Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the day in 1941 that brought the United States into World War II.
That was a long time ago. I was only 6 years old. I can’t say I really remember the day it happened but I can recall the years following. Communications sure weren’t that good back in those days. We lived way out in the Sandhill country of Western Nebraska and of course, didn’t have TV and maybe not even a radio. It was 45 miles of dirt roads to town and the mail only came twice a week. So, we weren’t well informed but then, just as now, news traveled remarkably fast and I’m sure my folks knew about it. The thing I do remember is how all my uncles started going away to war. Memories……..More memories..

I started looking back through some of my old pictures to see if I could find any pictures taken around that time. I don’t have many pictures anymore but I ran into this picture of my Dad holding me. It was taken in 1935…..not too many months after I was born. Little did we know that the Japanese would bomb Pearl Harbor in just 6 years!!

I was a few months older when this picture was taken of Mom and I sitting on the "teeter totter" at the old Country School… Mom was a beautiful Lady. Notice the "windmill" in the background. I love windmills!!!

Fast forward a few years to this picture of our family taken in about 1950 or 51. It is the only family portrait I can remember taken by a "professional" photographer. The little guy there is my only sibling, my little brother Richard. This picture brings back lots of Memories. What makes me sad is I’m the only one still around. We lost my brother over 14 years ago when he was just 53 years old. Mom and Dad both lived until they were 89.

This is a 5 Generation picture on my Mother's side. I don’t remember the exact date it was taken but that’s my oldest son Mikel sitting on his Great-Great Grandmothers lap and he was born in in April of 1955. So I would say the picture was taken in the Fall of 1955. I do remember it was taken in Alliance, Nebraska. That’s my Grandmother sitting next to me, then Great Grandma Rochford with Mikel sitting on her lap and my Mom on the end. Again, I’m the only one still around in this picture. Lots of times I ask myself WHY me but I have discovered that you just don’t know the answers to some things. God seems to have a plan and none of us know the real answers.
Still we all have lots of Memories…………some bad but most are good. One thing for sure, we must all go on! Our loved ones would want us to!

I picked this up from my good friend Art F. and I think it pretty well sums it up……….Life Goes On.
That’s all the old photos I will show you today………. more again another time. Old pictures are fun. They do make me sad sometimes but I wouldn’t take anything in the world for them!
It is a GREAT WEEK!!!! As we remember Pearl Harbor and the men and women who died fighting for our country.
Thanks for stopping by……..Come on back Sunday.
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
What a beautiful post. Thanks for the memories.
Wonderful blog with beautiful photos.
My dad's brother was at Pearl Harbor that day. He is actually in many of the famous pictures from that day. He survived and told unbelievable stories of that day. What a day to remember!
Enjoyed the post, thanks for sharing the pictures and some of your memories.
Been following your posts since we decided to full-time when we retire, LOTS of great information. Anyway, we currently live in Lincoln, NE and our youngest son is a junior in the Lincoln Southwest High band. They are at Pearl this week to play at the memorial today! Very cool indeed.
As always, an excellent post.
Thank you for sharing your photos with us. My husband and I were only 4 months old at that time but we have heard many stories of Fathers,Uncles and friends that served our country during that time. To them and all who are serving and protecting us now, we thank you. God bless and keep you safe.
Betty and Joe
Nice blog.
I grew up in Hawaii. Moved there 26 years after Pearl Harbor. It is a big day there (imagine how New Yorkers feel about 9/11). I know, unfortunately, that most of the country does not remmeber Pearl Harbor (the last few years the news channels do not even mention Pearl Harbor Day) but growing up there, I will never forget it.
I, really, enjoyed your family photo's. I like looking at those, thank you for sharing.
Sheila :)
very nice blog and excellent pictures..in my books theres nothing like memories..its so nice to have family photos..I love old pictures..with all the new fangled cameras today I often wonder if the younger generation will ever have albums of pictures like we have or will they have to use a computer to look at their family gatherings. have a super day
Your family photos look so similar to some of my own. Hairstyles, manner of dress, b/w photos, even the furniture was similar. It's nice that you can remember good times with your kin, and there's a reason you're still around. Enjoy every day! And thanks for sharing your memories.
Thanks for sharing your story and those great old pictures. It's too bad that time dims the memories of these historic events and they are not emphasized in schools so much anymore.
It's wonderful to have those photos to still be able to look at them. With full timing, it's hard to keep everything on board so I've got a lot of mine in storage. Need to preserve them before it's too late! Thanks for sharing your memories. They sure trigger a lot of memories for all of us in different ways....
Life does, indeed go on!..cherish the memories!
Always nice to see the old photos Mike. Most of us are fortunate in that someone took the time to take the photos years ago or we would not have all those great memories of the way we were.
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