Yep, “Daylight Savings” time again.. Fortunately, we don’t have that foolishness here in Arizona. They don’t mess with the time and leave it the same all year around. I like that! Daylight savings time never ever did a thing for me. I think it’s a "ROYAL PITA". Others may feel differently about it, but that’s how I feel. Like my Son Rollie says, “That’s just me”.
So now we are on Pacific Time, same as California. That means JRoger, that your Happy Hour starts 3 hours before ours does. Hmmm, not good. I don’t think that’s fair! However, since JRoger drinks Early Times, he thinks his Happy Hour can start ANYTIME.
As I mentioned in my last Blog, Ron and Barb are visiting us and have their nice big Monaco “Signature Series” 43’ Motorhome parked just ahead of our little ole 40’ Foretravel, the same spot JRoger and Susan were parked.
They do stick out a bit further than JRoger did but there is still plenty of room for us to easily drive our vehicles in and out and we can get 50 amps and water to them.
I have had more than one of my neighbors and friends ask “Gee, how long is that Motorhome”? It looks huge, just as everyone thinks mine is over 40’. It's that “Tag Axle” that seems to make them look BIG. I love the tag axle and I’m very glad we have it. You can hardly ever overload the rear axles and the extra stability it provides while driving and in high winds is unbelievable. Ron says his is a dream to drive and I can assure you ours is. Gee, that said, now I’m getting a good case of the “hitch itch”.
Yesterday was our Annual Spring Garage Sale day here at North Ranch and I must say the day was TERRIBLE, not very "Springy" at all! Friday was bad, too, rainy and windy and just plain miserable. I didn’t even brave it and put anything out for the garage sale. I didn’t have much anyhow and with the miserable weather, I just decided to bundle up and take the Golf Cart and go around and check out what everyone else had.
I sorta had fun looking. Many of the brave souls had their stuff out in the drizzle and those with garages were inside. Some folks had their heaters keeping them warm as they sold stuff. The early morning temp was 37* and it only got up to 47* for the high. Plus, it was breezy as all get out. I came home froze to death!!
However, this morning it is bright and sunshiny!! You can see from the above 7 day forecast what we have in store. Those are Phoenix forecast temperatures and ours are about 10* cooler than that. It looks like we have a beautiful week in store for us. But, soon we will be complaining about how HOT IT IS!! I can hardly wait…
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!! We continue to thank our Father above for all His many blessings. We are so fortunate!!
Thanks for stopping by and do hurry back..
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday..
I was looking forward to hearing about all your great garage sale buys, sorry that cold weather slowed you down. Have a great week!
I totally agree with you about the twice a year time change, Arizona keeping the same time year round is just one of the many reasons we like Arizona so much. The older I get, the more important 'keep it simple' means to me. Looking forward to warmer weather but not looking forward to HOT weather except I do like the warmer nights that hot days bring:))
I agree with you Pops, they (the government) could just leave the time alone. It doesn't serve any purpose. Speaking about weather, it sure has been beautiful down here in south Texas except for higher than normal winds. Sure miss y'all.
Love and Hugs,
Your son
the time change always kicks me in the butt....ughhh I need to move to AZ
We are so insulated from the time change that I didn't even know that the rest of the world changed last night.... But that's Arizona...... Problem is we are going to have a two hour change to go back to KC............uggg..
Hawaii does not change time either.
I guess I won't tell you how wonderful it was / is in Borrego Springs then.
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