Sunday, my Son Patrick and his wife Michelle came down from Lake Havasu City where they live and we spent a few fun hours riding with them out in the Hills.

Pat and Pop’s out in the Hill’s where we paused for a little snack. That’s Michelle in the background…….

Pop’s, Ms. Pat and Michelle.

Michelle checks out an old Mine Cave we came upon………

Ms. Pat and I were dying to try out his RZR, so we switched 4X4’s about the middle of our ride. We were impressed and loved it!! Gee it rides nice and smooth and it's real comfortable. I love the steering wheel and the way 2 people ride side by side. Plus, it had POWER!!! It was HOT!! WOW! I would like to have one of these. I had no idea they rode so smooth. Neat. Thanks OP. ( We call my Son "OP" for Old Pat. He has a Son who is called "LP" for Little Pat.)

Way too soon, it was time for them to load up and head back home. Our time went so fast but we are so thankful they came down and we got to spend some time together. We did talk them into staying for Happy Hour at Rollie and Gina’s……with all our friends. Then Gina gave us all a bowl of her wonderful Louisiana Gumbo…….Man was it delicious and hit the spot!!

OP snugged down their Polaris RZR and headed back North to Lake Havasu City where they have lived for the last 4-5 years. Before that, they spent almost all their life in Nebraska. It was the coldest and windiest day we have had since we came but it didn’t bother him any. He wore his short pants anyhow. He is a true native Nebraskan but he loves Arizona!! It’s great to have them so close in the Winter and although they are both quite busy with work, I sure hope we can spend more time together. It was a SUPER day and I Praise God for our time together. You can bet your bottom dollar that I told him I loved him more than once !!

