(click on picture to enlarge)
These two pictures were taken exactly one month apart. The photo on top was taken the day after we arrived in Retama Village and parked on our new lot. Pat is discussing with our friend Jack Mayer some of the different options on finishing the Coach House. Everyone is doing theirs a little different and there are lots of decisions to be made. Our plans were to just get the electrial work done this year. First thing I knew we were making trip after trip to Home Depot, Lowes, the Tile place, the Paint place and every which place. It was a lot of WORK! Work that I do not like, never did like, still don't like and never will like!
However, it does surprise me when I stop to realize the progress we made in a month.
This was our list when we started,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and what has been done:
6-TAPE & MUD----------------DONE
7-CEILING PAINT-------------DONE
8-WALL PAINT----------------DONE
10-TRIM WORK---------------
11-FINAL PLUMBING---------
8 projects completed and 4 to go.......... Not bad for a Month. We'll keep you posted as we continue. Stay tuned.
Over 100 pictures on my Web Album here:
More pictures here
Scroll down to the bottom to see the latest pictures........
Projects are going a little slower right now and the holidays are upon us. Thanks for stopping by and drop in next week.
Its a GREAT DAY!!!!!
(keep those comments coming)
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