We finally struck an agreement with the Company that built our Pole Barn, for them to build the “lean to” to park the Motorhome under. Signed the contract and sent a deposit so they could get the material ordered. They pushed us on the start date and said they could start on it the middle of May. We have so many last minute Dr appointments and other details that there is no way we could be there by then. “Oh, that’s OK", they said, "We can do it before you get here and have it all done by the time you arrive." Uh....no I don’t think so. I want to be there while they are doing it……thank you just the same.
So the start date was set for June 4TH. We moved our departure date from here at North Ranch up a few days to May 24TH. We need to get there a few days early and get a building permit and I want to have the surveyors check the location of the lot line. I don’t want to violate any regulations. You must stay at least 15 feet back from the line and I want to make sure!
So our minds are starting to think about securing this place and getting everything all wrapped up and ready to go. We will be mighty busy for our last month before we leave. However, I’m getting a little anxious…..of course!

Here is Ms. Pat yesterday at her ladies pistol training class at the Wickenburg Sportsmen's Club shooting range. She is trying out a new gun and receiving some “one on one” personal training from Caryl, the Instructor and Range Safety Officer. Pat is trying to learn how to use a gun with an external "safety". Her Glock doesn't have an external safety so this is new for her. She has enjoyed these classes every Tuesday for the last couple months and they only have one more class left for this season.

I spend a lot of time behind my new Dillon RL 550B Progressive Reloader. I have enjoyed this new found hobby and I’m about to pass the 3000 mark in reloading bullets for us to shoot. Each time I pull that handle down a new bullet is made! Keeps me out of trouble while Ms. Pat is up Line Dancing four days a week…. her favorite hobby.

We were so happy to have some long time faithful followers of our Blog stop by and say hello. This is Paul and Marsha of Where's Weaver . They were visiting North Ranch and exploring the area. It's good to put a face on these fine folks that we feel we’ve known for years. Thanks for stopping by Paul and Marsha!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks so much for all the thoughtful and caring comments on my last Blog. God Bless you all!
Lots of folks are on the move and our Park is almost empty.....so you all travel safe, ya hear?
Drop back Sunday morning if you get a chance, we would love to have you!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
So the start date was set for June 4TH. We moved our departure date from here at North Ranch up a few days to May 24TH. We need to get there a few days early and get a building permit and I want to have the surveyors check the location of the lot line. I don’t want to violate any regulations. You must stay at least 15 feet back from the line and I want to make sure!
So our minds are starting to think about securing this place and getting everything all wrapped up and ready to go. We will be mighty busy for our last month before we leave. However, I’m getting a little anxious…..of course!
Here is Ms. Pat yesterday at her ladies pistol training class at the Wickenburg Sportsmen's Club shooting range. She is trying out a new gun and receiving some “one on one” personal training from Caryl, the Instructor and Range Safety Officer. Pat is trying to learn how to use a gun with an external "safety". Her Glock doesn't have an external safety so this is new for her. She has enjoyed these classes every Tuesday for the last couple months and they only have one more class left for this season.
I spend a lot of time behind my new Dillon RL 550B Progressive Reloader. I have enjoyed this new found hobby and I’m about to pass the 3000 mark in reloading bullets for us to shoot. Each time I pull that handle down a new bullet is made! Keeps me out of trouble while Ms. Pat is up Line Dancing four days a week…. her favorite hobby.
We were so happy to have some long time faithful followers of our Blog stop by and say hello. This is Paul and Marsha of Where's Weaver . They were visiting North Ranch and exploring the area. It's good to put a face on these fine folks that we feel we’ve known for years. Thanks for stopping by Paul and Marsha!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks so much for all the thoughtful and caring comments on my last Blog. God Bless you all!
Lots of folks are on the move and our Park is almost empty.....so you all travel safe, ya hear?
Drop back Sunday morning if you get a chance, we would love to have you!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Mike and Paul are so alike. Paul would never let them start any project without being there. Glad you were able to postpone it.
We forgot to see the Reloader when we were there. Amazing how simple it is to make a bullet.
We enjoyed our short visit also. Hope to catch you two up North. Enjoy your week.
They may have to change the name of the club to Wickenburg Gun Club not sportsmen I bet Ms Pat can shoot better than most men..
Glad you were able to get the date postponed until you were there. It is always better to be on site for things like that.
It's always fun to meet blogging friends. Hopefully our paths will cross sometime in the future.
A big thanks to Pat for checking out our place a few days ago. Much appreciated. Maybe you could get a bullet making contract with the Army Mike. That would keep you out of trouble for awhile. I'm kind of the opposite to you guys. I would like to have something like that shed all done by the time I got there so I could just drive in, park, & relax. No fuss, no muss, no bother......
Oh, and I don't even like letting trades people IN MY HOUSE, although I sometimes have to grudgingly make an exception. When we were in Puerto Rico and wanted our driveway (back in Canada)done, I had one of my long time buddies not only use a paving contractor he had used for years and years, but her was right there to supervise. He's like that. But that was as far as I was willing to let things go. Otherwise, I want to be there. ...and chances are, I'd be operating the digger. I've seen too many guys do too many stupid things.
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