I’m kinda glad it's COLD lately because I wanted to watch a bunch of FOOTBALL on TV anyway and that’s just what we did! I’ve watched so many Bowl games I can’t remember them all. Boy, they have a Football Bowl for everybody, don’t they? As John so perfectly describes in his Blog: “Nobody Knows YOUR In It But Your MAMA” Bowls.
I did stick my head outside long enough New Years Eve to snap this picture from our driveway North up towards Yarnell Hill.
We did have to run into town to mail a large PressurePro System to a gentleman in Iowa so I took a picture of the mountains to our East. They had a pretty good snow over there in the high country. You can see how far out in the desert we are out here at North Ranch. That area in the foreground is where we ride our ATV 4 wheelers. It's all BLM land....which means it belongs to US......all of US!!
I’ve also been seriously looking for what I need to set the new truck up for towing behind the Motorhome. That’s the worst thing about getting a different Toad. You have to go through all that rigmarole again. Finding the proper Baseplate and installing it along with the proper wiring and break away switches. Then it has to have a braking system. It's an ordeal and usually an expensive one! I’m not one that can just take my vehicle in to someone, hand them the keys and tell them to do it while I go off and shop or eat or something. No, not me. I have to get involved and do as much as I can myself. Believe me...I want to know it's done correctly! The FIRST time! "But," (again,borrowing a phrase from someone VERY close to me) "That's just me”! Sorry Rollie.:-) I love ya man!
Really, it's amazing what you can accomplish from your recliner while you're watching football games. I’ve already got the Baseplate. I found it in Florida and 3 days later it was in my shop. I found the wiring kit and diodes in Iowa...they will ship tomorrow. I found an SMI Air Force One tow brake system in Montana. It will also ship tomorrow. So I’m about set. By the time it warms back up, I’ll have it and can go to work installing.
Hope you are all having as much fun as I am!
We are so happy to have some new followers.
Jenny Johnson
Rene’ and Jeannette Genereux
The Old Geezer
I’m sure glad to have you sign in and thank you for stopping by. We appreciate your comments A LOT.
Here we go again for 2011.... "Praise the Lord!"
Remember to tell your family and friends you love them. They may not be around forever.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!
This Blog is Published every Sunday and Wednesday.
Yup, nothing like sitting back on a miserable weather day and watching a few football games on TV. It's especially good when you can also accomplish what you did by getting all your parts ordered for your toad. Almost makes you feel like you did a full day's work - almost!
Glad to hear yor making progress on your tow package. We're overhere accross the street from Denny & Suzi Orr hope to seeyou guys while we are here.
Don & Sharon Del Rosario
My golly, a fellow that can't stand to take it in to someone! Are you a brother of mine? I am so nervous when I let other folks work on my stuff. Even the factory guys at the dealership make me nutty. So take good care of that neeeewwwww Chevy!
gotta love internet shopping, football and a cold day to stay inside!!!..good for you!!
Baby It's cold here too!!...-5 celcius this morning!!..a frosty day in our neighbourhood!!!
have a good one!!!
Tell me about COLD!!! Been freezing my rear end off loading up the rig. Today it's 27, but there's a wind chill. Have a small heater going out there just so I can work. But I am really dreading my hydro bill next month.
Almost done, heading out Tuesday. Am so looking forward to some warmth.
I'd like to take credit for that saying Mike but actually Jim Meacham told it to me. Fits right though.
Nice new truck. The toad will look great being towed behind your rig.
How nice that you could surf the internet for all parts required. If one could only figure out how the internet could put it all together for you (or offer rental monkeys with skills) while you watch even more football, that would be great. Hmmmm!
Seriously though, you are too hands on for that. I'm sure it will all work out well.
Temps got up to 68F Sunday at Parker Canyon Lake west of Sierra Vista but we are back down to 19 again here in Elfrida this morning. I like that 'legitimate feeling' for staying inside as well & have the same problem as you in that I always feel I should be outside doing something on nice days. I am the total opposite of most guys in that if I want something done right I have to get the professionals to do it. Only thing I trust myself with is the every day construction of my peanut butter & honey sandwiches.
Thanks for the welcome - love reading blogs to see what others are doing and enjoying!
We most enjoy splitting our time between our home in PA and our cottage in DE. For us, it's the best of both worlds. We're different from others who prefer to go to warmer climates in the winter. We actually enjoy four seasons. I know we must be crazy!
When the travel itch bites, we enjoy our Class B. One can't find better first hand, up to date info than from reading blogs.
Best wishes for a happy 2011!
Connie in PA
Love the bowl games good weather or bad... LOL LOL Stay warm and have fun!!!
Travel Safe
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