Since Monday was our last day at JRoger and Susan's before we headed towards home, Ms. Pat's daughters decided to come out and celebrate her Birthday early.

They both came out and spent most of the day with us and spent some time with their Mom. They brought her a nice card and some beautiful flowers, plus lots of love! We are so blessed to have these girls...although they are Ms. Pat's daughters, they are my daughters too and I love them very much. They sure made their Mother happy....but sad to be leaving.
I knew it was going to be hard to leave JRoger's place, but it was even harder than I thought it would be. It seems as you get older and have lost friends and family, it gets harder and harder to leave them. I guess I am getting sentimental in my old age. I never did like goodbyes. Hello's are much more fun.
JRoger and I hit it off from the first time we met on the internet at the time we were building our Volvo semi trucks to pull our 5th wheels. JRoger and I have so much in common and we can relate so well. He just seems to understand me and except me for what I am. I so respect him and cherish his wisdom, advice and.....well, just about everything he does. It's just fun to be with him. He's taught me an awful lot and brought a lot of joy into my life. You can see that I am missing him already. He and Susan have promised to do their best to come West and let us show them the Arizona desert. We can hardly wait.

Getting to spend two full days at a Gun Show, sharing a table with JRoger, was a dream come true..... something I had wished for so many times before when I was attending other gun shows. It was a big show. You can see all the tables and I really had a ball.

This was JRogers table. I got to relax and enjoy listening to him talks guns with his friends and the public as they stopped by. In the picture above, the Gals stopped by and looked things over. They rested a bit before they took off downtown Tallahassee to do some girl shopping at the real stores. Ms. Pat got to meet her daughters and spend the afternoon shopping with them.
I must have asked JRoger a gazillion questions as I was looking over all the guns and “stuff”. I enjoy his experience and more especially his patience. I'm sure I ask him some awful stupid questions but he just grins and tells me how it is!
Tuesday morning was our departure day. Before we left, JRoger and I ran over and looked at some more guns a fellow had for sale. We managed to get everything loaded and hooked up. We said the goodbyes and hugs and got on the road just as I felt a tear or two rolling down my cheek…… WOW, that was tough.
We were a couple miles down the road when suddenly JRoger and Susan came zooming around us and flagged us down. Low and behold I had forgotten my cell phone. Left it in JRogers truck and also My Gun Price "Bible". WOW, I thought I had gotten everything but I’m so glad they caught us and gave them to me. Two pretty important items in my book! I didn’t want to further prolong this sad departure, so I just waved thanks and continued on down the road. Thanks so much for everything JRoger and Susan, God loves ya, and we sure do, too. Can’t wait until next time..
We headed on West down I-10 and turned South towards Panama City, FL. We were soon pulling into Ms. Pats sister and brother-in-law's apartment in a beautiful Assisted Living complex. Check out the pictures: Mathison Retirement Center. The building manager directed us to a big parking lot in the rear and got us all set up and told us that if we needed anything to just get a hold of him. Wow, what a beautiful quiet spot. Then we went inside and spent an enjoyable evening with Sabra and Tom. They treated us to a real nice dinner in the beautiful dining room.
We will spend today visiting and then proceed on West tomorrow. Next stop Slidell, LA to see Gus, Ms. Pat's oldest son. I hear he is getting some more of that superb seafood all prepared for us…. Hot Dog!!
One last shot that appeared on JRogers Wildgame Camera at his hunting camp…….

