I started this Blog back in early 2007 and have posted over 500 blogs during that time. For the last few years I have been plagued with “Anonymous” commenters. It got worse and worse until a couple weeks ago I said “ENOUGH”! Most of them were out and out true “spam” and many not even written in English. Others were from people that just wanted to make a “snide” remark and didn’t have the guts to identify themselves. On each one of these comments, you must either approve them or delete them. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to get ride of them but they do become a real nuisance and disgusting. Some of them were on Blogs that I had published several years ago. It got to the point that this one Spammer posted a comment on one of my Blogs over 100 times in one day!! Can you believe that?
So I thought I would stop this big time spammer that always commented on the same old Blog by just deleting that particular blog. I did that and hurray success....for a few days! Then it began on another older blog post....same thing. Over 50 in one day. That’s when I decided, OK. that’s it, I’ve had enough. So I fixed my Blog, NO MORE Anonymous comments. WOW, what a relief!! It's been a couple weeks now and NO SPAM. What a relief!
I really didn’t want to totally get ride of Anonymous because I do get a good one once in a while from someone that doesn’t know you don’t have to join before you can make a comment. To those folks, I'm sorry. I hope you will continue reading my Blog and try commenting using just your first name.
What a COLD spell we are having. Unusually long time for it to stay cold this long. Last Sunday the early morning low was `22* and the high was 41* for the day. Then Monday the low was 21*, with a high of 40. We finally had some relief Tuesday with a low of 24 and it got way up to 45 for a high. Had a regular “heat wave”! This morning the low is 30 and they say by Thursday it will be in the mid 60’s. Man, I can’t wait. This has been all the cold weather I want to see for this year!!

My friend and x-boss Ron, at Custer State Park, sent me this picture he took of the Buffalo the other day. What a beautiful picture. I remember days just like this back when I was young and helping Dad feed the cattle on our ranch in the Sandhills of Nebraska. I’ll bet these guys are ready to see some warmer weather, too! It's been right around “0” up there in Custer this winter. That helps me feel a little warmer.
I would like to Welcome our latest Followers:
Thank you both for joining us, we are happy to have you aboard and hope you stop by often.
I can remember not too long ago when I didn’t think we would ever get to 50 followers. Wow!! Vicki and Chuck take the count to 243, and I do believe we will soon reach “250”! Hallelujah!

Oh my, do we ever have a battle on the horizon. It may even end up being a WAR!! Lots of strong feelings on the subject, but the fur is about to hit the fan….I am sure of that!! Hang on!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by and stay warm!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
So I thought I would stop this big time spammer that always commented on the same old Blog by just deleting that particular blog. I did that and hurray success....for a few days! Then it began on another older blog post....same thing. Over 50 in one day. That’s when I decided, OK. that’s it, I’ve had enough. So I fixed my Blog, NO MORE Anonymous comments. WOW, what a relief!! It's been a couple weeks now and NO SPAM. What a relief!
I really didn’t want to totally get ride of Anonymous because I do get a good one once in a while from someone that doesn’t know you don’t have to join before you can make a comment. To those folks, I'm sorry. I hope you will continue reading my Blog and try commenting using just your first name.
What a COLD spell we are having. Unusually long time for it to stay cold this long. Last Sunday the early morning low was `22* and the high was 41* for the day. Then Monday the low was 21*, with a high of 40. We finally had some relief Tuesday with a low of 24 and it got way up to 45 for a high. Had a regular “heat wave”! This morning the low is 30 and they say by Thursday it will be in the mid 60’s. Man, I can’t wait. This has been all the cold weather I want to see for this year!!
My friend and x-boss Ron, at Custer State Park, sent me this picture he took of the Buffalo the other day. What a beautiful picture. I remember days just like this back when I was young and helping Dad feed the cattle on our ranch in the Sandhills of Nebraska. I’ll bet these guys are ready to see some warmer weather, too! It's been right around “0” up there in Custer this winter. That helps me feel a little warmer.
I would like to Welcome our latest Followers:
Thank you both for joining us, we are happy to have you aboard and hope you stop by often.
I can remember not too long ago when I didn’t think we would ever get to 50 followers. Wow!! Vicki and Chuck take the count to 243, and I do believe we will soon reach “250”! Hallelujah!
Oh my, do we ever have a battle on the horizon. It may even end up being a WAR!! Lots of strong feelings on the subject, but the fur is about to hit the fan….I am sure of that!! Hang on!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by and stay warm!
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
I have one very dear friend who posts under anonymous so I am trying to show her how to post with her name so I too can block them. I am so tired of their smut and whatever. So looking forward to this week-end with the warmer weather.
Mike - I am always amazed that people have so much time to waste that they do things like that. Thankfully we have not had that problem, we will see what happens going forward. Stay warm!
I see that you are on blogspot. I have searched the site, but cannot figure out how to block "anonymous." Help!
I too took off Anonymous. The problem is now our girls can't leave us a comment because they don't have one of the approved accounts. Guess we have to take the good with the bad.
Yep, better circle the wagons. Between Joe "Bitme" and his cronies the 2nd Amendment is in for quite a ride. I heard today about the possibility of placing enough tax on ammunition to try and put it out of reach of most folks. You may be able to open an ammo loading business. They won't need to take our guns, guess we can simply throw them at criminals.
I have had the same problem with anonymous spam.
We are also having the same weather here in MO.
Mike & Pat-
I've read and enjoyed your blog for quite awhile and seeing your total rising thought it would be a good time to sign up! I've enjoyed watching your progress at both of your ones as well as your transition from the fifth wheel to the motorhome. You folks lead a wonderful life and I enjoy your updates.
Seems like just lately my spam count is up and most of it is smut! I wonder if blocking anonymous comments for a while and then allowing them back would help. I do have some good comments from some anonymous folks too and hate to block them. It does get to be a pain though.
I have had the same thing on my blog.
Our elected officials seem to be real good at turning tragedy into an opportunity to further their political agendas. Shame on them.
I had to finally block all Anonymous comments last summer as well. Too much spam getting through plus I felt strongly a fellow Blogger was using the 'Anonymous' feature to leave rude & sarcastic remarks on my (& others) posts. Since blocking Anonymous comments all that BS has stopped. Unfortunate the good people can no longer leave comments but that's the way it is. Only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole basket....Sure am loving this warmer weather:))
The issue of "gun control" will not be settled until we can agree on what 2nd Amendment means. If it means that the citizens have the right to own arms to protect themselves from the Government, then sholdnt the citizens have the right to own the same arms as the Government?
We fought two wars over taxation and states rights. After the first we established a government with rights for the people to be able to defend itself from the government. Peoples around the world wish they had the same, everyday. Of course we could throw rocks like in the Middle East.
Brrrr...we have been cold here in Yuma too..not quite as low as you all, but the wind has been blowing strong and that makes it oh so much colder! Today we will be back in the 70's and I am soooo ready! Love the snow covered buffalo! Take care and give that little kitty a Hug from me!
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