No porch yet but we stopped by the shop and saw the work in progress.

This is our porch, being built some 20 miles away at Danny’s work shop.

This is the top of our Porch sitting on the ground. The angled cuts on the side logs are where the roof will go. That is Danny standing in the center. Danny is truly a master craftsman, but you can easily tell he isn’t from around here. He works barefooted, wears cut-offs and has a pony tail. He fits the description exactly like the boys we were used to dealing with in Florida where we built our last house. He is another one that visited this area and fell in love with it and stayed. He has built quite a name for himself with his log handy work. His home that he built here in the woods is a big beautiful log home.

These are the poles that our Porch will sit on and this is where the logs are cleaned and prepared. Danny says this is the kind of a mess we would have in our front yard if he hadn’t built them here at his shop. I’m glad he did that, cause you know what I say about MESSES!
There is a lot of work in making one of these Log structures. You don’t just go to the lumber yard and buy the material. We drove around and looked at some of his previous jobs and decided what color stain we wanted. He says he will stain them at his place, too, because that is very messy and he doesn’t want to get it on our new concrete.
WOW, I can hardly wait. I think this is going to look great. They are supposed to bring the porch to our place on Tuesday…Hot Dog!!! But you know what, I won’t hold my breath. Something usually comes up and delays these type of projects, so I have learned not to get my hopes up too high. When it happens, it will happen. We were happy to see the progress they were making.

The weather has been beautiful lately, it has cooled off considerably and we get a little rain now and then. I snapped this picture of the rainbow that we so often get just East of our place.

I just love this picture of the twin Great Granddaughters that Grandma Michelle sent to us. What beautiful babies. That is Cora on the left and Alice on the right. They live in Lincoln, Nebraska and that is where we are headed the minute we leave this place. Shala, their Mom, tells us they are doing great and both very healthy. Ms. Pat can’t wait to get her hands on them. Neither can I, but I’m a little afraid of babies. They are so small, I’m afraid I’ll break them. But I’m gonna hold 'em anyhow, and be real careful!!
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, travel safe and may the good Lord take a likin' to ya!
Maybe Wednesday I can show you our new Porch!! (hope-hope-hope
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
This is our porch, being built some 20 miles away at Danny’s work shop.
This is the top of our Porch sitting on the ground. The angled cuts on the side logs are where the roof will go. That is Danny standing in the center. Danny is truly a master craftsman, but you can easily tell he isn’t from around here. He works barefooted, wears cut-offs and has a pony tail. He fits the description exactly like the boys we were used to dealing with in Florida where we built our last house. He is another one that visited this area and fell in love with it and stayed. He has built quite a name for himself with his log handy work. His home that he built here in the woods is a big beautiful log home.
These are the poles that our Porch will sit on and this is where the logs are cleaned and prepared. Danny says this is the kind of a mess we would have in our front yard if he hadn’t built them here at his shop. I’m glad he did that, cause you know what I say about MESSES!
There is a lot of work in making one of these Log structures. You don’t just go to the lumber yard and buy the material. We drove around and looked at some of his previous jobs and decided what color stain we wanted. He says he will stain them at his place, too, because that is very messy and he doesn’t want to get it on our new concrete.
WOW, I can hardly wait. I think this is going to look great. They are supposed to bring the porch to our place on Tuesday…Hot Dog!!! But you know what, I won’t hold my breath. Something usually comes up and delays these type of projects, so I have learned not to get my hopes up too high. When it happens, it will happen. We were happy to see the progress they were making.
The weather has been beautiful lately, it has cooled off considerably and we get a little rain now and then. I snapped this picture of the rainbow that we so often get just East of our place.
I just love this picture of the twin Great Granddaughters that Grandma Michelle sent to us. What beautiful babies. That is Cora on the left and Alice on the right. They live in Lincoln, Nebraska and that is where we are headed the minute we leave this place. Shala, their Mom, tells us they are doing great and both very healthy. Ms. Pat can’t wait to get her hands on them. Neither can I, but I’m a little afraid of babies. They are so small, I’m afraid I’ll break them. But I’m gonna hold 'em anyhow, and be real careful!!
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by, travel safe and may the good Lord take a likin' to ya!
Maybe Wednesday I can show you our new Porch!! (hope-hope-hope
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
The twins are gorgeous, won't take but a couple years and Grandpa will have them in the pool and spoiling them.I don't know who I have the most spoiled , the Grandson's or the Granddaughter's,I try to do them both equally. Don't know if I ever told you , I am a twin, my brother Bill and are are identical, he even retired from police service too.Don't see him much now. Be safe out there in Custerland. Sam & Donna...
They are sooo cute. How fun that you will get to see them soon. Looking forward to that porch - hopefully Wednesday.
Mike - wasn't sure how to respond back to you. The Elks is packed. Lots of people boondocking there as well as the Walmart. The Elks doesn't take reservations so you may or may not get in. Also, as soon as you know when you are going to be here you might want to make reservations for the red bus. We didn't do that and they were all sold out for the next two weeks at least. Glacier is really surpassing attendance records this year. The park is packed.
Mike - Love the picture of Cora and Alice, they are beautiful! Can't wait to see the new porch.
Looks like that rainbow is coming down right on the twins. Double pots of Gold for sure:))
Those twins are so precious! I don't know how you can stand to be away so long.
Paul said he wished he were there to watch that porch go up. He loves stuff like that. We know it is going to look gorgeous!
Gorgeous babies and I just love, love, love their beautiful names. So fitting.
Your porch isn't near as pretty, but I like that a lot too. [No, really that is going to be one sweet porch :)]
Cora and Alice are just gorgeous...they won't break can't wait to see a pic of you holding them :)
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Monday, July 30, 2012 11:37 AM
Hi Mike
First..Those twins are precious...what little dolls.Yup a trip down there
is sure in order.
The porch....gonna be guys know how to pick the right stuff.
Such beautiful babies! You are blessed indeed! And love the new porch too! Enjoy your trip to Glacier!
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