The dancing bears!! These guys are big!! I would have liked to see them in person while I was sitting up in that tree house...but I wonder if this old heart could have stood it!! This was taken at 6:59pm, that’s about the time we were there, but just a few days earlier. This is the exact same spot that I shot the Hog! WOW.... how exciting!!
We continue to thank our Father in Heaven along with all his Angels for the many continued blessings he provides us day after day!
Come on back Sunday. If it goes as planned we will be at Rollie and Gina’s, near Baton Rouge. You know how much we are looking forward to that!!
Travel Safe Everyone!!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
They both came out and spent most of the day with us and spent some time with their Mom. They brought her a nice card and some beautiful flowers, plus lots of love! We are so blessed to have these girls...although they are Ms. Pat's daughters, they are my daughters too and I love them very much. They sure made their Mother happy....but sad to be leaving.
I knew it was going to be hard to leave JRoger's place, but it was even harder than I thought it would be. It seems as you get older and have lost friends and family, it gets harder and harder to leave them. I guess I am getting sentimental in my old age. I never did like goodbyes. Hello's are much more fun.
JRoger and I hit it off from the first time we met on the internet at the time we were building our Volvo semi trucks to pull our 5th wheels. JRoger and I have so much in common and we can relate so well. He just seems to understand me and except me for what I am. I so respect him and cherish his wisdom, advice and.....well, just about everything he does. It's just fun to be with him. He's taught me an awful lot and brought a lot of joy into my life. You can see that I am missing him already. He and Susan have promised to do their best to come West and let us show them the Arizona desert. We can hardly wait.
Getting to spend two full days at a Gun Show, sharing a table with JRoger, was a dream come true..... something I had wished for so many times before when I was attending other gun shows. It was a big show. You can see all the tables and I really had a ball.
This was JRogers table. I got to relax and enjoy listening to him talks guns with his friends and the public as they stopped by. In the picture above, the Gals stopped by and looked things over. They rested a bit before they took off downtown Tallahassee to do some girl shopping at the real stores. Ms. Pat got to meet her daughters and spend the afternoon shopping with them.
I must have asked JRoger a gazillion questions as I was looking over all the guns and “stuff”. I enjoy his experience and more especially his patience. I'm sure I ask him some awful stupid questions but he just grins and tells me how it is!
Tuesday morning was our departure day. Before we left, JRoger and I ran over and looked at some more guns a fellow had for sale. We managed to get everything loaded and hooked up. We said the goodbyes and hugs and got on the road just as I felt a tear or two rolling down my cheek…… WOW, that was tough.
We were a couple miles down the road when suddenly JRoger and Susan came zooming around us and flagged us down. Low and behold I had forgotten my cell phone. Left it in JRogers truck and also My Gun Price "Bible". WOW, I thought I had gotten everything but I’m so glad they caught us and gave them to me. Two pretty important items in my book! I didn’t want to further prolong this sad departure, so I just waved thanks and continued on down the road. Thanks so much for everything JRoger and Susan, God loves ya, and we sure do, too. Can’t wait until next time..
We headed on West down I-10 and turned South towards Panama City, FL. We were soon pulling into Ms. Pats sister and brother-in-law's apartment in a beautiful Assisted Living complex. Check out the pictures: Mathison Retirement Center. The building manager directed us to a big parking lot in the rear and got us all set up and told us that if we needed anything to just get a hold of him. Wow, what a beautiful quiet spot. Then we went inside and spent an enjoyable evening with Sabra and Tom. They treated us to a real nice dinner in the beautiful dining room.
We will spend today visiting and then proceed on West tomorrow. Next stop Slidell, LA to see Gus, Ms. Pat's oldest son. I hear he is getting some more of that superb seafood all prepared for us…. Hot Dog!!
One last shot that appeared on JRogers Wildgame Camera at his hunting camp…….
The dancing bears!! These guys are big!! I would have liked to see them in person while I was sitting up in that tree house...but I wonder if this old heart could have stood it!! This was taken at 6:59pm, that’s about the time we were there, but just a few days earlier. This is the exact same spot that I shot the Hog! WOW.... how exciting!!
We continue to thank our Father in Heaven along with all his Angels for the many continued blessings he provides us day after day!
Come on back Sunday. If it goes as planned we will be at Rollie and Gina’s, near Baton Rouge. You know how much we are looking forward to that!!
Travel Safe Everyone!!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
What I think is so neat is that two guys have found such a great friendship. Not sure why, but it seems to me men have more trouble developing strong friendships than women do. So glad you have JRoger in your life.
Oh I so agree. Every time we say good-bye to the girls I cry longer.
Oh glad they found your cell phone and gun book. You would have been a very unhappy boy when you got home.
Love the dancing bears...hehe
it is hard to say so long to dear friends!..
Happy early birthday to Ms. Pat!!..nice that she got to celebrate with her daughters!
Know what you mean by good-byes. I generally try to avoid them if I can. Very difficult to do in the RV world when goodbyes can cover long distances & last for long periods of time. I agree with Jim above about it being harder for men to develope strong friendships.
Howdy Crying Eyes & Ms Pat,
It's hard, I know, to take leave of folks we love, but know that we'll all be seeing one another someday, which will NEVER END!! Doesn't lok like the bears were doing a 'love' dance, from the gash on Big Boy's hip.. I sure do wish you had been up in the 'tree-house' when they did the 'dance', with your video-camera!!
Hope your cameras at home don't catch the 'dance'; maybe Ms Megabytes and another kitty, tho!!!
ave a safe trip and COME BY THE RANCH, PLEASE!!
butterbean carpenter
Early happy birthday to Ms. Pat.
Because of friends like JRoger, you will most likely live longer. Check out my blog, "We Are All Connected" from a day or two ago.
You'll see how important it is to have friends and a social network.
San Antonio, TX
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