I finished sopping up as much of the oil as I could and placed some rags in the area to keep it from dripping and put the belly panels back on. I couldn't find a shut off or exactly where it was coming from, but it was obviously hydraulic fluid from a slide out hose that had broken. Unless we used the slides, it shouldn't pump out anymore. As soon as I cleaned myself up as good as possible, we headed on south.
The shop took us right in (just drove the entire rig right into the shop) and soon found that one of the slide rails had cut a 25 ft hydraulic hose causing the leak. The hose went from the hydraulic pump up to the center of the rig. I thought we were "Dead in the Water", would miss the RV-Dreams Rally again and our Seminar was for the next day at 2:00 pm. Here we sit....125 miles from our destination, sitting in a service bay. The foreman told us, "We make our own hydraulic hoses and all I need is an OK from you and we can have you on the road in 2 hours!!! WOW!!! We definitely have an "ANGEL" up above looking out for us!! Praise the Lord!!! It's all an adventure!!!
Two hours later we were "Trucking it" on south all fixed up in good shape and the total bill was $350.00. Not bad. We pulled into the Buckhorn Lake RV Resort about 3:30pm. There were RV-Dreamers all over the place,,,,,and we were GLAD to be here!!
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
Buckhorn Lake RV Resort is a "top notch" Resort. We have been here several times and love it. I have even put pictures of it on the Blog before. Can you see what is right in the center of the road when you enter the park?
Yep,,,,A WINDMILL. Now you know how I LOVE Windmills! This one is a beauty. That big Red Barn on the right is the meeting rooms and dining area. It is huge and works out great. We have given Seminars here before and it's always a joy to return. What a super place to have a Rally.
This is the back side of the Barn and the outdoor cooking area..
We were on the road shortly after 7:00 am and things were going good and the wind hadn't even come up yet. Then about 100 miles into the trip I stopped for a usual "relief" break when I noticed 2 quite serious situations. First of all, there seemed to be some type of OIL splattered on the right front side of the Honda CRV. Further investigation disclosed pink OIL dripping out from under the 5TH wheel,,,,,Ugh, Not good!! I quickly put on my old coveralls and under the trailer I went and dropped a section of the underbelly cover for inspection. It was an oily dripping mess. I had oil dripping down my arm and in my face, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from.
From underneath the Rig in an oil puddle, I told Pat that we needed to find a repair shop as close as that could get us in and out ASAP. Pat put her ingenious mind to work. This gal never ceases to amaze me!! First place she looked was in the Trailer Life campground directory. Nothing there. So she immediately found a local campground not far from us and called them. "Do you know of a place we could get some RV work done?", she asked. The campground owner replied, "Well ,yes, there just happens to be a great place less than 20 miles down the road from you in Burnet,TX" He told her he knew them well and they go good work at a fair price......Wonderful!!! just what we need. Her next call was to the Lee Hoffpauir RV and Truck Repair. She explained our situation and was told "Sure, bring it on in"!
So I finished sopping up as much of the oil as I could and placed some rags in the area to keep it from dripping and put the belly panels back on. I couldn't find a shut off or exactly where it was coming from, but it was obviously hydraulic fluid from a slide out hose that had broken. Unless we used the slides, it shouldn't pump out anymore. As soon as I cleaned myself up as good as possible, we headed on south.
The shop took us right in (just drove the entire rig right into the shop) and soon found that one of the slide rails had cut a 25 ft hydraulic hose causing the leak. The hose went from the hydraulic pump up to the center of the rig. I thought we were "Dead in the Water", would miss the RV-Dreams Rally again and our Seminar was for the next day at 2:00 pm. Here we sit....125 miles from our destination, sitting in a service bay. The foreman told us, "We make our own hydraulic hoses and all I need is an OK from you and we can have you on the road in 2 hours!!! WOW!!! We definitely have an "ANGEL" up above looking out for us!! Praise the Lord!!! It's all an adventure!!!
