OK, I will not bore you with any more reloading, guns, or shooting. (for a while)

I’ll bore you with more pictures of my one and only “Angel Kitty”, Ms. Megabyte. Most of you know the story behind this little gal, as I’ve discussed it a time or two before in my Blog. Here she is patiently waiting for me to complete my breakfast so we can get out on the screened-in porch that she loves so much. She is actually one of the family. Janna, I don't know how you manage to keep Emmi out of your bed, Ms Megabyte would never stand for that! :-) And yes, I do think the "no see ums" can bite dogs....I think they will bite ANYTHING!!

She gets up on my lap and tells me “Hurry up, Pops and get this stupid Blog done so we can go out on the Porch”!

“Pops, help me get out of here.....how did I get all brown like this”?
Can you believe that February is about OVER? Holy Cow, where does the time go? It is good to see Spring is coming and it's starting to warm up. Soon we will be wishing for a little cooler weather. By then, it will be time to move to our "cabin" in the Black Hills and it will be cool again. Only about 3 months and we’ll be headed that way but first, we are going to enjoy some of this beautiful Arizona weather. La fiesta is a big celebration here in the park and that is a sure sign that spring is almost here. Ms. Pat is Co-chair for the La Fiesta Dance and many others are preparing for the big La Fiesta Parade, Games. and Food!!
This is for Bev…….. Bev is one of my followers and left a comment on my Blog last Sunday that touched me. She is a Super Salesperson and is selling La Fiesta pins for the support of the North Ranch La Fiesta Celebration and she is doing a GREAT JOB! At the Sunday night Ice Cream social at the clubhouse, she sold Ms. Pat a pin, which I paid for and told Bev that I couldn’t afford one for myself…….. this is the comment she left on my Blog:
Mike: Love yours and Miss Pat's blog! Thanks to Jerry Cavanaugh, my hubby also invested in reloading equipment. Does your savings mean you'll be able to purchase a La Fiesta pin? :-) "The Happy Hatter"
Ha-ha, I got a real laugh out of that comment. I had no idea she even read the Blog and if you’re a blogger, you know how much the comments mean to us and how we enjoy them. Wow, it means someone actually reads this!!
Well Bev, that is not only super salesmanship, but it won me over. You bet I’ll buy a pin! Thank you for reading my blog, and for taking the time to comment. But more especially, thank you for the time and effort you put into making North Ranch the best place in the world to live. What a wonderful group of neighbors we have. That is what has kept Ms. Pat and I coming back year after year for over 14 years. Keep up the good work!! One day I’m going to get a picture of Bev and her beautiful American Hat and put it right here on the Blog for you all to see why she is the “Happy Hatter”! I love it!!!
It is a GREAT WEEK !!!!
I want to welcome a couple New Followers that have been around for a while……
Thank you all so much for reading the Blog and for your comments. I LOVE them.
Thanka for stopping by and hope you will come back real soon…
Meanwhile my Angel Kitty wants some attention……See ya'll later.
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
I’ll bore you with more pictures of my one and only “Angel Kitty”, Ms. Megabyte. Most of you know the story behind this little gal, as I’ve discussed it a time or two before in my Blog. Here she is patiently waiting for me to complete my breakfast so we can get out on the screened-in porch that she loves so much. She is actually one of the family. Janna, I don't know how you manage to keep Emmi out of your bed, Ms Megabyte would never stand for that! :-) And yes, I do think the "no see ums" can bite dogs....I think they will bite ANYTHING!!
She gets up on my lap and tells me “Hurry up, Pops and get this stupid Blog done so we can go out on the Porch”!
“Pops, help me get out of here.....how did I get all brown like this”?
Can you believe that February is about OVER? Holy Cow, where does the time go? It is good to see Spring is coming and it's starting to warm up. Soon we will be wishing for a little cooler weather. By then, it will be time to move to our "cabin" in the Black Hills and it will be cool again. Only about 3 months and we’ll be headed that way but first, we are going to enjoy some of this beautiful Arizona weather. La fiesta is a big celebration here in the park and that is a sure sign that spring is almost here. Ms. Pat is Co-chair for the La Fiesta Dance and many others are preparing for the big La Fiesta Parade, Games. and Food!!
