Sunday, March 16, 2008

North Ranch Lot PATIO Upgrade.

Hello Everybody!!

We are still at NORTH RANCH in Congress, AZ. We are NOT on our lot, but we are CLOSE. We have owned this lot at north Ranch for 7 years this month. For years Pat and I have discussed having a PATIO. This year we decided we had thought and talked about it ENOUGH!!! Time to DO IT. So we roughly decided what we wanted to do and started looking for someone to do it. We found Victor Valadez, Victor and his men do a lot of work around the park and have a good reputation. His work and prices are usually better than anyone around. Many of the people that do this type work around here aren't interested in these "small" jobs.
We walk every morning in the park and we always look at other folks Patio's and brick work in the area. We soon ran into Victor and his men working on another lot nearby. We stopped and ask him to stop by our place and take a look at what we had in mind. That evening Victor stopped by. He looked it over and offered a few good idea's of his own. He took measurements and said he would have us an estimate the next day and would drop it by.

Here we are a few days later and our lot is tore up!!!! Fortunately we were able to move just across the street onto our good friends and neighbors, Paul and Nancy's lot. That really helped as it gave Victor much more access to do the work without us being in the way!!!! Yet, we are close by and can keep a close watch on what they are doing. Victor is very good at this kind of work and has lots of experience, although he is a young guy and a very nice kid I must say.

He has made a lot of great suggestions and we are ending up really changing the appearance and landscaping of out lot. Consequently, it's taking longer than we thought it would. We planned on being finished by now, but we are only about half done. We SHOULD be back on our lot by this time next week!! Stuff always seems to take longer and cost more than I think it should!!! I guess that's life.

Pictures are better than words, so let me "show" you what we have done so far:

This is where the Paver Bricks will be put for the Patio.

I won't have to trim those Bushes any more, their GONE!!!

The extra dirt from the Patio area was put on the end of the lot. Now we have a bigger lot!!

Out from the shed and toward the street will be Patio. It will be right in front of the 5Th Wheel.
It will be NEAT to have this Patio area for our picnic table, etc. We were tired of the Rock!
All of the "grey" rock was removed..
Grey Rock is all gone! We have a truck load of the same rock as the other "red" rock coming. So it will all be the same color all over the lot, except the grey that was moved to the back.
This was just "sand" before. Much needed improvement.
So, that's where we are right now. Tune in next week for pictures (hopefully) of the finished product.
Visit Scott's web site at : His transplant is still successful, Thank God and his strong faith for that. After 5 and 1/2 months of fighting this thing, he is getting mighty tired and worn out . The complications and discomfort he has had all this time are horrendous. He wants to come home real bad....... Bless Ann's heart, we all know this is very hard on her, too. Scott kinda "plays down" on his web site the complications he is having. They are much worse than he lets on. I don't know how the two of them keep going. But let me tell you, Pat and I are mighty proud of them!!!
Please keep them in your prayers!! Drop him a note if you can.
Thanks for stopping by and we appreciate all the emails and calls asking about Scott.
It was a GREAT WEEK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See ya next week!!!


John said...

Mike - Nice Blogg! I like the work you are having done on your lot. The red rock will be great.

Happy that Scott is doing good. You and Pat are very special family.

Anonymous said...

I really like the patio. Brick is my favorite.

I'm going to the Caring Bridge website to read about Scott now.

Enjoyed the photos of your lot.