Two hours later we were "Trucking it" on south all fixed up in good shape and the total bill was $350.00. Not bad. We pulled into the Buckhorn Lake RV Resort about 3:30pm. There were RV-Dreamers all over the place,,,,,and we were GLAD to be here!!
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
Buckhorn Lake RV Resort is a "top notch" Resort. We have been here several times and love it. I have even put pictures of it on the Blog before. Can you see what is right in the center of the road when you enter the park?
Yep,,,,A WINDMILL. Now you know how I LOVE Windmills! This one is a beauty. That big Red Barn on the right is the meeting rooms and dining area. It is huge and works out great. We have given Seminars here before and it's always a joy to return. What a super place to have a Rally.
This is the back side of the Barn and the outdoor cooking area..
The spaces are all concrete and over 100 ft long. My entire rig fits on fine...
Last night was the final big dinner party. The catered dinner was extremly delicious, you should have seen the size of the Pork Chop!!! It was over an inch thick!!
We were extremly busy all day yesterday installing PressurePro Systems for several new customers and we may have one or two more this morning. First thing is a Big Cowboy Breakfast,,,,then Farewell hugs and Handshakes...
Several readers have ask us "What is RV-DREAMS?" Howard and Linda Payne have built a great reputation of helping folks that want to get into full-time RV'ing. They have been doing it for several years and are an extremely young couple that dropped out of the corporate business world and began full-time Rv'ing. They have helped hundreds of people answer questions and learn how to do it. Their Rally was full of good information. Some of the Seminars were: "Full-timing Preparation", Emotional Aspects of the Full-timing Decision", What Does it Cost to Full-Time? and on and on. There are also a lot of part-timers that follow their Blog and Forum. Take a look at their web This is their second Rally and there are over 40 rigs in attendance this year.
We will probably be heading on to our place at Retama Village in Mission TX, today. It's only 325 miles but we don't want to get in late so we may stop somewhere tonight. As usual, we have no schedule, just play it by day at a time..
Thanks for following along with us and God Bless you all.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wedensday...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time to Hit the Road again!!!
Although there were several of us already at the HDT Rally here in Hutchinson, KS, on Sunday they started arriving in bunches! Here are 3 Rigs lined up waiting to get parked and another was still out on the road waiting to get in. We quickly found them a place to park near the rest of the group. We had an excellent turn out (about 30-31) and the Rally was officially underway Sunday evening with a big Pizza party!!
Monday and Tuesday were filled with Seminars of interest to Big Rig owners and 12-13 Newbee's who are looking for a good safe truck to tow with. Our good friends, Jack and Danielle Mayer, had to close up the campground in Woodland Park, CO and were a little late getting here. They arrived on Monday.
We have been extremely busy putting PressurePro Tire Monitoring Systems on several rigs. Monday morning we gave our Seminar and had our display table set up. We enjoy talking to everyone and answering any questions about Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems..
We really lucked out by getting here early. As luck would have it, there were two other clubs having Rallies here unbeknown to us.....the Holiday Rambler folks and the Monaco Motorhome Club. We sold several PressurePro systems to members of those Rallies. We nearly SOLD OUT and had to have an overnight shipment sent to the RV Park in Texas.!!!!! Much better than we planned on!!! What a pleasant surprise....I love it!!! This product is so wonderful it sells itself....and it is an outstanding safety item. It is our feeling that no one should drive an RV rig without some kind of Tire Pressure Monitoring System.
Last night was the BBQ dinner and it was mighty tasty!!! It was our last night as we are leaving the Rally early. This morning we are heading for the RV-Dreams Rally near San Antonio, TX. which is about 700 miles from here. We will drive as far as we can today and hope we can make it somewhere around Fort Worth, (about 400 miles) then continue on in and arrive at Buckhorn Lake RV Park as early as possible on Thursday. Our Seminar is scheduled for Friday. This is what happens when two of our favorite Rallies are scheduled at the same time. It's tough to make it to both, but we have many friends and customers at both places. We feel it is worth the effort and after they are over, we can slow down for a while. Right now we are going in about 4 directions at the same time. Let's hope we have good travel weather (rain is forecast) and don't have any hard winds or travel problems. With the Lord's blessing we will make it just fine.
