On this one day set aside especially for Fathers, I would like to wish you all a very pleasant, happy day! My Dad has been gone now for almost 10 years and I think I miss him more every year. Oh, how I wish I could give him a big hug. I didn’t do it enough when he was around. I love ya Pops and I know you're up there smiling down at us……I sure miss you and Mom.

All too soon it was time for Greg and Bonnie to continue on their trip north up into Canada, which is Greg’s homeland. We had such a super time with them....I was hoping they would stay a while longer....like maybe the rest of the summer….

Greg is loading his bike, getting ready to leave. They have such a nice Toyhauler. It is one of the nicest Toyhaulers I have ever seen. The last 12’ is a dedicated place to haul their Harleys. The living area up front is as plush as you can get. It’s an Escalade Sportster.

After a bunch of hugs, they headed out. Here they are out on the road headed North. They promised to come back on their way home to Tennessee this Fall. We can’t wait to take them to the Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup in September.

Greg helped me clean up the area behind our Toy barn. It was a mess with tall weeds and rocks. It looks so much better now. Greg is such a handy guy to have around and always wants to be doing some work that needs to be done.

Even with all the work we got done, we had some super visiting time at Happy Hour.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
We'll have more pictures later. Ms. Pat says she will take me out for Breakfast since it's Fathers Day so I gotta go.:-))))
Thanks for stopping by.....have a GREAT DAY!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
All too soon it was time for Greg and Bonnie to continue on their trip north up into Canada, which is Greg’s homeland. We had such a super time with them....I was hoping they would stay a while longer....like maybe the rest of the summer….
Greg is loading his bike, getting ready to leave. They have such a nice Toyhauler. It is one of the nicest Toyhaulers I have ever seen. The last 12’ is a dedicated place to haul their Harleys. The living area up front is as plush as you can get. It’s an Escalade Sportster.
After a bunch of hugs, they headed out. Here they are out on the road headed North. They promised to come back on their way home to Tennessee this Fall. We can’t wait to take them to the Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup in September.
Greg helped me clean up the area behind our Toy barn. It was a mess with tall weeds and rocks. It looks so much better now. Greg is such a handy guy to have around and always wants to be doing some work that needs to be done.
Even with all the work we got done, we had some super visiting time at Happy Hour.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
We'll have more pictures later. Ms. Pat says she will take me out for Breakfast since it's Fathers Day so I gotta go.:-))))
Thanks for stopping by.....have a GREAT DAY!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
that is quite the rig!!..have a great Father's Day today, Mike!!
Those hailstorms are always a worry. Glad you had a wonderful visit with your friends.
Looks like a great place to have a get together.
Happy Father's day back to ya. I love a post with Harleys in it!!
Have a great Father's Day Mike. Hope you and Pat enjoyed your breakfast. Really enjoyed seeing the pictures of one of our most favorite places in this beautiful country of ours!!
Happy Father's Day! Looks like you're off to a good start!
Happy Father's Day Pops, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast with Mom. I'm sure that was a nice treat for you. I hope you had some eggs and pancakes. Need to put some meat on them bones of yours.
Love You Pops,
Your Son
Happy Father's Day Pops!! I hope you had a wonderful breakfast with Mom. Since it was your special day did she let you eat eggs and pancakes? Knowing Mom she probably filled you up with Fruit. LOL
Love you Pops,
Your Son
wow what a rig that is...Happy Father's Day!!!!! hope you had a wonderful breakfast...
I like the idea of those toy haulers. Lots of room for a motorcycle, bicycles, storage, etc. If we had something like that I would load up the motorcycle in a heartbeat. I don't like the idea of trying to attach it somehow to the outside of the rig or hauling it on a trailer. Not likely we will get to the toy hauler stage but then again, stranger things have happened.
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