We departed Retama Village in Mission, TX, Monday morning about 8am and drove 400 miles to our favorite roadside park about 40 miles West of Del Rio, TX right along Hwy 90. It was a great trip and everything went smooth as silk. We thank the Lord for being our “Co-Pilot”!
We love this spot! It’s back off the road and is very private and quiet. Plus, it’s beautiful!
That bridge is Hwy 90 over the Pecos River where it dumps into the Rio Grande. We stopped here last year when we discovered this place by mistake. We were looking for another roadside park just down the road but lucked out and found this one. What a wonderful discovery…..
We got there about 4:45pm, just in time to catch a little late Happy Hour. Ms Pat is enjoying the beautiful sunset as she looks out from the shelter towards Mexico, where the Pecos runs into the Rio Grande….
Even Ms Megabyte2 enjoyed the sights and Sunset! I was enjoying it so much I almost missed getting a picture. Here it is all ready below the horizon…..but trust me it was superb.
The next morning was another beautiful day. We left about 7:30 am. The sun was rising behind us as we continued on West. I was a little concerned because the wind came up during the night and blew something fierce. But this morning, it was quiet and calm. See...I told you God was our "Co-Pilot".
Ms Pat was eager to take the controls of the big 450hp Cummins diesel and chalked up a few hundred miles of “stick time” driving the Rig down the road. She is a good driver and continues to get familiar with the Foretravel. It was a big help to me too, as we chalked up 477 miles and arrived at the “Dreamcatcher” Escapee’s RV Park in Deming NM at 4:30pm. Of course, it was only 3:30 here, so were again just in time for Happy Hour!!
We woke up this morning to 14 degrees. YIKES!!! I'm happy to say that this "AquaHot" in the Foretravel is wonderful. We are snug as a bug in a rug! Nice and warm and didn't have to touch a drop of Propane.. So far this Rig is working out superb and we are "Lovin" everything about it.. Today we have an easy drive of 215 miles to Tucson,AZ. We will stop and spend some time with the Grandsons Michael and Stephen. I’m sure they miss their Father as much as we do and it will be good to see them.
Thursday morning we will complete our journey for the last 300 miles or so on up to North Ranch. We are anxious to get there and settle into our HOME….Our FIRST "stick & bricks" home in 15 years!! It's exciting! Paul and Nancy....we are sure looking forward to seeing you guys. We will stop at your place FIRST and unhook our toad….sometime tomorrow!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by.....see you Sunday from HOME!!
God Bless!
This Blog is published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Honk as you pass Benson -- we'll wave. You drive long days, pal, but that's how you like to do it, and so far it seems to work for you, so go to it! We'll stay content with 150 - 200 miles a day, with a day off now and then in between.
Great roadside park. Will have to try and remember that when we hit that part of Texas again.
You all trave safely as you make your way to North Ranch....but then with your co-pilot how could you do anything else. Praise the Lord!!
Mike and Pat....I love the looks of your recliners and sofa at North Ranch (in your pic from last post). What brands are they? Are they as comfortable as they look??
You all take care and enjoy the journey!!
That's a beautiful roadside park you stayed at and what a view of the canyons of the Pecos River. The sunset looked great even with the sun below the horizon.
Good to see you're almost home to North Ranch. Glad to see you are making all those 'happy hours' too!
Glad your traveling safe and "snug as a bug"...LOL....we settled in Bullhead City, AZ this winter. We like it, but it has been brrrrrr...warm up is on the way though and I suspect North Ranch will be feeling the warmth as well. Travel Safe
Sounds like you are having a good trip. Enjoy your time with the grands.
We are thinking we might be going to Texas in the spring (possible job) and so are figuring our days of travel. We are thinking about 250 - 300 miles per day. Not sure though or even how to gauge that. Any suggestions are welcome.
Be safe and continued safe travels. Isn't it wonderful having God as your co-pilot?
Happy to see you two on your way. If we get to North Ranch we'll stop in to see your new house! Hope our paths cross sometime this winter.
But Mike, doesn't that aqua hot burn diesel? You act like it gets hot all by itself, LOL! But true it didn't burn any propane.
Have a safe trip up to North Ranch, and it is warming up now in the Southwest so the cold will just be a memory!
Got me another windmill for ya Mike. I'll post it sometime over the next few days.
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