St. Patrick’s day is especially special for us. It was on that day back in 2010 that Rollie and Gina came to North Ranch to visit us. We had met them for only a short time down in South Texas. In fact we celebrated Christmas 2009 together with them and all our other friends at Retama Village in Mission. Little did we realize that meeting them was a gift from Heaven.
Shortly, thereafter, we left Retama and came on out here to North Ranch. I knew from following Rolllie and Gina's Blog that they were traveling in California where their son Thomas was stationed in the Marine Corps. I emailed them and asked them if they were coming back this way and if they were I would like them to pick up a couple cases of the famous “Two Buck Chuck” Wine. Rollie said they would be glad to do that. They weren’t familiar with “Two Buck Chuck" Wine and had never heard of Trader Joe’s so they were in for a pleasant surprise.
They located a Trader Joe's and picked us up a couple cases of the famous Two Buck Chuck Wine. If you haven’t heard of Two Buck Chuck and you like wine, you need to check it out. Actually, the real name is Charles Shaw, nicknamed Two Buck Chuck because in California it is only $1.99 a bottle. Here in Arizona it is $2.99 a unbelievable bargain and very popular here in the Southwest. It’s a superb Wine and at a very good price and just happens to be one of our favorite wines.
A couple weeks later Rollie emailed me that they were going to be coming by and would drop off the 2 cases of Wine and spend a couple days with us. Well that was on St. Patrick’s day in 2010. Ms. Pat made them Corned Beef and Cabbage for dinner. That was a very special day for us and will always be remembered as such. They planned on staying 2 days and ended up staying over 2 months and it was a glorious 2 months that we will never forget.
We took them 4 wheeling out in the desert many times. The special cook outs with their great southern Louisiana cooking and the Happy Hours were something out of this world.. It was right at that time we had purchased our new home here at North Ranch. Their help getting us moved in and the place modified to our specifications including purchasing and hauling furniture was truly a blessing. They made it just plain FUN and I don’t know how we could have done it without them. So many memorable times together on different projects. If you have read my Blog during those times you know where I’m coming from. I enjoyed these two wonderful people so much that I just didn’t ever want it to end.
Then tragedy struck. It was in the wee hours one morning in May that we received word that we had lost Mikel, our oldest son. We are so thankful that Rollie and Gina were here to give us their moral support during that time. They took us under their wing and made decisions we were not capable of. They were the strength that got us through it as we were both a couple of zombies. That reinforced my thinking that God has a plan for our lives and definitely knows what he is doing.
After Mikel's funeral, they returned home to Louisiana. They had a few things to take care of at home before coming up to our place in Custer, SD in the Black Hills. To say that we missed them is an understatement for sure but we knew they would be joining us soon. We counted the days until they arrived. Then it was with their enthusiasm, ambition and hard work that our “Cabin” in Custer was changed from a dream to reality.
I have covered just a few of the things that have happened since we met Rollie and Gina. I hope I have explained my thoughts and feelings of how God placed them in our lives and once again, God's timing was perfect. Gina said one time, “We will just be your kids, if you'll let us”. I told her that would be wonderful, as we would be proud to have them as “our kids”!! You can never get too many kids! :-)

Another gift from Heaven….. most of you have heard many times of how Ms. Megabyte2 came into our lives. She is our precious little kitty from Heaven. Our friend Kathy once told me, "She is an “Angel Kitty”! When she told me that, it opened my eyes and made me realize she truly was from Heaven.
Remember the kitty stroller that Ms. Pat found for her at the North Ranch garage sale? Well, I took her for a few short rides and she really enjoyed it. I folded down the front screen so she could see better and she just sits there taking everything in.

Ms. Pat snapped this picture of me as I started off down the street with her on our walk. Now I realized as I pushed her around the blocks here at the Ranch, that it may appear a little strange to see a grown man pushing a little kitty in a baby carriage. But I figured "What the I care what folks think?" I love this little kitty and I need the exercise and she enjoys it. People laugh as I go buy and I just wave and smile. Old people do funny stuff!!

