I have been doing this Blog for a long time. I have decided to take a vacation and put it on suspension. I want to thank the many friends and followers that have helped me keep it going as long as I have. Without all of your support and especially your comments, I couldn’t have done it. I’m sure I will be back, we will see. I encourage you to sign up by putting your email address in the upper right side of the blog and you will be notified if and when I do start up again or if I just decide to make a flash post…
Ms. Pat and I are fine and the only reason for this suspension is that I want to try it without writing the Blog for a while. I’m sure I will miss it…… Ya’ll take care!
God Bless you all and BE SAFE!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!

We are blessed..
Ms. Pat and I are fine and the only reason for this suspension is that I want to try it without writing the Blog for a while. I’m sure I will miss it…… Ya’ll take care!
God Bless you all and BE SAFE!!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!!
We are blessed..
I'll miss your blog, but I'll keep an eye out incase you change your mind. Keep well and safe.
We all need to take a break once in a while just don't give up the ship because there are more people out here following you than you know. Be Safe and Enjoy!
Tried to leave my E-mail but somehow it's not processing.
It's about time.
We will miss you dear friends. Keep enjoying life. God bless you both.
We will miss your updates, Mike! However, I fully understand the desire for 'down time'. I just have not been successful with entering posts often. The best news is that you and Ms. Pat are okay; bless both of you and thanks for the many smiles!
Thank you for the time taken on your twice weekly blog updates. I read your blog with pleasure and affection. Your writing makes it seem as if I know you and Ms. Pat; you seem like family. Hopefully, my husband and I will have the pleasure of meeting the two of you. If you ever travel through west-central IL [we are approximately 50 miles from Hannibal, MO – Mark Twain hometown], you are more than welcome to ‘driveway dock’!
Both of you take care and God Bless. Give Ms. Megabyte II a hug from me! We are ruled by our spoiled cat ourselves..ha!
Dave & Dorma Robison
dnd2015 blogspot
We will miss hearing from you guys, send an e-mail now and then to let us know all is well. We'll be watching for you down the road.Sam & Donna...
We will sure miss reading about your adventures and hope that you will return soon. Take care, be healthy and happy and God Bless you and Ms Pat. Hope to cross paths sometime soon.
Mike enjoy your time off but hurry back. We will miss you.
Although you are only a few miles away it has been our blogs that have kept us in touch on a weekly basis these last bunch of years. Going to miss that. Being a fellow blogger I do in part understand your reason for suspending your blog. Sometimes other things take priority & sometimes enough is just simply enough. Been by a few times but no pick-up in the driveway. You guys are on a busy schedule which I have a feeling is now even busier. Is there a good time to catch you at home?
I like many of your other fans will greatly miss reading your blog. Thanks for taking the time to do it all these years. We'll take your suggestion and look forward to getting an email when you post it again.
Have a nice sabbatical and if you post something, the automatic feed will pop it right up on my reading list... Do tell us when you go back to SD as we will be wondering if you are safe and sound....
Will miss your blog but readily understand. Prayers for you and Miss Pat! Happy Hatter and Jim
Niles and I will look forward to talking with you both this summer.
Have a nice sabbatical leave. I'm sure you will have loads to tell when your back online, or till we see you in July. Take Care. Aloha,Niles and Deb
I know how you feel we are just starting out and have already felt the burn out. We will be watching if you come back. Take care
I too will miss your blog. I did put my email address in the notification box. But yours also shows up automatically on my side bar also. Lord Bless you both more than abundantly
enjoy the suspension!! be happy and do what you want, when you want...we will miss reading about all your adventures.
Thanks for sharing ..... The time and effort it takes to keep your blog current are appreciated by so many...... Enjoy the change of pace and the break in writing ..... Hope to hear from you when the time is right..... Be safe and have fun !
I understand not wanting to feel like you HAVE to write your blog! I will surely miss it though and wanted to let you know that every Sunday and Wednesday I was always ready to read what you had been doing. Enjoy your "Blog Vacation" but please don't leave us hanging on to the edge of our seat, wondering what you are both up to! Thank you for giving us all a little arm chair traveling. Bless you both.
Miss you already! Thanks so much for what you have done. You have helped me consider letting John purchase a gun for me...and to take lessons.
Enjoy your time with Ms Pat and Miss Megabite. We still just might get to North Ranch to visit someday.
Will miss your blog but readily understand. The time and effort it takes to keep your blog current are appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to do it for all these years. We will sure miss reading about your adventures and hope that you will return soon. Blessings to you, Ms Pat and Ms Megabyte2.
I remember reading your blog several years ago and found out that you were getting some service done on your coach and friends of ours were also getting service done on their coach at the same place/time and I told them to stop by and meet you as I thought you and Pat seemed like real nice folks, The Howeths, Alan and Joan. It's interesting how you will follow people on blogs and then get to know them in real life. We hope to meet you and Pat one day. Until then we have been following you on your blog. I will miss reading your blog but will look forward to the day when you will make another post. It will be like getting back in touch with an old friend. Until then, safe travels and Happy Trails...
Mike & Pat I know you both were involved with the blog and I am sure you know that many travelers both enjoyed and received good info on your blog. You have an excellent way of making us feel we were right there with you on your adventures. Enjoy your time together and with friends.
Gonna miss the blog but I sure understand.I could of never done it.Keep
in touch pard.Hi to Pat.
see ya
(Thanks Fuzz,,,,hugs to both of you!) Mike
Dad, Sorry to hear about the blog.. it was a long enjoyable run, and very well done.
your son
(Thanks Son, that means a lot to me) I love you very much!!
Well I for one will miss your updates Mike, but I too know how hard it is to find new and interesting material for a regular posting. I find that lately I just post when I have the urge. but different strokes for different folks. Enjoy spring here in Arizona and I am sure you will enjoy another in Custer, if we don't hear from you before that.
From a friend and follower:
A happy Easter to you and Pat. Wonderful when folks understand what this time is about. May you ad your family and friends feel the love of His sacrifice today.
Sure miss your blog, and Rollie and Gina's
Guy Cobham
Bellflower, CA
Thank you so very much Guy,,,,,The same to you and your family....
God Bless
Oh how I miss your blog!!!!
Oh how I miss your blog!!
Will miss your blog. We don't post much when we are home or working on projects so we understand. Hope to see you in SD. By the looks of the weather there we will be taking our time getting to the Rapid City area.
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