Gina was running towards us as fast as she could run and Rollie was a short distance behind her. It sure was GREAT to see them. After some good old “southern” hugs, they came into our "New 2 Us" Motorhome…. They had just seen pictures of it and were excited to check it out.
We had so much to talk about. We sat down and listened to all the exciting things they had seen up in Montana and Canada during the last 5 weeks. We told them all about our “hunt” for our new RV and our trip south to Texas.
Gina presented us with these beautiful “hand etched” glasses that she had done personally for us.. She does good work. Her talent simply amazes me. One glass has a Cabin and the other has a Moose. These glasses were made special for our "Cabin in the Hills". Thank you so much Gina, are so thoughtful and they are beautiful!!
Thursday it rained almost all day. Then just before “Happy Hour”, the sky began to clear. We had some "special” guests come and join us.
Barry and Cindy (last name removed by request) were in the area and we invited them over. They are waiting for the Buffalo Roundup at Custer State Park, which is Monday (tomorrow). They are our very first Foretravel owners to visit our little piece of Heaven. They are long time Foretravel owners and I learned a lot about our new “travel home”. Everyone enjoyed meeting them and we will see them again soon in Colorado Springs, Co. at our FIRST Foretravel Rally.
Friday, Rollie, Gina, Pat and I went to Rapid City for many items that we needed. A trip there nearly always takes ALL DAY!! However, we hadn’t been there for several weeks and we needed a lot of life's necessities.
Saturday (yesterday), we all went to the big Buffalo Roundup Art’s and Craft’s Festival in Custer State Park. It is an annual event and since we hadn’t been there for several years, I was amazed at how BIG it had grown. WOW, there must be triple the Craft’s booth’s they had when we worked in the Park. I was impressed…… Plus, the weather was absolutely beautiful!!
Here we all are at the Crafts Festival. That’s Dale Bruss, Me, Ms Pat, Rollie, Gina and John and Michal Bagley. You can’t quite see them in this picture but there were several Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep in those trees right behind us. See the picture below:
There are lots and lots of booths with some mighty fine handy work. It was enjoyable seeing all those beautiful creations, many made by local crafter’s. Here are a few: (click on pictures to enlarge)
Here is Rollie trying out a hand carved Walking Cane. Looks pretty good doesn’t he? All he needs now is a “tin cup”!:-)……
There were dozens more. They even had live "local" entertainment going on all the time.
We spent about 3 hours looking everything over and most everyone picked up a little something to their liking. It was a great day with good friends enjoying this wonderful world out here in the Beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, our summer home for the last 15 years. We have loved every minute of it. Praise the Lord for what he has given us.
When we got home and had some lunch, Rollie and Gina went to Hill City to look around. I decided to take advantage of such enjoyable weather and crank up the Harley for a little ride in the Hills!! My riding time is getting short. Ms Pat saw me "leathering up" and decided she would like to go. It was a nice pleasant 50 mile ride. I don’t know why but when I ride in these Hills it just brings out my inner thoughts. I have lots of flashbacks, have a little time to talk to God and to both my boys that I miss so much. It is precious time to reflect on many wonderful memories. I sometimes get a tear in my eye, but nearly always have a "smile" on my face!
Sunday: This morning it’s off to Church. This will be our last Sunday for Church at the Crossroads Church in Custer. That’s kinda sad because we enjoy our Pastor Neil so much and have made so many good friends in the Church. That’s one of the hard tasks in this lifestyle we have chosen and love.
After Church, it's home and back to work. We still have many, many things to do in preparation of leaving. It will be much easier now that we have our “Kid's” here to help. Thank God again and again for sending them to us.
It's only ONE week from today that we saddle up and ride on down the trail and head South for the winter. Next stop will be Colorado Springs for the Foretravel Rally Oct 4TH to 9TH. Then on to the HDT (Heavy Duty Truck) Rally in Hutchinson, KS. Oct 10TH to 16TH. From there we'll go down to Nacodoches, TX to Motorhomes of Texas on Oct 19-20TH. Then we will mosey on down to the Texas Valley in Mission . This is always just a tentative schedule, as nothing with us is written is stone. Any or all of it may change.
Thanks for stopping by……Please stop again.
Be sure to take a look at Rollie and Gina's Blog for more pictures.
It was a GREAT WEEK!!!!
This Blog is published every Sunday and Wednesday..
Ok Pop's, I would have beaten Gina but I was driving and someone had to stop the truck. LOL We sure are enjoying being back with y'all. Had a great day with y'all yesterday. We cannot wait to see the round up tomorrow. Love Y'all, Your Kids
I think you are going to miss some rallys the month of sept. is about over???
CAB Woodinville Wa
Thanks CAB (anonymous),,,,I saw that mistake just before I published, then I went to something else and totaly forgot to correct it...Even Ms Pat my proof reader missed it... Thank's for bringing it to my attention.... I;ll try to do better..
I have corrested it now,,,,,
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