This is a shot up into the back of the unit where he was installing the line.
Here he is after he just crawled out. Now that’s not a very big hole to be climbing in and out of, but he says he does it all the time. That’s Chester helping him down. Chester says “Yep! David is my man!!"
This is our parking spot. We like it up close to the building because we have excellent WiFi plus great electric and water hook ups.
Here we are inside the shop in one of the many bays…
This is the customer lounge. Neat place. Ms Pat just loves the furniture here. She would like to take it to our new home in Arizona. We have a "western" theme at the Arizona home, so this furniture, lamps, etc. would look great there.
One of the things I really like about it here is that they will let you go back into the shop area and talk to the mechanics but we try not to bug them any more than necessary. Not many shops allow that any more.
This is David Robertson, Owner of Motorhomes of Texas, congratulating me on our new purchase and welcoming us into his “Family”. David is a super, nice guy and really treats his customers right. He assures us we can call his service department for questions and troubleshooting anytime and gives us a 10% discount on all parts and will ship them to us.. He spent many years working for Foretravel at the factory. Most all his employee’s worked at Foretravel previously before coming to Motorhomes of Texas. Several I talked to had worked at the factory for up to 19 years. They work on all makes of coaches, but they really know their Foretravels!
This is Mel Cordray. Mel is in Sales and is the guy that introduced us to Foretravels. Mel is one of those guys that it is just good to know. He is always by our side, caring for our every want and answering all our questions, walking us through everything step by step. Thank God for Mel. We love him to death..
This is Jason Haskins, Business Manager. Jason is the one that takes your money. He also looked out after us and graciously allowed us to move out of the Motel into our Foretravel, even before he had full access to the funds we paid him. A neat, young local fellow.
This is Chelsea, the Receptionist, Greeter and Secretary. She helped Ms Pat mail out several PressurePro systems while we were here and even loaned Pat her computer and printer a couple times. She even "kitty sat" Megabyte for us so we could take a tour of all the motorhomes on the lot.
That’s just a few of the neat folks here at Motorhomes of Texas. There are many more in the service and parts dept, shop and all over the place. Thanks Mike, David, Chester, Seth and all the other service guys that worked so hard on our new home.
We have enjoyed our stay here and they have us about wrapped up. It looks like the ice maker is putting out cubes now, so we’re all set. We will probably leave out tomorrow and go a short ways and stop for the night so we won’t be too far away in case we need something else. They have really fixed every little and big item that we asked them to. We can’t say enough good things about Motorhomes of Texas. They have all made this a remarkable experience. Before we depart, they have assured us that they will fill our tanks with diesel and propane. With that, AWAY WE GO!!
Remember I said God had a plan for us and it would work out. As Gina says “Have faith Pop’s, our Father in Heaven will take care of us”. Well, my Dear, you were most certainly right. He did just that....which further strengthens my belief and faith. I sure do miss my Gina. That girl really looks out for her ole' “Pop’s” and gives me more hugs, love and encouragement than anyone ever has before....Ms Pat says she is "spoiling" me. :-) Plus, she keeps me on the straight and narrow. Both her and Rollie are Angel’s sent from above, that's for SURE. I can’t wait to see them.
It's a GREAT WEEK!!!
Thanks for stopping by. God Bless you all!
PS: Mark and safe on your trip to Custer. We'll see you in a few days.
This Blog is Published every Wednesday and Sunday..
I'm glad you've gotten everything fixed and are on your way. I couldn't believe the small hole the guy got into to fix the icemaker. Wow!
I'm anxious to see some more pictures of the interior and where Ms. M decides to sleep!
You sound like a kid on Christmas morning! :) Makes me smile for you both. What an absolutely beautiful coach. It's HUGE! :)
You gave a really great review of the dealership, I'm sure they are on cloud nine right now.
Our best to you both.
Safe travels,
Sure looks like a nice friendly place to do business, that's terrific. I can't believe that tech was able to crawl up into that refrigerator space! Good luck with the rest of your repairs and hope you're on the road home soon!
You're good to go! Congratulations again, and travel safely!
We are so happy for you and Mom. Gina is a wonderful girl if I say so myself. She stole my heart a long time ago as she stole your heart too. Pop's you mean so much to her that words could never adequately describe. Her faith in God is so strong as you are well aware of. Our Father has a plan for all of us. All we have to do is listen and trust Him. We Love and miss y'all. Travel safe and enjoy your trip back to Custer. We'll see y'all soon.
Love Y'all,
Your Kids
Sounds like you've had a great experience with those good Texans. Happy trails and be safe on the road.
We are so glad all things have worked out so well for you and Pat.
It certainly sounds like the folks at Motorhomes of Texas are doing business the right way. Isn't that wonderful!!!!
You all drive carefully as you begin your journey in your new and gorgeous Foretravel. :-)
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)
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