This is for Bev…….. Bev is one of my followers and left a comment on my Blog last Sunday that touched me. She is a Super Salesperson and is selling La Fiesta pins for the support of the North Ranch La Fiesta Celebration and she is doing a GREAT JOB! At the Sunday night Ice Cream social at the clubhouse, she sold Ms. Pat a pin, which I paid for and told Bev that I couldn’t afford one for myself…….. this is the comment she left on my Blog:
Mike: Love yours and Miss Pat's blog! Thanks to Jerry Cavanaugh, my hubby also invested in reloading equipment. Does your savings mean you'll be able to purchase a La Fiesta pin? :-) "The Happy Hatter"
Ha-ha, I got a real laugh out of that comment. I had no idea she even read the Blog and if you’re a blogger, you know how much the comments mean to us and how we enjoy them. Wow, it means someone actually reads this!!
Well Bev, that is not only super salesmanship, but it won me over. You bet I’ll buy a pin! Thank you for reading my blog, and for taking the time to comment. But more especially, thank you for the time and effort you put into making North Ranch the best place in the world to live. What a wonderful group of neighbors we have. That is what has kept Ms. Pat and I coming back year after year for over 14 years. Keep up the good work!! One day I’m going to get a picture of Bev and her beautiful American Hat and put it right here on the Blog for you all to see why she is the “Happy Hatter”! I love it!!!
It is a GREAT WEEK !!!!
I want to welcome a couple New Followers that have been around for a while……
Thank you all so much for reading the Blog and for your comments. I LOVE them.
Thanka for stopping by and hope you will come back real soon…
Meanwhile my Angel Kitty wants some attention……See ya'll later.
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Nice picture of Ms. Megabyte on the laptop. Just can not believe your getting that close to going back to Custer. Where has the time gone? Hope you enjoy the La Fiesta party. Nice to be in the type of community that your in. Have a great week!
angel Kitty is a doll...:) cats can have the greatest personalities....she sure is patient :)
Potty kitty cracks me up. Have a wonderful time these last days of February, time does fly by. We've been in AZ since last Tuesday, I don't know where the day goes when we're doing nuthin'
OK quit playing with us those pictures are two different cats. You can't take the spots off of Megabytes II nose LOL. Even if you could change her fur color for a while....
Mike, I read your blog from time to time and noticed the woman mentioned Jerry Cavanaugh getting her husband started in reloading shells. Gerry Cavanaugh and I grew up together in Gillespie, IL and were best friends until he passed away on March 17, 2011. He was a retired Illinois State Trooper and lived in Wyoming and the North Ranch in the winter. He is still missed greatly by many. If you look at one of the pictures of Pats shooting instructors at the Wickenburg gun club, you will se a plaque remembering him.
Small world, isn't it? 6 degrees of separation in this case coming into play.
We always enjoy your tales about Ms. Megabyte!! And the pictures too! Hope she enjoyed her trip to the porch!
Great Keyboard Kitty pic:))
Cute pics of Ms. Megabyte!
Have fun & enjoy your new pin...lol
Great picture of Ms. Megabyte on your keyboard. We have two cats who come and lay on the computer when they "want" attention. Enjoy your blog and have followed it ever since we picked it up on Tom & Barb's blog.
Howdy Megakitty's daddy,
Mike, what MM is really saying is hurry up and give me that bowl!! I know I have 3 looking exactly like that while I'm eating!! They don't like it when itz a jalapeno, tho!!
You know you can't make a 'real' salesperson angry; they just turn it around on you!! Wear the pin and do the Cotton-Eyed Joe, then go to the range & shoot up a target!!
Oh my...the "Happy Hatter" is overwhelmed by your kindness. She will be delighted to sell you a pin. Our co-pilot is Sara and she is a Maine Coon Cat. She came into our lives shortly after the death of my daughter and insisted that she was meant to live with us. We know how special these fur balls can be!
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