By this time next week we will be relaxing in the 90* + weather in Mission TX at Retama Village with more of our friends. I can feel the pleasures of the Hot Tub after sundown right now. Ahhhhh......that will feel good!!! Makes all this hard work worth while!!!
Meanwhile lets "Hitch up" and get outta here!!! Come on along and travel with us, there is more adventure down the road!!!!
Thanks for stopping by...see ya in Fort Worth.
God Bless all our wonderful Friends, Customers and Followers...
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I got to have one of THESE!!!!
We made it to Hutchinson, Kansas on Wednedsay afternoon, It took 2 days of over 300 miles per day and both days had treacherous winds....gusts up to wasn't fun driving. We are here attending the HDT (Heavy Duty Truck) Rally and giving a PressurePro Tire Pressure Monitoring Seminar. Several of our friends are already here and others will be in soon.

Every night is Happy Hour and Pot Luck at our place. This is the first night and the party continues to grow every night.....lots of old and new friends.

Every night is Happy Hour and Pot Luck at our place. This is the first night and the party continues to grow every night.....lots of old and new friends.
Here is Ms Pat on her NEW TOY!! We are set up in a good visible spot and have already sold a couple PressurePro systems and a PowerTank. The Rally doesn't even start until today.
Now we both have NEW TOYS!! These are FUN! After a short training session we were checked out and cleared for a solo. Now we are ready for a race.......Get set GO!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Pat won!!! She beat me!!! Our good friend and fellow HDT'er Dave Mattson from near Kansas City brought 2 of these Segways to the Rally with him. We had a ball riding them around the RV Park. Pat had ridden one several years ago in an RV Park in Florida and I have been wanting to try one for myself.
Dave gave us a training session and showed us how they work. They are neat! It does take a little getting used to, but it's not hard. You lean forward and it will go forward, the farther you lean the faster it will go. Same thing on stopping and backing up, just lean back. Turning is accomplished by turning the left handgrip. Many thanks to Dave for this enjoyable and fun new experience......I loved it !!!!! Boy O Boy, the fun we have in this lifestyle never ends! I would like to have one of these but Ms Pat says we need to WALK....for exercise......Shucks!!!
We will be giving our Seminar here on Monday, then we have to leave early Wednesday morning and head for an RV Park near San Antonio for another Seminar at the RV-Dreams Rally. It will be another fairly hard two day trip. Lets hope we have some decent weather and no break downs.
I'll try to make a short Blog Post Wednesday before we leave........ Thanks for stopping by.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday morning..
Now we both have NEW TOYS!! These are FUN! After a short training session we were checked out and cleared for a solo. Now we are ready for a race.......Get set GO!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Pat won!!! She beat me!!! Our good friend and fellow HDT'er Dave Mattson from near Kansas City brought 2 of these Segways to the Rally with him. We had a ball riding them around the RV Park. Pat had ridden one several years ago in an RV Park in Florida and I have been wanting to try one for myself.
Dave gave us a training session and showed us how they work. They are neat! It does take a little getting used to, but it's not hard. You lean forward and it will go forward, the farther you lean the faster it will go. Same thing on stopping and backing up, just lean back. Turning is accomplished by turning the left handgrip. Many thanks to Dave for this enjoyable and fun new experience......I loved it !!!!! Boy O Boy, the fun we have in this lifestyle never ends! I would like to have one of these but Ms Pat says we need to WALK....for exercise......Shucks!!!
We will be giving our Seminar here on Monday, then we have to leave early Wednesday morning and head for an RV Park near San Antonio for another Seminar at the RV-Dreams Rally. It will be another fairly hard two day trip. Lets hope we have some decent weather and no break downs.
I'll try to make a short Blog Post Wednesday before we leave........ Thanks for stopping by.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday morning..
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