Yep, Monday was the day. The Bayfield’s are coming, the Bayfield’s are coming. Hip, hip, hurray!! The Bayfield's are coming!!

Sure enough, right after lunch I looked up and I saw the Bayfield Bunch in the drive. We were so excited to finally get to meet Al and Kelly of Bayfield, Ontario Canada. Al is well known in the Blogger world and he and I have been contacting one another for several years. But this was our first meeting face to face. Al has a wonderful way with words and even a more wonderful way with a camera. Never has a better Blog hit the Internet than Al’s. Bar none!! He is my favorite and I read his Blog every morning first thing.
This is an insert from Al’s own profile:
“Kelly & Al are a quiet couple who live with their dogs in a cozy mobile home in the 5 Seasons Resort on the outskirts of Bayfield, Ontario Canada. We travel to the American Southwest in our motorhome during the winter months. I am a quiet sort of fellow who prefers to walk his own path and not bother anyone along the way”
Al and I have always hit it off together. Mainly because I think we are a lot alike in many ways, but still different. He is just one guy that I feel I could trust in every way. He says what he feels and if you don’t agree, that’s fine. but still he is a very caring guy and would do anything for a friend.

As Al stepped out of his Jeep, a big wind gust came up and his hat flew off. I was close by and I just reached out and caught it. I handed it to him and said HELLO, as we shook hands. Right away, I knew a hand shake with this guy wasn’t enough. We had a great big, respectable HUG!! Now I don’t hug many guys.....only the ones that have crept in this cold, old heart of mine. Al is one of those guys. I felt as if we had been friends for years. Well.....I guess we had!!
Soon we were all sitting inside our porch and here Ms. Pat is explaining that after me talking about Al so much, she decided to check his Blog out herself. Now she reads his work every morning and is hooked.

Kelly is herself a spark of pleasantness and her and Ms. Pat hit it right off……..

What a wonderful couple these two are. It's easy to see how they compliment each other so well....just like Ms. Pat and myself. Both Al and I would be the first to admit that it is these two Gals that keep us “Rollin”!!

All too soon it was time for the Bayfield Bunch to head for home. The wind was blowing 30+ mph and they needed to get home to check on their motorhome. To say that we enjoyed our time spent with these two fine RV’ers from that great land way up North, would be an understatement for sure!!
Thank you so much Al and Kelly for stopping by our place to visit. It is truly an honor. We sure hope there is some way we can entice you to come back and also to come to our “other” piece of Heaven in the great Black Hills of South Dakota. Our doors are always open to special friends like you.
It is a GREAT WEEK !!!!
Thanks for stopping by and God Bless you all!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Sure enough, right after lunch I looked up and I saw the Bayfield Bunch in the drive. We were so excited to finally get to meet Al and Kelly of Bayfield, Ontario Canada. Al is well known in the Blogger world and he and I have been contacting one another for several years. But this was our first meeting face to face. Al has a wonderful way with words and even a more wonderful way with a camera. Never has a better Blog hit the Internet than Al’s. Bar none!! He is my favorite and I read his Blog every morning first thing.
This is an insert from Al’s own profile:
“Kelly & Al are a quiet couple who live with their dogs in a cozy mobile home in the 5 Seasons Resort on the outskirts of Bayfield, Ontario Canada. We travel to the American Southwest in our motorhome during the winter months. I am a quiet sort of fellow who prefers to walk his own path and not bother anyone along the way”
Al and I have always hit it off together. Mainly because I think we are a lot alike in many ways, but still different. He is just one guy that I feel I could trust in every way. He says what he feels and if you don’t agree, that’s fine. but still he is a very caring guy and would do anything for a friend.
As Al stepped out of his Jeep, a big wind gust came up and his hat flew off. I was close by and I just reached out and caught it. I handed it to him and said HELLO, as we shook hands. Right away, I knew a hand shake with this guy wasn’t enough. We had a great big, respectable HUG!! Now I don’t hug many guys.....only the ones that have crept in this cold, old heart of mine. Al is one of those guys. I felt as if we had been friends for years. Well.....I guess we had!!
Soon we were all sitting inside our porch and here Ms. Pat is explaining that after me talking about Al so much, she decided to check his Blog out herself. Now she reads his work every morning and is hooked.
Kelly is herself a spark of pleasantness and her and Ms. Pat hit it right off……..
What a wonderful couple these two are. It's easy to see how they compliment each other so well....just like Ms. Pat and myself. Both Al and I would be the first to admit that it is these two Gals that keep us “Rollin”!!
All too soon it was time for the Bayfield Bunch to head for home. The wind was blowing 30+ mph and they needed to get home to check on their motorhome. To say that we enjoyed our time spent with these two fine RV’ers from that great land way up North, would be an understatement for sure!!
Thank you so much Al and Kelly for stopping by our place to visit. It is truly an honor. We sure hope there is some way we can entice you to come back and also to come to our “other” piece of Heaven in the great Black Hills of South Dakota. Our doors are always open to special friends like you.
It is a GREAT WEEK !!!!
Thanks for stopping by and God Bless you all!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..