Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring has SPRUNG!!!!!!

Doesn't look like Spring, does it?

A week ago today(Mar 16,08) when we came out of Church it was sprinkling a little. By the time we got 12 miles to our place, it was snowing and sleeting. Neighbor, Paul Wilson took this picture of my truck...........This is Arizona,,,,,,and its only 4 days until Spring?????

I stuck my head out the door and got this picture. You can see the snow coming down if you look closely. That pile of dark sand over to the right on our lot is "white" with snow. Click on picture to enlarge it.

I took this picture out in the desert a few days later. It was 90 deg. So Spring has definitely sprung!! The entire desert is covered with green foliage and beautiful wild flowers...,,,,Truly an enjoyable site to see!!

OK, back to the work in progress.

I had hoped to show you pictures of the completed Patio and our Teton back on our lot today. Didn't happen!!! It turned into a little more work that we originally planned and of course, it took longer. Like I said, things always take longer and cost more than I think they should. I've almost learned to expect that!!!!

We did more dirt work and grading than we planned. This is the back of our lot, it was plain bare dirt. We decided to move the gray rock that was up front to back here. We also moved a lot of dirt to the back of the lot which gives us a lot more "living area" on the lot.

The Patio begins!!! That's Victor on his knees laying out the pattern. Sand has been spread and packed down so the bricks can be leveled. These are heavy duty Paver Bricks, they can be driven on with a truck and won't break. We don't plan on driving on them, but you never know. We wanted them strong, just in case!!!!

She's lookin' good!!! That's a lot of brick and a lot of leveling.

This curving is tough,,,,,,I think we are going to like it!!!!

Next week, a picture of the completed project!!!!! (I hope,,:-)

That's it for this week. Happy EASTER everybody!!! We're off to Church..........

Our thoughts and prayers continue for Scott, and for Ann. He seems to be progressing nicely. Although I know he is tired of the fight. It's been going on for nearly 6 months. he doesn't have an appetite and can hardly eat. Now that's unusual for any of us McFalls!!! He needs cheering up. It's all your thoughts, prayers and notes that keep him going.......Stop over to his website and leave him a note and check on his progress....

It's a GREAT WEEK!!!!!!!

Thanks for visiting my Blog, come back next week.

Safe travels


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