This one tears me up!!! I walked out on the porch the other day and look what I saw…Ms. Megabyte2 was in her stroller just waiting. Ha-ha. Now I don’t know about you but I can tell from the way she is looking at me, that she is saying “Come on Pops, take me for a little ride, please”.
She jumps up in it and just waits. Cats are patient and I can't say no, so off we go.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by and we hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's day with corned beef and cabbage. We did!
God Bless you all..
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
Shortly, thereafter, we left Retama and came on out here to North Ranch. I knew from following Rolllie and Gina's Blog that they were traveling in California where their son Thomas was stationed in the Marine Corps. I emailed them and asked them if they were coming back this way and if they were I would like them to pick up a couple cases of the famous “Two Buck Chuck” Wine. Rollie said they would be glad to do that. They weren’t familiar with “Two Buck Chuck" Wine and had never heard of Trader Joe’s so they were in for a pleasant surprise.
They located a Trader Joe's and picked us up a couple cases of the famous Two Buck Chuck Wine. If you haven’t heard of Two Buck Chuck and you like wine, you need to check it out. Actually, the real name is Charles Shaw, nicknamed Two Buck Chuck because in California it is only $1.99 a bottle. Here in Arizona it is $2.99 a unbelievable bargain and very popular here in the Southwest. It’s a superb Wine and at a very good price and just happens to be one of our favorite wines.
A couple weeks later Rollie emailed me that they were going to be coming by and would drop off the 2 cases of Wine and spend a couple days with us. Well that was on St. Patrick’s day in 2010. Ms. Pat made them Corned Beef and Cabbage for dinner. That was a very special day for us and will always be remembered as such. They planned on staying 2 days and ended up staying over 2 months and it was a glorious 2 months that we will never forget.
We took them 4 wheeling out in the desert many times. The special cook outs with their great southern Louisiana cooking and the Happy Hours were something out of this world.. It was right at that time we had purchased our new home here at North Ranch. Their help getting us moved in and the place modified to our specifications including purchasing and hauling furniture was truly a blessing. They made it just plain FUN and I don’t know how we could have done it without them. So many memorable times together on different projects. If you have read my Blog during those times you know where I’m coming from. I enjoyed these two wonderful people so much that I just didn’t ever want it to end.
Then tragedy struck. It was in the wee hours one morning in May that we received word that we had lost Mikel, our oldest son. We are so thankful that Rollie and Gina were here to give us their moral support during that time. They took us under their wing and made decisions we were not capable of. They were the strength that got us through it as we were both a couple of zombies. That reinforced my thinking that God has a plan for our lives and definitely knows what he is doing.
After Mikel's funeral, they returned home to Louisiana. They had a few things to take care of at home before coming up to our place in Custer, SD in the Black Hills. To say that we missed them is an understatement for sure but we knew they would be joining us soon. We counted the days until they arrived. Then it was with their enthusiasm, ambition and hard work that our “Cabin” in Custer was changed from a dream to reality.
I have covered just a few of the things that have happened since we met Rollie and Gina. I hope I have explained my thoughts and feelings of how God placed them in our lives and once again, God's timing was perfect. Gina said one time, “We will just be your kids, if you'll let us”. I told her that would be wonderful, as we would be proud to have them as “our kids”!! You can never get too many kids! :-)
Another gift from Heaven….. most of you have heard many times of how Ms. Megabyte2 came into our lives. She is our precious little kitty from Heaven. Our friend Kathy once told me, "She is an “Angel Kitty”! When she told me that, it opened my eyes and made me realize she truly was from Heaven.
Remember the kitty stroller that Ms. Pat found for her at the North Ranch garage sale? Well, I took her for a few short rides and she really enjoyed it. I folded down the front screen so she could see better and she just sits there taking everything in.
Ms. Pat snapped this picture of me as I started off down the street with her on our walk. Now I realized as I pushed her around the blocks here at the Ranch, that it may appear a little strange to see a grown man pushing a little kitty in a baby carriage. But I figured "What the I care what folks think?" I love this little kitty and I need the exercise and she enjoys it. People laugh as I go buy and I just wave and smile. Old people do funny stuff!!
This one tears me up!!! I walked out on the porch the other day and look what I saw…Ms. Megabyte2 was in her stroller just waiting. Ha-ha. Now I don’t know about you but I can tell from the way she is looking at me, that she is saying “Come on Pops, take me for a little ride, please”.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by and we hope you had a Happy St. Patrick's day with corned beef and cabbage. We did!
God Bless you all..
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
It's amazing what we do for our critters isn't it? And I think they totally deserve it.
Life is sure amazing the turns it takes and the things that happen.Hey Thanks about reminding me about the surge protector, As soon as I got the trailer back I told Donna before anymore trips or Bad weather I have to get a surge protector for the fiver, well you know how that goes I just plum forgot it, I now have a surge protector, that also has the added features that it will tell you if the campground pedestal is miswired and won't let you accept the wrong wiring to damage your stuff in the trailer.Should be here in a couple days. Thanks again for reminding me, and yes they are expensive. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna....
Mike - I cannot stop laughing at your comments about the kitty stroller!! You sound so much like my Charley! When he wants to do something the last thing he thinks about is what others think!! And those fur babies of ours deserve all the special treatment that they get!!!
We just bought our first bottle of Two Buck Chuck....of coursed $2.99. I agree, very good.
Ms. Megabyte2 is a cutie. Don't they do the funniest things! Enjoy your week. ~wheresweaver
I am still chuckling at the photo Pat took of you walking down the street with the stroller and Miss Megabyte!
I keep saying I want a stroller for our furkids..but Rick keeps frowning at my suggestion..I think it would be great..I notice in the south you can take them into stores in a stroller are definitely blessed to have Gina and Rollie in your wonder St. Paddys' day is special for you...
Going out for a walk just for the sake of going out for a walk generally offers little incentive to some of us fellers. But add to that walk a purpose & you have the makings of a meaningful walk. The mental & physical wellness for both you & Ms. Megabyte2 is a great bonding experience. Stroll on Dudes:))
really nice entry with regards to Gina and Rollie..funny how you meet some people and they wind up being really special!!..
now as for the shot of you and the kitty stroller!..good for you!!..walk on!!..Ms.Megabyte makes a fine paper weight by the way!!
I am new to your blog but think that I met you both in McKenny Texas a year or so ago. It was at the MCD factory and you had just purchased your motor coach.
Life is ever changing. If you are the McFalls we met there I have some not so good news. My wife, Joan, passed away on the 5th of July 2011. So I know where you were with the sad news of your son Mikel.
Yes, God is good and His timing is perfect. He knows our needs even before we do. Your story of how God brought Gina and Rollie into your lives is beautiful.
Love the kitty stroller and I would walk Ms. Megabyte and not worry one minute what anybody thinks!! :-)
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