This is our Campsite out here in the Desert near Bouse, AZ. It has been a lot of fun and we enjoyed it very much. We got more familiar with our motorhome and spending time in it with no power. It works wonderful and is quite comfortable.
Monday, we shipped out several PressurePro systems and later experienced a "Buttermilk Margarita" Happy Hour at Mike and Janna’s. Yes, you read it right, "Buttermilk Margaritas"!! I thought I had heard of and tried everything but I never heard of putting Buttermilk in Margaritas. I couldn’t imagine it……BUT, to my surprise, they were VERY GOOD!!! Believe it or not!! Thanks Janna for the delicious Margaritas.
Later that night when we were watching the news and weather, we found out another BIG COLD SPELL was headed our way and that the temps were going to get in the 20’s at home in North Ranch . WOW, we had hydrants and water that would freeze for sure! We decided we better cut our stay short, get home and get stuff protected. Tuesday morning we loaded up, said our goodbye’s and got our goodbye hug’s. It was a beautiful morning and we sure hated to leave, as we wanted to get in a few more days of 4 wheeling.
We decided to trust the weatherman and go on home. Better safe than sorry. We are sure glad we did. About half way home the wind really came up and by the time we got home it was miserable. It was getting colder and colder. We got all parked and started protecting things with covers and heat bulbs. We should be all set if it really does get cold as they say it will.. WELL, here we sit this morning and the tempeature right now is 22* and the wind is still blowing. Needless to say, we are all buttoned up and snug as a bug in a rug. I can say we made the right decision and I’m glad we came home. The first thing I did was take a NICE LONG, very HOT shower.
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by. I’m sorry the Blog is so long but I guess it makes up for the very short one last Wednesday.
God Bless you all and remember don’t forget to tell your kid’s you love them... they may not be around forever..
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
Pat and Pop’s out in the Hill’s where we paused for a little snack. That’s Michelle in the background…….
Pop’s, Ms. Pat and Michelle.
Michelle checks out an old Mine Cave we came upon………
Ms. Pat and I were dying to try out his RZR, so we switched 4X4’s about the middle of our ride. We were impressed and loved it!! Gee it rides nice and smooth and it's real comfortable. I love the steering wheel and the way 2 people ride side by side. Plus, it had POWER!!! It was HOT!! WOW! I would like to have one of these. I had no idea they rode so smooth. Neat. Thanks OP. ( We call my Son "OP" for Old Pat. He has a Son who is called "LP" for Little Pat.)
Way too soon, it was time for them to load up and head back home. Our time went so fast but we are so thankful they came down and we got to spend some time together. We did talk them into staying for Happy Hour at Rollie and Gina’s……with all our friends. Then Gina gave us all a bowl of her wonderful Louisiana Gumbo…….Man was it delicious and hit the spot!!
OP snugged down their Polaris RZR and headed back North to Lake Havasu City where they have lived for the last 4-5 years. Before that, they spent almost all their life in Nebraska. It was the coldest and windiest day we have had since we came but it didn’t bother him any. He wore his short pants anyhow. He is a true native Nebraskan but he loves Arizona!! It’s great to have them so close in the Winter and although they are both quite busy with work, I sure hope we can spend more time together. It was a SUPER day and I Praise God for our time together. You can bet your bottom dollar that I told him I loved him more than once !!
This is our Campsite out here in the Desert near Bouse, AZ. It has been a lot of fun and we enjoyed it very much. We got more familiar with our motorhome and spending time in it with no power. It works wonderful and is quite comfortable.
Monday, we shipped out several PressurePro systems and later experienced a "Buttermilk Margarita" Happy Hour at Mike and Janna’s. Yes, you read it right, "Buttermilk Margaritas"!! I thought I had heard of and tried everything but I never heard of putting Buttermilk in Margaritas. I couldn’t imagine it……BUT, to my surprise, they were VERY GOOD!!! Believe it or not!! Thanks Janna for the delicious Margaritas.
Later that night when we were watching the news and weather, we found out another BIG COLD SPELL was headed our way and that the temps were going to get in the 20’s at home in North Ranch . WOW, we had hydrants and water that would freeze for sure! We decided we better cut our stay short, get home and get stuff protected. Tuesday morning we loaded up, said our goodbye’s and got our goodbye hug’s. It was a beautiful morning and we sure hated to leave, as we wanted to get in a few more days of 4 wheeling.
We decided to trust the weatherman and go on home. Better safe than sorry. We are sure glad we did. About half way home the wind really came up and by the time we got home it was miserable. It was getting colder and colder. We got all parked and started protecting things with covers and heat bulbs. We should be all set if it really does get cold as they say it will.. WELL, here we sit this morning and the tempeature right now is 22* and the wind is still blowing. Needless to say, we are all buttoned up and snug as a bug in a rug. I can say we made the right decision and I’m glad we came home. The first thing I did was take a NICE LONG, very HOT shower.
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
Thanks for stopping by. I’m sorry the Blog is so long but I guess it makes up for the very short one last Wednesday.
God Bless you all and remember don’t forget to tell your kid’s you love them... they may not be around forever..
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
A fine time with your OP and Michelle. Delightful, and you found a new toy. What more could anyone ask? How long will it be before you buy an RZR of your own? We had it pretty cold here in Benson also. It will get warmer, though, it always does ... eventually.
Groovy paint job on the RZR. Looked good on ya Mike:)) Isn't it nice & always reassuring when we make right decisions that prevent serious consequences. My favorite part of your traveling day would have been that looooong hot shower when you got home. Those kinds of showers just have a habit of fixing everything..10-4:))
I love your blog and your life style. I will be officially retired in 10 working days. The Mr. will retire April 1. We are going to AZ (Lake Havasu) to 'lizzard lounge' and atv with friends in Kingman.
Great to see you had a great day with your son & his wife, that was a good idea to trust the weatherman this time. we got hammered good and still didn't quite get the 20 inches they said.But my Son Andy really came thrpough and did most all the plowing, I think because he wanted to use John Deere to plow for some money. But he takes care of it and I trust hom not to abuse it. Be safe out therte. Sam & Donna.
Oh my, need to sell a few more pressure pros, I see a new side by side in your future!
Oh I see a RZR in your future!!! Glad you had such a great time with your son OP & Michelle...
Have fun & Travel safe
It was fun to get to finally meet you two and Patrick and Michelle. Glad you got home OK and got the hatches battened down! It was cold and windy out here in the desert last night!
what a great day with your son and daughter in law!!..thanks for sharing your day with us!
Really enjoy your blog whether it long or short.
Sure looks like a lot of fun!!!
Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
There is nothing more precious than making awesome memories with your son. You will forevermore hold them close to your heart. We love y'all,
Your kids
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